Viewing the 'Off on a Tangent' Category
February 14th, 2025 at 07:28 am
Our dishwasher broke down. I swear if one more thing goes wrong after this I'm going to go a little bit sideways. Seriously, between the car repairs, as well as all 8 tires plus one spare tire, the roof, the bathroom, the furnace being replaced, and now the dishwasher, which will probably take what I have just scraped together to rebuild the start of an emergency fund with, I dont' want to take it anymore.
Our garbage bill has gone up by $13 a month. They are forcing us to have a green bin and it has no option of only going out once a month at a cheaper rate as opposed to twice a month at a more expensive rate. With garbage we have the option of every week, every other week, or once a month with a sliding scale. Now we can only do recycling every two weeks instead of every week and it all goes in one can, including big cardboard, which we now have to cut down into pieces small enough that they won't get stuck in the can and keep all the other stuff from coming out when the truck comes for it. So they won't take big Amazon boxes on the side anymore.
But it is the forced payment for the green bin that irritates me. We compost most of our green material from the yard, except weeds, and most of our food, except bones and citrus peels. You can put takeout food boxes in there since ours are either cardboard or biodegradable in WA state, but we no longer generate that really, either. We can't opt out. I mean, you can give them back the bin, but you still have to pay for it. They are doing it because they aren't making any money recycling anymore in America because we don't have the facilities anymore and they can't sell it out of country for profit anymore. The only place they can make money is composting and selling the finished compost back to the county.
Except I've made the mistake of buying their compost before and it is full of little pieces of plastic, glass, rocks, ribbons, sticks as big around as my thumb, invasive weed seeds, and it was full of shelled snails. It was obviously compost that never got hot enough to kill weed seeds or snail eggs. So it wasn't even finished compost. Years later we are still trying to get rid of the horsetail and the shelled snails that came in with the load of county compost. So I am not thrilled with paying them to make compost that they then want to sell when they do not even do it properly. Or screen it which you are supposed to do to sell it as compost and not soil.
Some yards are too small to even generate enough yard waste to fill a bin, certainly not in the winter time and also don't have enough food waste either. It's just crazy. These things are the same size as a large garbage bin. I don't know what they are thinking. On top of that since we are on a sewer system, most houses have garbage disposals for their food waste. Okay, that is an awfully large rant for $13 a month, but with all the other bills going up, I did not want another $13 a month disappearing from my wallet, especially at a time when we decided to send another 1% to the 401K. I think I may have to reverse that, though. I was hoping, but seeing how much it actually took out, I don't think we can manage it after all.
On top of all of that, I've had bronchitis, pnuemonia, and now the flu without a break. I have been coughing since October. And to top it all off, I lost my voice yesterday, which was my 55th birthday, so I couldn't even talk on the phone to the people calling to wish me a happy birthday, such a bummer. And I looked like crap from being in bed so I didn't want to do video chats either. The chocolate cake was good, even if it did have a Valentine's Day heart on top. Story of my life, being born 2 days before Valentine's Day, but I so wasn't making my own cake.
I did get some great presents, though, that will make my life easier, so that is the good. My kids got me six yellow kitchen towels to replace the white ones that were getting dingy. They are bright and match the sunflower curtains I got last summer for the kitchen window. Then they got me a bag bag, for putting plastic grocery bags in. We get them when we forget our reusable bags or when we get take out, which is not so much anymore, and for our produce bags, and this will keep them all in one place.
I reuse the produce bags for all kinds of things, so even if we end up not having grocery bags anymore, I will still have it for that. It has sunflowers on it and matches the curtains nicely. Then they got me a paper towel holder made of cast iron and it has porcelain sunflowers on it. It stands up and I'll be using it on the table, since I have one on the counter already. I do a lot of meal prep at the table and I don't like having to keep getting up to grab a paper towel if I get juice or blood on the table in the middle of cutting stuff up.
My mother did a bunch of my canning for me, which was such a help. She can't really afford to buy people gifts anymore, so she does helpful things instead. I made up a bunch of beef and onion broth and then some chicken broth the other day and she canned it all. I hate baby-sitting the canner and it was three loads worth. And tbe promise that she'll do more canning for me.
My mother-in-law got me a 7 quart enamelled cast iron Dutch oven in an ombre blue. It doesn't quite match my 5 quart one because they don't make the same color in the 7 quart, but it is a color I really liked as well. And it is made in America. I will be able to make some huge one pot meals in this, including putting pasta or rice in huge pots of sauce, so I can do dinner, plus individual tv dinners for the freezer from one cook session. She also got me a large stone that I've been wanting for the garden. It is really heavy and is about a foot wide and 8 inches tall and is carved with the sentence, "Nothing is Written in Stone." I've been wanting it for a long while because it fits my sense of irony perfectly.
From my husband I got an enamelled cast iron covered casserole dish. It is made by an Italian company and is actually made in Italy. I couldn't find one I liked made in America, but at least it wasn't made in China. I will buy Chinese if I don't have another option or if it something they came up with in the first place, but I prefer to buy stuff I cook with from elsewhere. At home or from one of the five other countries that make really good stuff. It came in this really pretty blue color and it is what we ordered, we double checked, but they sent us this really ugly mud brown color, so we will have to send it back and get the one we ordered. I was disappointed. I was looking forward to making enchiladas and mac and cheese in it and lasagna and baked ravioli. And now I won't have to use aluminum on top, since it has a lid. Hopefully, the replacement won't take long to get here and they won't mess it up again.
He also got me a 3 quart balti pot. It is shaped like a wok, but flat bottomed and the handles are part of the cast so no parts that can break off. It is used in Pakistani and Indian cooking traditionally. They didn't have the color I wanted anymore, so I had to choose between charcoal grey and ugly, so I got charcoal. I do wish they had had the turquoise, but oh, well. It is also cast iron and enamelled. I can use it like a wok, but it will be nice for making curries. I can either do a slow one on the induction cooktop or a faster food version as the balti pot is intended for on the gas top stove. It'll be nice for whipping up stir-fried rice or a quick shrimp and veg dish at lunch, too. In fact I will probably use it most for shrimp and veg dishes at lunch.
I am trying to get away from aluminum bakeware and cookware as much as possible. I do still have stainless steel pots, which I am keeping, but I have been slowly switching away from things that have proven to be less safe or unsafe over the years. Even utensils. I got a couple of bamboo whisks to try and a big wooden spoon that it long enough to use in the Instant Pots without burning my hand when I use them to make stew or chili and not as pressure cookers. I also got a stainless steel spaghetti claw for use in the metal and enamelled pots and a wooden one should be here any day now for the two pots that we can't use stainless steel in. I still have silicone spatulas and I won't get rid of those. As far as we know, silicon is still save, but I am working or replacing everything that is plastic.
My husband also got me a meat slicer so now I can cut up my own meats and cheeses. We will be able to save so much money now, buying stuff from the restaurant supply store and cutting it up ourselves, and then vaccum sealing the extra cut up meats and cheeses for later use. And I also got some egg molds for use on the griddle. I can make 6 round eggs at once, like the kind you get in Egg McMuffins at McDonalds, so we can batch cook egg muffin sandwiches for the freezer and egg biscuit sandwiches as well. We have a giant electric griddle so should be able to cook sausage or Canadian bacon on the side as well. A normal sized electric griddle might not fit these molds as they aren't the little single egg ring situation. They are these ones: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09R53PL6C?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title&th=1 so quite large on the griddle space.
I am going to have fun with all my gadgets. I know a lot of women might be annoyed with kitchen stuff for their presents, but I love to cook and these are the things that I wanted. Oh, and he got me a little poster that has been my computer background forever and a tin plate that will eventually have a home in the garden on one of the gates when we finish getting our fence built. It says, "Some girls are just born with the garden in their soul." And it has a cute picture on it. So all and all I am feeling rather spoiled.
Also, techinically good, I have kicked the caffeine habit again. Hopefully, for the final time. We have only eaten out once in February and my MIL paid for it. Gluten free pizza is expensive, but it was good. It is the only day we will eat out this month. We are going to try really hard to stick to one day out a month for the rest of the year unless we have to go to Virginia Mason Hospital in which case we don't really have a choice. But that is usually only twice a year for a couple days at a time.
Another good thing is that on my blood test on Monday all my levels were incredibly good. And my glucose was 88. 88! My last glucose was 123, the one before that 118. So I have to say that this Jardiance is really working. I am so happy. I'm sure getting away from the out to eat food has helped a lot with this, too. I will go back in four weeks and get tested again.
My weight loss has stall, but it has not gone back up. The steroids really messed things up and they haven't wanted to move even though I've been off them a while now. But I am going to try to drag myself out of bed tomorrow and go grocery shopping with my son so we can get some vegetables, chicken, shrimp, clean pre-seasoned rice mixes, and gluten free noodles into the house. I want to make some stir-fries so that we have some good food, but something that it won't take me long to throw together or cook. I am tired of not having it together lately. My husband has been doing his best, but burgers and steak fries and spaghetti can only be eaten so much. I want better, healthier food, so I can feel good again and maybe beat this illness and also start losing weight again. Pasta and hamburger buns are not helping with that.
The paycheck was deposited a day early so I was able to get all the banking done today. That was nice. Since the repair guy will be here tomorrow DH is working from home. Hopefully, my son and I will be able to get to the restuarant supply store and maybe to Winco. Maybe just one. I really do not to get fresh veggies. We are down to carrots, onions, potatoes, and celery. Maybe radishes. And a handful of oranges for fruit. Definitely not enough for the week.
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Off on a Tangent,
Just Rambling
February 2nd, 2025 at 12:21 am
I've been chipping away at putting money in the emergency fund and I realized that I forgot about the money that I keep in the credit union at home for easy access in case of an emergency that happens that I don't have time to wait for money in the online bank to get here. That savings account also has any overage on money I save for other stuff throughout the year.
For instance I put $75 a month into savings for the garbage bill, which only comes every 2 months, not monthly. Divided in half, each month is $73 and some change, so the extra just stays in savings. I save $200 a month for insurance so I can pay the 6 months all at once and get the discount instead of paying monthly, but it usually just amounts to $185 a month, so that extra stays in there. And of course there are dividends. So I reconciled my savings today with what I am saving for, which is car insurance, house insurance, property taxes, and it has $75 currently for garbage, and everything else is Emergency Fund.
So the total in there for the Emergency Fund is $1965.17. Usually I only keep $1500 in there, but I haven't reconciled the extra in a couple of years, so I guess it has built up and I didn't pay attention. I might have added to it here and there with some rolled coin during covid when my other credit union was on limited hours. That is where I normally deposit rolled coin and then transfer the money to the online EF.
I saved $85 from the grocery budget this pay period and was able to do a roll of quarters $10 and a roll of pennies 50¢ for a total deposit of $95.50 to the online EF, bringing the online EF to $393.91. The total EF between the two accounts is now $2359.08. That is an increase of 2274.71.
Retirement has been going gangbusters since the 10th of the month. It was trucking along for the first ten days doing nicely as it has been since October, but boy did it take off on the 10th of January. And it was a three paycheck month, and the company got all three contributions in by the 31st for once, so those are in there, too, and I am not even counting those in the crazy goodness, but they are in the total. I am nauseously optimistic that it will continue, assuming nothing too crazy happens. Holding my breath on that one.
So the total increase in retirement this month is $10,105.00 exactly. Taking out the contributions, we have $5800.31 left that was not our contributions. The gains made from 1/1 to 1/9 was $901.22. Then from 1/10 to 1/19 it was a gain of $1954.86. Then on 1/20 to 1/31 it was a gain of $2944.23. I was thrilled. This brings total retirement between the 401K and the IRA to $209,534.57, taking that total over 200K for the first time.
I don't normally say the amount of our static retirement account, just have it added into net worth, because it doesn't gain interest, just yearly lump sums, but if I add that to the above retirement account, the total is $276,174.31 giving us over a quarter of a million dollars in our retirement accounts alone.
I did want to mention here that I just bumped up our retirement contributions today so that on the next paycheck we will be sending 18% of DH's paycheck to the 401K instead of 17%. The goal is to max out the 401K this year and maybe even get a bit in the catch up amount. I didn't do it earlier, because I didn't know what a regular paycheck amount was going to look like for 2025.
And with it being a 3 paycheck month, I wanted to make sure what the regular paychecks were going to look like before I made the decision on whether or not I wanted to bump it up 1% or not. Then they decided that the first paycheck was going to be the one they didn't take the insurance and other stuff out of just the taxes and 401K insted of the last one like they normally do since they put in new payroll software at the start of the year and they wanted to make sure they did the new tax year software right on a 3 paycheck month while they could correct it, so it wasn't the one to go buy.
Then I wanted to make sure both of the next two paychecks were the same, which they weren't. One was two cents higher than the other, so I took the smaller one and used that as my base and then went and figured out how much more would be taken out if we upped our contribution to 18%. And it is $80 more. This year's paycheck is already $30 less than last year's because of higher tax withholding, which sucks. It is a state thing, though, not a federal thing. So our check will be even lower, but since we aren't eating out we have more money in our budget anyway, so it will be fine.
And hopefully DH will get a COL raise of 2% in July. And there should be a ton more work coming in with Trump in office as the refineries move forward with work that had been put on hold for the last four years. One of our local ones was in the process of retrofitting one area to process used cooking oil into biodiesel fuel when Trump left office and had to shut it down when Biden went in, because he shut down a lot of refinery stuff. Even something like this that would be helpful to the environment.
My husband had been working on the plans for it, so maybe they will get that back again. Plus a lot more actual oil work when the fields reopen. And there are other things that were put on hold with the refineries, that are already in the works, including more stuff to protect the environment and make the refineries more efficient. I foresee a ton of overtime starting in a few months. Not sure if I am thrilled about that, because it has been nice having DH home more, but the money will come in handy in saving up for fixing the bathroom and in rebuilding the EF. Well, that was a tangent.
So calculating the new amount of net worth:
$10,105.00 Increase in Retirement
+_2274.71 Increase in Emergency Fund
$12,379.71 Total Increase in Net Worth
$299,243.58 Old Net Worth
+_12,379.71 Increase in EF
$311,623.29 New Net Worth Amount
So I've cracked $300K in total net worth. Hitting some major milestones here and it feels really good. My next big goals are to hit $500K in net worth and $300K in regular retirement funds. I think taking it $25K chunks is good for now, unless things just race up super fast with the stock market. It would be nice, but as fast as they race up, they can fall down, so you can't rely on anything to be there forever.
I am just hoping to make up for some of the losses of the Covid years. We have just been really starting to in the last few months. Now if feels like someone has put their foot down hard on the gas pedal. Which is okay as long as we don't go so fast we smash into a tree.
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Off on a Tangent,
Organize My Life,
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
October 20th, 2023 at 11:22 pm
I am thinking about saving up to buy land. I mean, once the EF is saved up for. So in the future. It's kind of a dream. Not necessarily land to live on. But maybe some land in the county with one cleared acre, where we can put in a cistern and a greenhouse with guttering that harvests water through a series of filters and into the cistern. Then we can grow a big garden and always have the water to water it without tapping into city water. Getting a permit for a well is very hard right now, and expensive, but there are no permits needed for a cistern or gathing rain water. I'd also like to build a roof over it, with guttering to collect more water and make one end an RV shed. If the cistern is out of sight, it is out of mind for any drone flyovers, just in case there are any bad actors out there.
I'd like one of those giant greenhouses that look like hoop houses, maybe even two. We could grow so much more food there. and it would be protected from the elements and extend the growing season. We could put up shade cloth easily when it got too hot and run fans and in the fall we could keep it warmer by battening down all the windows and moving to just planting down the center. There are also even propane heaters if we wanted to try to grow into the cold part of the winter, but I doubt we would do that, since the roads are pretty impassable in the area I'm thinking for at least one month of the year. But growing 9 to 10 months of the year would be great. And we could put gutters on that for rain water catchement as well.
And I'd like to have a big pond and looping creek waterfall, with both a pump built and a solar fountain. The pond we could stock with trout and have an automatic feeder. And it would have the natural bog section for filtering out all the fish poop, that you don't go into, and we'd add water flowers as well as flowers and plants along the banks and rocks. Not quite a tropical paradise since we arent in the tropics, but there are some amazing grasses and other style plants that grow here that look very tropical and they even overwinter. And then there are some tubers like caladium and elephant ear hostas that you have to dig up and overwinter inside, but they are so worth the effort. Lilies you can leave right in the ground and there are some that look very exotic.
Eventually we'd put in a septic tank when we could afford to so we could have a hookup for a small shed with a toilet and sink in it, maybe even a shower if we went swimming in the pond. We would use solar to heat the water. Meanwhile, we'd build an outhouse in the woods and keep a bucket of lime and some hay or straw to throw down the hole for proper composting. And it is not hard to set up a solar shower/washing station to wash your hands with.
And the very first thing we would do when we got that land, before we did anything else would be to plant fruit trees, fruit bushes, and their pollinators. Fruit trees take the longest to produce food. 5 to 6 years to produce fruit, so you have to get them in the ground the minute you move somewhere. And I'll want a couple of Willow trees if there is a body of water to sustain them and I will want flowering pink cherry trees and flowering dogwoods planted along the driveway into the property so that when they are big enough they will form an arch over the driveway.
And maybe one day build a fully accessible house to my exact specifications, big enough to fit a wheelchair.
Will this ever happen, I don't know. Land is getting more and more expensive, which is why I'd like to buy some here sooner, rather than later. Otherwise, I'd have to move away from the coast to get a really good deal and I love living here even if the politics are not something I agree with. I can't move to a place that there is not proper access to a high level medical facility or a really good ER in a regular hospital. If I don't have both of those I risk my daughter's life and probably mine, too. The cheapest places to live don't tend to have Viginia Mason, Swedish, John Hopkins, and the like.
So maybe this will always just remain a pipe dream. Like so many of my dreams that came screeching to a halt the day my daughter slipped on those rocks and fractured her skull and changed her and our lives forever. But maybe we will find the right place already built. Because fixing up this place once we fully own it outright is not something I really want to do. I really just want to start over with a house that isn't over a century old with a basement that doesn't flood in bad rainstorms, because I can't climb down the stairs to turn on the pump anymore. And I'd like a house with modern wiring that is up to code. I just want that option.
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Off on a Tangent,
Just Rambling
June 25th, 2023 at 10:12 pm
Last night I started a ten day process on getting the freezer full of individual frozen dinners for me to have ready to heat and eat like TV dinners, only homemade. I am eating healthier by avoiding takeout now. I have always read ingredients and have been having some of the cleaner, healthier geared ones, which are still full of sodium, something I have to be careful with. If I cook it myself, I can avoid putting in a ton of salt and if I make it gluten free, I can avoid a lot of the fillers put into food.
I cup up one of the store bought turkeys that was in our chest freezer. We had bought one for Halloween and one for Christmas, but of course we got hit by Covid the week of Thanksgiving and I was still pretty sick the week of Christmas, we all were still exhauted and dragging, so we cancelled both holidays except the gift giving part at Christmas where MIL came in to our house and she and my mom kept a nice safe distance across the living room from us.
Anyway, cutting up a turkey is a lot harder than cutting up a chicken or a rabbit, but I got most of it done. It was worth it in the end because it was an organic turkey with no ingredients other than turkey. I did have to have my husband come and split the breat in half, because I chose not to keep it whole and I chose not to filet it. I like roasting them, and in order to fit them in our little pressure oven, I have to cut them in half or they will touch the ceiling. I keep the skin on and the bone in because it gives extra flavor to the bird. Then after it cooks, I will filet the breast meat from the bone and slice it.
I did the legs, thighs, and neck last night for dinner and there is a lot of that left, too, and enough drippings to make stuffing and gravy. So after I put one half of the turkey breast in to pressure roast, I'll start one of the Instant Pots going with two of the back pieces that were quite meaty, the wing tips, and some other scraps that came off, cover it with filtered water, and seasoning, and make stock.
Then I'll prepare my stuffing on the stove and put it in the oven for an hour (yes, I know it is technically dressing when it isn't inside the bird). While it is baking, I will make gluten free no salt gravy with lots of herbs, while my husband makes a box of Instant potatoes (just potato flakes) for me (they do better in TV dinners). Then I will take a break for dinner while everything cools and then put the other turkey breast in to pressure roast.
After dinner I will start assembling turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy in the big compartment and either frozen green beans, or frozen mixed veggies in the small compartment. If I have one with two small compartments and one large, I'll put the stuffing in the second one. Frozen corn, and frozen carrots would work, too, if you don't mind the whole dinner being frozen carbs beside the protein. So would peas, but not in my world. Peas are meant to be an ingredient used sparingly in rice or soup, not an entire serving by itself.
By then the stock should be done and I can strain it into another pot. The bones can be picked free of any meat and then put back into the Instant Pot with the bones I saved from the thigh and leg meat. I will be using some of the broth for the liquid as I make the gravy on the second batch, since I won't have potato water from making the gravy and I will use gluten free flour, so the meals will remaining gluten free.
With any remaining meat, I will do turkey tip bowls and soup. You know how you have steak tips in gravy? Well, this will be turkey tips in gravy over mashed potatoes, with corn and cheese mixed in and then a green vegetable can be added like a can of green beans, frozen broccoli, or a salad, along with a biscuit or two. I will make some up and put them in the freezer so they can warm them up when they want them. It's basically a famous bowl from KFC only without it having crispy chicken in it. They like those. My version will be gluten free.
I plan to repeat this with meatloaf, a mix of roasted sweet potatoes, turnips, potatoes, and parsnips, and then for the non-root veggies, zucchini, summer squash, or green beans. I will vary the meatloaf between ketchup, BBQ sauce, meatloaf gravy, and plain. If I have some plain ones, my daughter can have one of those. These meals are mostly for me, but this way she can have one or two. She is the only one who can't fend for herself.
Now I have also cut the wings in half, so I have two flats and two drums from that. They are large enough for the drums to be two meals and the flats to be one meal, so I will fry those up to make three meals. I will season them with sazon and I will do sweet potato wedges and green beans for those. I will air fry those and then warm them up in the air fryer.
For another one, I am going to buy a bag of gluten free chicken strips that I like and fry them up and divide them into the TV dinner trays and add mashed potatoes and green beans.
I think if I have the energy I will make turkey and sausage meatballs with my sauce over gluten free pasta, bake it, and then put it in aluminum containers to warm up.
I'd also like to make up some steak tips in gravy, baby potatoes, and zucchini and summer squash.
My son has promised to help, but we all know how that goes. I just don't want to fall back on store-bought TV dinners (except the chicken strips, which are pretty clean). I don't want my family eating out, either, so I need to make sure there are family frozen dinners for them, too, like a ham dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans, cheezy ham and rice bake, turkey enchilada bake, a family size meatloaf dinner (in the freezer already), a ravioli bake (in the freezer already), spaghetti and meatballs, and taco mix, maybe some pizza blanks. Just enough to keep them going for a week to ten days.
I'll lay out recipes for my son and make sure he understands them and the ingredients he may need to buy, in case my heart is worse than expected and I take longer than a week to recover from this. He is a good cook and I've taught him a lot, but he tends to stick to stir-fries a lot because they are easy. After I am better, I will have my own individual meals for a while and I can serve them some of the things I don't like, like Chicken linguine Alfredo and not have to cook a second meal for me.
Eventually, I want to make enough meals that anyone can grab a TV dinner and eat it if they don't like the main meal or if no one wants to cook. Take out is expensive. Store-bought TV dinners are expensive. This way is the cheapest way to do it and I won't feel like the dollars in my food budget are just slipping through my hands or worse, the Citi card being used too much to buy takeout because we are tired or unprepared.
I do pay it off in full each month, but has gotten to be a bad habit and I am worried we are slipping further and further into bad habits and one day buying food like this might push us to the point that we will have a month where we don't have enough money to pay the bill in full. It's a slipperly slope. I still guard against that every day, but I don't think I am guarding as hard as I should be these days. It's a slippery slope and I need to get back off the mountain and go back to using the credit card only for automatic payments and at Costco for cash rewards, as was intended.
I need that extra money for other things right now, namely the bathroom rebuild. I know some of the spending can't be helped with my heart being so underpowered and my husband working so many hours, but I am just going to have to put my head down, take it slow, and try harder.
It's a nice beautiful day, so I am going to go keep my husband company in the garden and if I have the stamina, pull some weeds. The beans are surrounded and need some help or they will surrender.
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Off on a Tangent,
Meal Planning,
Just Rambling,
Organize My Life,
Medical Issues and Spending,
Towards Healthier Living
April 2nd, 2023 at 01:57 pm
I am going into April with a positive mindset, because nothing can be as annoying as March was. Everything broke in March except me. The microwave quit working. 2 of the jars of potatoes I canned after I came out of my episode detailed below had the bottoms fall off and make a mess all over both canners. They were 1976 jars so were old, but they've held up for a long time. I think I will have to buy new jars this year. My daughter fractured a bone in her foot, sprained both ankles, and hurt her knee and her hip in a fall when she lost her balance trying to kill a spider.
My son had a depressive spiral because the Adderall shortage means he goes 4 or 5 days every month without his medication, so withdrawal. You can only renew those meds 2 days before they run out because they are a controlled substance, but it takes a week to fill orders because the pharmacy can only get one shipment a week and it goes to whoever has it backordered first. It is screwing with a lot of people who have ADHD. So that triggered his BP disease and he went down dark for a couple weeks. And the government isn't allowing more of the medication to be made right now, because they suck and want to interfere with everything all the time.
Back to things that are broken. One of the electrical outlets quit working. And a giant tree branch from the neighbor's cedar tree broke off and fell on our swinging bench and broke the back of it. It was old and I was thinking about getting a new one or replacing the slats on the old one with something stronger, although the bathroom rebuild derailed that for this year, but still. Oh, and the plastic over the bathroom ceiling filled up with water and had a dead mouse in it, so we had to have someone come set poison out in the rafters because none of us can do it.
And we called the roofer to check for a leak and there was a loose shingle near a vent pipe, so he fixed it and put some sealing stuff around the pipe. 20 year warranties are so worth it. So just one thing after another. Hopefully the stuff put up there to keep mold from forming again works, because I hate to think the work that was done was undone by this stupid leak.
I had my first full blown manic episode in years. It lasted 3 weeks. I've had a day or two of mania here and there, but not the full on psychosis with hallucinations and delusions. I've never had it like that. I mean I've hallucinated with migraines, but that was only visual and it was just colors and auras. I've never heard voices or seen scary things. Usually I just have a ton of energy and creativity. The doctor upped my med by 100mg and I am fine now. My husband had a field day dealing with two BP people at opposite ends of the disease at the same time, poor guy.
There is one positive from March in that I hit the losing 20 pounds mark. No, actually there is two. My last glucose blood test was 100. 99 is normal, so just one point away. My doctor is really pleased with me, since I started at 139 and it has gone down so much with this diet. That really helps me say I am just going to will positivity into April.
DH and I spent a lot of time yesterday planning out the fencing for Garden 2 along with where the gate placement will go. It will have two gates, one on either side of the house. That will be the first priority, because it will have the foods most likely to be eaten by dear. The second priority will be fencing half of Garden 1 and putting in two gates there. While I would like to fence all of Garden 1, that will be a longer term project and we have cages that go over the beds there.
So we will have a big expense with buying the 2 x 4's and 4x4's needed for the fencing and a big roll of chicken wire (150 feet), which is cheaper than fencing wire. Wood prices have come down, but not as much as I would like, especially for treated lumber. Then we will need 2 gate framing kits and the 2x2's for the gate, plus wood for the frame, plus a cattle panel to cut in half to make archway's to put the frames and gate in. Plus I will need 8 more cattle panels so we can have a total of three rows of arched treillises. We have 4 already.
I've been saving a lot of money for the garden projects. I have $875 saved and once I go to Costco to get my rewards from my Costco Citi credit card, I will have an additional $898. The 34¢ will just go in the coin jar. So a total of $1773. My MIL has a check for me for $30, not sure why, but she is giving us all $30 checks, and of course every payday I add my spending money of $50 to the garden fund so it grows. I don't spend my spending money on anything. The garden is where I get most of my enjoyment in life. It's my hobby during spring, summer, and fall, so it is where my personal money goes.
If we need to we will spend the tax refund money on it, too. DH still hasn't done our taxes so I am not sure what our refund will be, just that we are getting one. We won't be able to deduct medical for 2022 as we didn't exceed the percentage needed to do so. We probably will for 2023, though. We did tithe 10% and contribute 15% to retirement, which helped lower our taxes quite a bit. This year we are doing 16% and once we are dong saving up for the bathroom repair, I'd like to up it a little more. Eventually, I want to get it to the point where we are maxing out the 401K and then using any extra money to put into Roth IRA's.
Or at least buy some solid dividend stocks. I'd like to buy more Louisiana Pacific, because the quarterly dividend has gone up consistenly in the last 2 years despite the stock market being erratic and before that it was nice and level at least. I'd like to get some other reliable dividend stocks like Coca Cola and other blue chips. I also wouldn't mind saving up a year's income in the Emergency Fund and for a vacation to Hawaii.
Of course I'm already saving up for a vacation to Hawaii. That envelope has a whopping $35 in it. My electric vehicle fund also has $35 in it. I know those are far future goals, but I am trying to put small amounts in there. When they get a big enough amount of money in them I will create sub accounts at the bank and transfer them in. I don't like keeping a lot of money in the house, except some emergency money in the ammunition safe I inherited from my dad, which has enough room for my budget binders, too, so none of my envelopes sit out.
We are going to have to buy or make a lot of tomato cages, though, since I plan on planting 30 tomato plants this year. Maybe more if I have the space. I need to can a lot of tomato sauce and I'd rather grow than buy tomatoes for it, since organic tomatoes are expensive. Since they are a dirty dozen food, I'd really rather have organic.
I have 4 aluminum raised bed kits that will be shipping mid-April. So far the shipping labels have been printed for 3 of them. I really hope they aren't waiting on the fourth one befor they ship. I really wanted to get another 2, but I am not sure I will have the money for it this year with all the fencing needed. It may have to wait a year.
The deer have been a real problem already. I had two really big, pregnant does standing in one of my raised beds a couple days ago. My raised beds are two feet tall. I don't know what the heck they thought they were doing. These are probably the same ones who were bedding down in my onions last year. It was the same bed. And they are leaving scat all over the back yard. I've almost stepped in it about 5 times.
I need to put the cages back on the beds, but the stakes that held them in place have wandered off so I need to find them. I'm sure DH took them for some other project and forgot to put them back. He is really bad at putting things back where he found them or where they belong. Tape measures are his biggest issue. We have 5 tape measures and they each have a designated spot. 2 in the house and 3 in the garage. Are they ever in their spots? Nope. I had to buy my own screwdriver set and keep it in my room, because he lost most of the house set. I don't let him borrow it.
I hope to get the fencing up before the deer decide to have their babies in my yard. I don't want to freak out mother or scare them away from their fawns. It's not overgrown back there this year, though, so it is far less likely. No places to hide. And we will be taking down the apple tree, so there will be no late fall source of food, either, to attract them back. Without anything to eat, hopefully they will find another yard to bother.
We will work on more fencing throughout the summer and fall and try to get the entire area that is currently in gardens and the area that will be turning into gardens in the next year or two completely fenced off. I don't think I will be able to contribute too much more money to the project this year. I am saving up for the steer still. I have $1470 and I want to have $2500 just to be on the safe side. It will probably be closer to $2200. I need it by July. Whatever I don't need will be rolled over into the bathroom rebuild fund, which currently has $450.
I may borrow from the Emergency Fund just so we can get the walls and ceiling put up, painted, the lighting and electric turned on, the ceiling fixture picked out, the flooring put in, and the sink cabinet and sink and toilet put in. And a new door, but that can probably wait a while. We double checked with the mold guy and he said he didn't detect any mold on the door. But it is very warped so eventually it will get changed.
Doing the shower can definitely wait. I'll buy all the tile at once, though, so that if they discontinue it, I'll still have it for the shower. We changed our minds on the tile design we want, though. We found something we liked better and it was cheaper, too. I am still looking to see if I find anything I like better, since we sitll have time. DH is building the sink cabinet and we want a new sink, not to put the ugly old one that my mother picked out back on. But that is not too expensive, I've priced the one I want. I'm still trying to find a faucet that I like, though. I might just go with a kitchen faucet instead of a bathroom one, because they have a nicer selection and it will be taller for a basin sink.
Well, that about wraps it up. After not posting for a month, I wrote a book.
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Appliance Antics and Household Purchases,
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Gazelles in Envelopes
November 22nd, 2022 at 05:50 am
I have about had it with my mom and the thermostat. She keeps jacking the heat up to 75°F. Last night it was like being in a sauna. You know when you are in that stage when you are too tired to get up and go halfway through the house to go turn it down, but you can't really sleep because you are boiling so you lie there and lie there and lie there until you finally force yourself to get up and then turn it down to 70°F because it is 38°F outside, and 68°F makes my arthritis act up in the winter (but not the summer, somehow?).
Then the minute she gets up she jack it right back up to 75°F because she's cold. And you want to know why she's cold? Because she sleeps with her bedroom window open, because if she doesn't she's too hot to sleep. Maybe the reason she is too hot to sleep, and so are the rest of us, is because she turns to furnace up to the temperature of when I first want to start using the A.C. in the summer.
During the day, if the rest of us are cold we put on long pants, long sleeved shirts, sweaters, and either slippers or shoes before we think about turning the heat up. My mom will wear her short sleeved shirts and her mid-calf pants, maybe socks, maybe not. She won't think about putting on better clothes so we can keep the furnace down. If we tell her to put on a sweater, she'll put on the thinnest sweater she owns. I mean, it's a spring cardigan that is so think you can almost see through it. She has thicker sweaters. When she sits in her chair all day watching tv she has a stack of throws next to her to pull over her when she gets cold, but she'd rather turn the heat up.
I just know when the gas bill comes she's going to throw the world's biggest fit about how high it is. She only pays ten percent of it, too, but you'd think she paid the whole thing by how she squawks about it. It's going to be bad, because natural gas prices have been skyrocketing even without her sudden need to this year to live in a sauna. She keeps this up and that bill is going to double and we can't afford that.
I just had it out with her that if everyone else is in the house is having to put on tank tops and shorts, than she is wrong about the heat and she needs to turn it down so people can wear regular winter clothes and she needs to dress appropriately for the winter. I know it is technically fall still, but the weather is winter weather here. She even has a little space heater that will warm up just her area and doesn't use a lot of electricity that she refuses to use because that takes up electricity.
I can't get it through her head that natural gas is a lot higher than electric right now, that it's not two years ago when it was the other way around, and that she needs to realize how bad things are going to be this winter with gas prices. Stuff flips around every so many years, and she says she knows this, but she still keeps jacking that thermostat up. And it'll be us making up the difference on the bill because she's on a fixed income.
Okay, end of rant. She just got me worked up today.
DH hasn't been feeling so good for the past few days. He called me from Lowe's Saturday night and said he really didn't feel good. He'd been fine when he left the house, but he had to stop after getting what we needed, wood glue, and couldn't go look and see if the had a couple more lines of Christmas lights that matched some we bought last year or to take pictures of any standees and text them to me. I said fine, get the glue and come home.
By the time he dragged into the house he looked like a different person. He insisted on fixing the wooden railing that he broke that leads up the short set of stairs from one part of the house to the other and then I made him go to bed. He's been in there pretty much since except to eat and he's barely been eating. A couple cans of cream of mushroom soup, a can of chicken noodle, lots of water. And sleeping otherwise. We had a couple covid tests on hand so I had him take one and it came back positive. So I took one and it came back negative, but my nose had some blood in it that got on the swab which can cause a false negative. I've just been dragging hard since yesterday, but I don't seem to have any symptoms but extreme fatigue. But the kids seem to be going downhill now, too. And we have no more test kits and I am too tired to drive to go get some.
DH is going to call the doctor's office tomorrow and see what he needs to do, since it is early enough to get on the Covid meds still, and they will probably want to do their own rapid test to confirm and then if they do and it does, I will call them, too, and ask if I should still come in for my appointment on Wednesday about blood sugar testing or wait and make an appointment for the week or two weeks after Thanksgiving. If so, that'll give me a little more time to lose weight.
And speaking of weight I have lost ten pounds. Today was a bit difficult because I was dragging so hard I did not want to cook. I resorted to instant mashed potatoes, microwaving a pack of gluten free brown gravy, using a frozen steamer bag of broccoli, and dumping out a jar of chuck roast into a bowl and warming it up and calling it good. It was not the most gourment of meals, but it had protein, low carb veg, and starch. I refuse to give up on my nutrition now that I have got my diet back under control, though.
No fruit today. I had grapes the past two days with dinner, just 12, and it just felt like I was eating straight sugar, within 5 minutes I felt light-headed and dizzy and like I needed to go lay down before I fell down. So maybe it is just the grapes and I need to try something else, or maybe it is fruit entirely. I will try a half cup of blueberries tomorrow with my dinner. If they trigger it again, I think fruit will just have to be a very rare thing. I can get everything fruit would give me from bell peppers and tomatoes and squash anyway.
We have cancelled our Thanksgiving. I may make it on Saturday or Sunday if I am feeling up to it, but Thursday is out of the question. It is too much work right now to do alone and I can't even drive to the store to buy the bread for the stuffing and I don't feel up to making 4 loaves of bread, either. 3 for the stuffing, because the loaves are smaller, and 1 to eat, because we are out of bread. I don't even feel like walking out to the garage to get potatoes, I'm so tired.
Well, that's about it. Good night, everyone. I'm going to bed.
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Off on a Tangent,
Beat the Heat or the Cold,
Towards Healthier Living,
Weight Loss and Exercise
November 2nd, 2022 at 11:42 pm
I know I haven't posted my payday report for last payday yet. I have it on the agenday. This is more of a brain dump, rant, food prepping/canning to save money in the long run, sort of thing.
I went through the grocery ads online this morning. I can't really do them with the paper in my hands anymore, becaues the mail delivery has gotten so bad that for an ad cycle that starts today, I have gotten them as late as next Monday, but it is usually Friday or Saturday. They should be coming in the mail on Tuesdays. I guess if they didn't have 20 pounds of straight to the recycle bin politician flyers to deliver for the past few months, not to mention Christmas catalogs no one ordered, maybe we'd get the rest of our stuff on time.
They didn't even deliver the mail on Thursday. I know because Mom put out a letter to be deliverd on Wednesday night with the little flag up and the flag was still up at 9:00 p.m. and our letter was still in there to be picked up. Then on Thursday we put the letter back out in the box and when it still hadn't been picked up by 6:30 p.m. took it back out and the mail showed up at 7:00 p.m. That was annoying. We didn't get any mail on Friday or Saturday and none picked up, so they are obviously not coming to even look if the flag is up for outgoing mail.
We ended up taking our letter to the post office on Monday, since we can't rely on our carrier. Our mail is supposed to be delivered by 2:00 p.m. according to the delivery schedule and has been up until September when it started fluctuating wildly. I put in a polite, but formal complaint, too. It should not take me that many days to try to mail a letter, it shouldn't take that may days to get the grocery ads, and I'm not sure we're getting all of our regular mail, either. I haven't got my statements from my one credit union that only does snail mail twice this year and Mom has had the water bill go missing once and the garbage bill twice. So I mentioned that, too. You hear about carriers just tossing mail when they don't want to deliver it. I wish they'd toss the political flyers, not the real mail.
Anyway, back to the grocery ads, there weren't a lot of good sales. I guess after two good weeks of sales I wasn't expecting much. There were a couple of buy one get ones where they don't tell you the price. I don't pay attention to those, since they are usually full price, they just jack up the price of the first one so it covers the price of the second. And I'm not going to make an extra trip to the store on the off chance I am wrong for a meat that I am iffy about to begin with.
So while that store did have a good salmon sale, it was for Atlantic salmon, which no, not when I live on the Pacific and that is so much better. And a decent t-bone steak sale, but not when I have very good sirloin sale steak in my freezer. There are decent produce items on sale, but I'm not sure it was enough to being me in. They had good pork items, but since I have half a hog in the freezer we have barely made a dent in, there is no point in that. So the main 3 stores are just meh this week. I'll have to buy produce somehwhere, but that's all I need to buy.
Which means I'll be going to Winco. I've been wanting to make it over there anyway, since I want to stock up on canned green beans and get 40 pounds of Roma tomatoes to make spaghetti sauce to can. If they don't have 40 pounds available I will take 20. I can get 20 more from another store if I have to. I also want to get some fresh peppers to make some chili this week and they have the biggest choice in peppers, and some cilantro. And they have bulk herbs and spices and wild rice blends. And everything is just so much cheaper there with that kind of stuff.
I plan to go to TJ's as well, to see if they have turkeys yet. No one is advertising turkeys and the one place I did see mention of it was with one store saying to order your turkeys now. This would be a store that normally would be doing one of those things where if you spend $150 you'd get a free turkey by now. So I'll look this weekend if they don't have turkeys. I'll probably switch to one of the back up plans, either the Cornish game hen plan or the duck plan.
Yesterday was the last day of the .99/lb sale for chicken thighs. It'd been selling out every day like crazy so every day we've gone it has already been wiped out by 9:00 a.m. Mom got there at 7:30 a.m. when they opened yesterday and was finally able to get what I needed, which was 40 pounds or 8 value packs. I figured I'd lose at least 5 pounds to skinning and deboning. It filled 3 gallon sized Ziploc baggies, so maybe more than that. At least I can use that to make bone broth.
It wasn't as bad with the chuck roast last week, which they at least had until 5:30, before they sold out, but .99/lb chicken is way easier to stock up on for some budgets than $3.99/lb chuck roast. The butcher says people are really worried about the gas shortages and whether or not truckers will even be able to haul food next week the way things are going, so they are stocking up like crazy. They are worried about even having fuel for their own gas stations over on the east coast by the end of next week for their store brand. We are more protected here because of the refineries, but even so it'll come here eventually if things don't change soon. Crazy times.
I spent from 9:30 p.m. until 1:30 p.m. skinning and deboning and cutting up the chicken for canning. I ended up sleeping in, because I am on day 2 of caffiene withdrawal, but tomorrow I will get started on canning the chicken and getting a bag of bones in each Instant Pot. I'll have one more bag of bones to do after that, but I will have some beautiful broth when I finish. It should be 21 quarts or so, but I am not sure how I will actually divvy it up yet. I know I want some in pints and some in 24 oz and some in quarts, so we'll see how it goes. I might actually divide the bones up into four batches. I think there is enough and then I could have 28 quarts' worth, however I do it up.
Pints are great if you just want to pop one, warm it up and drink it. Doing that was great for me when I was so sick I couldn't eat. All I could do was drink and barely that. It got at least a little nutrition and hydration into me. The 24 oz size is what I use in a batch of homemade enchilada sauce. 1 quart is what I use to make soup or to make skillet lasagna or sometimes 2 if I make a double batch. Sometimes I will make my pasta in it if I am doing it in the Instant pot. It makes a fantastic macaroni.
I picked that cucumber finally and one green and one yellow zucchini. The plants aren't dead yet, we haven't had a frost. There are still a couple veggies growing really slowly. The green beans did die when it hit 37, but they aren't planted two feet off the ground. We are still having days in the 50's with a few sunny hours between rain showers, so I guess I won't give up on them until they give up on themselves.
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Cutting Expenses,
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Grocery Shopping,
Emergency Living and Preperations,
Sustainable Living,
Towards Healthier Living
May 20th, 2022 at 04:52 am
Gas hit $5.29 a gallon cash price and ten cents more for credit cards. Diesel hit $5.49 per gallon. So the cost of food will go up even higher now. I hope you all have been paying attention to me for the last couple of years, but especially this year, when I told you to stock up on food, meds, and personal care items. I have not been wrong about this yet and it is going to get worse before it gets better.
Did you know that in Washington state they are uncovering an extra digit on the big digital gas signs with the amounts on them, because they are anticipating $10/gallon gas coming up? Some gas stations have run out of gas entirely. I hope they suspend the gas taxes here like they have in other states. We are not a living wage city for the most part and we are sprawled so it is not easy to get across the city on a bicycle or on foot and the climate is not conducive to it most of the year. The bus system is already packed and they don't have enough buses to run anymore of them, so they can't just add more runs.
Some of the McDonalds in my state are starting to offer $20/hour to help offset gas prices so employees can get to work. And you know what that means, right? The food there is going to go up to compensate. And it will go up to compensate higher delivery costs because of the gas prices. It's a vicious circle spiraling ever higher and out of control.
The same thing is going on at grocery stores and stuff clearly isn't getting delivered on time so sits in the warehouses too long and gets put out on the shelves when it shoud be chucked out. And we get to go through rotten, moldy produce to hopefully find something edible, when two years ago we would have turned our noses up at the very thought.
Meanwhile our infrastructure crumbles, our manufacturing isn't done at home so shortages abound, the Fed prints money out of air that we can't back up, and raises interest rates causing inflation to get worse, the stock market tanks, and our administration does whatever it can to sucker punch our energy independence over and over again and then blames the last year and a half on Putin and not their own policies.
Dustbowl states believe a new Dustbowl type of situation is coming and the lack of fertilizer won't help. There's too much rain except where their is too much drought. Basic supplies and animal feed are in short supply, meaning meat prices will go up a lot more and many will not be able to afford it anymore. Welcome to being a second world country, America, where you can't even find baby formula. If things don't change soon, this is the beginning of the New Great Depression, make no mistake.
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Off on a Tangent
March 2nd, 2022 at 01:10 am
I woke up feeling better today. I slept in until 11:30 instead of 3:00 p.m. and was far less stuffy. My voice still is scratchy when I talk, but my throat doesn't hurt. Let's hope it's not a false spring situation where everything is starting to bud and then boom snow, like last week. That's how this illness has been. I know it is technically still winter, but you get my point. But I got up, drank my water, and did my physical therapy exercises, plus some arm exercises I do to strengthen my shoulders. It only takes 15 minutes, but when I am well I do them twice a day, so I get 30 minutes of exercise a day. As I improve, I can start doing them 3 times per day.
After that I made lunch. And not just soup. I made stir-fry, which involves chopping things. I don't remember the last time I made real food not out of a can and I didn't even do much of that the last 6 weeks. DH did a little cooking, usually spaghetti, but mostly it was take out. And I could really feel how detrimental that was to my body. Not to mention how detrimental this has been to our bank account. I mean, if it wasn't for the overtime we wouldn't be breaking even. When I think where that money could have gone...well, I try not to, because that dog has already bitten someone.
After this recent bout of illness I am determined to change my health through proper nutrition and whatever exercise I can do. I can't continue on this way with my weight. I am literally killing my body. My nutritionist has said to cut out a lot of carbs, but fat from dairy, tallow, lard, schmaltz, duck fat, goose fat, or healthy oils is fine. So when we do get our pig, I will get and render the leaf lard. I'm going to make some ghee to make the butter shelf stable. My nutritionist says that the government did the USA a world of hurt with it's old dietary recommendations for diabetics, people with heart disease, and extreme obesity. That's why so few people actually got better on those diets and why so much more medical intervention was required. Maybe 10% improved with a low fat diet. I've believed that for a long time.
So I am cutting out sugar except on birthdays or holidays and replacing it with fruit, but only one serving of fruit a day. And lots of vegetables and good quality protein. If I have a starch it'll be a potato, sweet potato, winter squash, nuts, rice, or brown rice pasta. I'm not the biggest fan of rice, but the family does like it. Brown rice pasta is good, though and we have a lot of it to get through before I buy regular pasta again, if I can even find any. The store shelves have been pretty bare of spaghetti or anything other than a few boxes of elbow macaroni, according to DH. Pasta's not an end all for my family, though, and I can make noodles from scratch if I feel up to it.
I think I will try to avoid flour for a couple of weeks until the ball is firmly rolling and may then have it once a week in place of a starch, mostly so I can still have a slice of pizza here and there. Depends on how good I feel. I make a good gluten free pizza, though. Either way, I pile on the vegetables and meat and cheese on my pizza anyway, and roll it quite thin, so it is pretty balanced, and add a salad. In the summer I might allow corn, but it is extremely sweet and a grain so I'd have to be careful. I will allow corn tortillas, but limited to once a week or less.
I would also like to eat more seafood. We still have quite a bit of salmon and bags of spot prawns in the freezer that I need to get through before those seasons start up again and we'll have new stuff to put away. DH has talked about maybe going for mussels, clams, and oysters this year and and also get the add on for gathering seaweed. Seaweed is great in the garden when you are building new beds or for your compost heaps and is easy to harvest after a high tide as there is lots of dead stuff. It doesn't have to be alive like for eating, it can just be what washes ashore. He'll need to lose some weight, though, to be agile enough to do much of that.
One day it would be fun to go for geoducks, (prounounced gooey ducks for non-coastal Washington and Oregon people), which I believe is the biggest of the clams in the world. We'd have to buy a clam gun, though. Which isn't an actual gun, but you can look that up if you are interested in knowing what it is. It would be useful for other clams, too, but I'd have to look up the regulations on that. It might be allowed only for geoducks. My son would have to do the actual getting down in the sound and sticking your arm down the hole the clam gun leaves, but he says it sounds like fun.
I've been reading and thinking about growing my own peppercorns. The same plant produces white, black, pink, green, and red peppers. It depends on the level of maturity of the peppercorns. It can be grown indoors, so I am thinking of trying it in a pot this summer that can be brought in when fall starts. That may have to wait until next year. The next time DH goes out fishing or prawning, I will have him bring back a couple of gallons of salt water as I want to try making salt, too. As many spices and herbs as I can grow or forage, is what I think. Has the salt shortage hit your grocery stores yet? I have a good amount in my preps, but I want to know I can make it. My food storage may be great, but I can't think how miserable it would be without herbs and spices to season it with.
I have decided the family is going to eat like me or fend for themselves. We all need to lose weight and this is how it is going to be. I'm sick of their bad food habits dragging me down every time I try to get my diet under control. I won't buy junk. My son is on board. The others are paying it lip service. We will see. I don't want to fail this time. I can't afford to anymore.
Today was a beautiful day and 55 degrees F. I did take a short walk out to the garage and back. It doesn't sound like much, but it's a start. Maybe tomorrow I can do to the end of the driveway and back, weather permitting. That's even longer. I know that sounds sad, but for someone with two deviated discs in her lower spine, it's a lot of progress. And I'm back to no cane. So yay, me.
Also, I noticed the garlic was up about 3 inches and last week's snow didn't seem to do it much harm. It was only here a day, though. It looks like every single bulb I planted came up, so kudos to Fedco (for the Music garlic) and the grocery store (for the elephant garlic). There are only a couple of weeds in the raised beds, which I will pull next time I go outside. I didn't want to get my hands dirty and my garden gloves and shovel were on the porch.
I need to think up a meal plan with this new diet. Good, healthy, tasty food that doesn't make us feel like we are giving anything up. Tonight's dinner, at least, I know. Rib steak, yellow potatoes, and green beans.
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Off on a Tangent,
Emergency Living and Preperations,
When Life Happens,
Weight Loss and Exercise
November 13th, 2021 at 11:16 pm
The actual amount set aside for car insurance money each month is $167, but I had $36.00 in savings set aside for garbage since garbage is a bill that comes due every 2 months. Instead of transferring $167 into savings and then $36 out, I just put $131 in and used the $36 that was then already in savings towards the car insurance fund.
I have changed the amount of money I am setting aside every month to $45. Garbage collection has gone up. Not as much it appears, but when nephew moved out he left a lot of garbage behind. We had to get set out cans every week for a month instead of every 2 weeks. We ended up bagging up 4 more bags of it and taking it to his new apartment so he can throw it in the dumpster. I shouldn't have to pay extra for his trash when he has a way of disposing of it that is included in his rent.
At least it won't happen again since he is gone. But without extra cans the bill is now in the $82 range instead of the $72 range due to the rise. So I am putting aside $45 a month so I will have $90 with a little extra as buffer in case we do an extra can for our own as sometimes happens. Extra cans are $12 plus additional taxes. We only tend to have an extra can once in a 2 month cycle. The room nephew lived in is still a mess and he left a lot of his clothes in the closet that he will need to come and clean out. My sister did not raise a man, she raised an irresponsible little boy, who doens't clean, doesn't cook, and doesn't know how to get by in life.
My sister always figured he'd have a wife for that, but I don't know too many women in this day and age who are interested in playing Mommy to a grown man. I guess that is the difference in generations though. My sister, well, both my sisters are so much older than me they are boomers, and I am generation X. And my middle sister definitely has that women do everything mentality, cook, clean, bank, and work, while the men rest and relax in their off hours. Only nephew only had off hours while living here.
Anyway, that went off on a tangent. Here is the payday report. Remember I operate on a zero based budget where every dollar is allocated for.
$277.26 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
_500.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
_310.00 Monthly Family Chiropractic Plan
_118.18 Internet
_107.68 Garbage (Every 2 months
_131.00 Car Insurance Fund
__50.00 DH Spending Money
__50.00 My Spending Money
__60.00 DS's Allowance
__30.00 DD's Allowance
_163.51 Citi
$2772.63 Total Money Out
The actual amount set aside for car insurance money each month is $167, but I had $36.00 in savings set aside for it since garbage is a bill that comes due every 2 months. Instead of transferring $167 into savings and then $36 out, I just put $131 in and used the $36 that was then already in checking.
I have changed the amount of money I am setting aside every month to $45. Garbage collection has gone up. Not as much it appears, but when nephew moved out he left a lot of garbage behind. We had to get set out cans every week for a month instead of every 2 weeks. We ended up bagging up more of it and taking it to his new apartment so he can throw it in the dumpster. I shouldn't have to pay extra for his trash. At least it won't happen again since he is gone. But it is now in the $82 range instead of the $72 range due to the rise. So I am putting aside $45 a month so I will have $90 with a little extra as buffer in case we do an extra can for our own as sometimes happens. Extra cans are $12 plus additional taxes.
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Spending Journal,
Off on a Tangent,
Paying the Bills,
Organize My Life,
Is Budget a Four Letter Word?,
Gazelles in Envelopes
October 2nd, 2021 at 04:39 am
$277.23 Tithe
_132.00 Grocery Envelope
_310.00 Monthly Family Chiropractic Plan
_118.18 Internet
__36.00 Garbage Fund
_167.00 Car Insurance Fund
__50.00 DH's Spending Money
__50.00 My Spending Money
__30.00 DS's Spending Money
1601.98 Citi
We had a lot of money in the grocery envelope still from last payday, mostly because DH keeps forgetting to grab it before he goes to the store and uses the credit card again, so I just made up the difference of what I usually put in there and put the rest of this payday's grocery budget towards the Citi card. DD doesn't get spending money this payday or next because I didn't make it over to the credit union today so I let her use the credit card to make her planned purchase and to pay me back she just won't get any until the 29th.
Since DD's new adjustable full size bed frame was charged, and she needed it for medical reasons, the $500 I usually put towards medical each payday also went to the Citi card, since we charged that. Next payday's will, too. I also put the household money towards it, since I still have money in the household fund to meet needs in that category and we have enough toilet paper, shampoo, soap, dish soap, dishwasher soap, and laundry detergent for about two months.
The monthly family chiropractic plan went up by $30 a month. It has been five years since he has raised that, so it was not unexpected, especially since he warned me a few months ago it would be, he just wasn't sure at the time by how much. Internet has gone up by a penny the last few times, so I finally adjusted the budget template to take that into account.
We still have quite a bit left on the credit card, but we have paid more than the amount we needed to not have interest charged and it will be paid off by the end of this month, also before any interest is charged. It's just been such a rough month with me not being able to cook, but today we ate leftovers and I am trying again to cook tomorrow. My sacral illiac joint has finally decided to stay in place, so a lot of the excruciating pain has subsided.
I still have no stamina from having Covid again, and I hope the exhaustion I had the first time lifts sooner this time than last time. Every day is a little better, but no day is really good yet. I have to wonder how much worse it might have been if I hadn't been vaccinated. And had antibodies of my own. Even though I can go out in public now, I don't think I could make it through a grocery trip yet. So I just keep sending DH for necessities and we keep getting take out.
Tomorrow I will try something easy, though, which is pot roast and baked potatoes in the Instant Pot and green beans in the microwave. That is very little hands on time, other than seasoning the roast, washing the potatoes, and adding butter and salt to the green beans.
DH did buy me salad ingredients and the missing ingredients I needed to make Italian dressing, too. So tonight I will try to get the lettuce cut up, the carrots peeled and sliced, the radishes sliced, the red onion sliced, the red bell pepper sliced, and the cucumbers peeled and sliced. The cheese is already shredded and so is the chicken and I have cherry tomatoes from the garden that are washed. I did manage to put a chicken in the Instant Pot last night to make broth, but DH had to add the filtered water since carrying that much from the filter in the laundry room was still too much for me. Anyway, then I can easily throw a salad together. I'll make the dressing tomorrow. I think it is just trying to do it all in one go, which will be bad for me.
But I have to stop getting take out, not just for financial reasons. I've put on fifteen pounds since I got really, really sick in late July. It makes everything hurt so much more. And the soda I've been drinking to get some caffeine to counter the exhaustion also has been bad. So real, homemade food, and healthier food is a must now. I've just got to pull it together and force myself to do this.
DD had her ultrasound today and the results also came back today through the patient portal. I am surprised how fast they are sometimes there. She does not have a hernia or a limpoma or hematoma or a surface tumor, so no one really knows why there is a big round lump pushing her skin out there. One other possibility is there might be a tumor too deep for the ultrasound pushing it forward, but that should have showed up on her liver MRI in the beginning of August if that were the case, I would think, unless it was too far away, but considering where her liver tumor was located, I don't think it is. I'm not sure what the next step will be. We won't hear from the gastro place until next week some time when they review it. But the technician confirmed that she could see the bulge and it wasn't just our imagination. Or it could have just grown since that MRI in the last two months, which it definitely has, but what the heck is it?
I did get some good news, though. A disabled child can stay on DH's insurance after age 26, so we need to fill out some paperwork and so does her main doctor, but since she has all of the things, she'll qualify. That is such a major relief. She doesn't turn 26 until August of next year, but it has been something I have been worrying about for the last couple of years as diagnosis after diagnosis has come in. We will start the ball rolling to see if she can get on disability, too. That will help in paying the medical bills that aren't covered by insurance and give her a small income, too, so she doesn't have to rely on us for every little thing she needs.
She has at least 3 things that will qualify her for that, possibly five, but the secondary adreanal insufficiency is the big one that alone should qualify her for it. It's really just a matter of filling out the paperwork, being automatically denied, appealing once or twice, and then she should be able to get it. She's way worse off than the BIL who is on disability is, he only has the same disc issue she has, and none of the diseases.
The insurance was the real issue for us. Disability would just be nice for her. It would be enough to set aside for the electric wheelchair she will likely need in the next couple of years. Not sure how we'll transport it, though. Not sure we could afford a used wheelchair van. But that's a worry for future me to deal with.
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Spending Journal,
Off on a Tangent,
Paying the Bills,
Organize My Life,
Medical Issues and Spending,
Is Budget a Four Letter Word?,
Gazelles in Envelopes
March 22nd, 2021 at 01:50 am
My eldest sister moved out yesterday. Not without almost coming to blows with Mom. I say that, but I don't mean they would have physically fought. It was a pretty strong verbal one, though. My sister had a small stack of things she did not want to send with the movers and my mother wanted them to go with the movers instead of waiting a couple hours for my sister to come back and transport them in the car. Mom couldn't get it through her head that my sister didn't want to send her personal documents, jewelry, laptop, and other most special items with the movers and wanted to move them herself in her car. Some things you don't want to risk having misplaced, buried by boxes, or stolen. It's like she's trying to slam the door on her on the way out.
Eldest sis will be much happier out of here. Mom's been really petty and vindictive about her staying here even though she was invited to stay here. They just don't get along well and it isn't my sister's fault. She's never been able to get along with Mom since she hit high school on. Even at 61 she can't. I don't blame here, though. Mom picks at her constantly.
She will be living in a small efficiency apartment 2 miles away. It's a cute little apartment complex with one on the corner that always goes all out to decorate for the holidays. I love driving past there to see whatever new thing they've got up. Right now it is still leprechauns, but won't be much longer. Probably won't see anything else until they decorate for Easter.
Anyway, sis is safely out of Mom's war path and things seem to have settled around here. My nephew (from my middle sister) is still living here, but I think he is getting close to proposing to his girlfriend. She isn't allowed to live here, not even if they get married, so he would be moving out. He's not got a job, though. He has been living on his savings since he moved in here and could probably do so for another year.
I think he needs to get going on his life, though, get back into the work force., move out and marry this girl. He'll be 30 in April. We have fully reopened here, so it really is time for him to go get a new job. It's one thing when a sixteen year old wants to play video games all day, every day. It is kind of sad when someone his age actually does it for six months straight. He doesn't help around the place, which is mostly what irritates me. If you live in a household, you should contribute to it.
I have qualified for the Covid vaccine and so has my daughter, but not my husband and son. I'm not sure when that will happen though. DD needs to get a lumbar puncture soon due to issues with her spinal fluid putting pressure on her brain and eyes. And I will be having the full roto rooter now that I'm over fifty. I'm scheduled on April 20th. I should have had it done last year, but Covid happened. Not really looking forward to not eating for 24 hours and drinking that junk that makes me sick. I've had an endoscopy before, but never a colonoscopy.
I need to schedule a mammogram in there at some point, too. I haven't had one since I was 45. Once we know when the lumbar puncture is, we can figure out when to get the vaccine. Plus DH and I are going away for a little vacation on the 23rd of April to the cottage by the sea. I need to get away from here and recharge by the water for my own mental health. So it might not be gotten until May unless we can fit both injections around everything else. I'm not really in a rush unless they start requiring it to enter businesses or something. We go out so little, just to grocery shop and go to the appointments. But we will get it when we can figure out the time.
Or I may go sooner and we wait a little more for DD. Might not be a bad idea if we have a bad reaction and go down for a day like some people (my physical therapist had to go to bed for 24 hours after her second shot, but no one else she knows who got it has), to not do it on the same day so I can take care of her if it happens to her. People with autoimmune dieseases like us are a little more prone to that reaction.
I have to go and pick up my new lenses tomrrow for my glasses. They didn't measure right and the reading portion is so small I have to tilt my head up, but then look down through the bottom to even read. Either that or literally hold them up an inch. So no, that was getting fixed. I had to go back 3 times before they would do it, kept trying to adjust the arms to fit better, but it didn't. I do get one free remake with what I purchased, so hopefully nothing else bad happens. I had a lot of issues with the coating on the last pair. I will just be glad to have it sorted out and see if I can read comfortably again. If not, I may just get a pair of prescription reading glasses made with my old frames. But hopefully not and it will all just go well.
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Off on a Tangent,
Just Rambling,
Medical Issues and Spending
January 14th, 2020 at 02:35 am
I hate it when USPS flat out lies about attempting to deliver a package. Got an email 10 minutes after their supposed attempt to deliver. There are five people at home. Our road is free of ice. The driveway and sidewalk are shoveled. There was one person sitting in the room attached to the front door. The front curtains were still opened and you could see the person who was sitting there. It was obvious people were home from the three vehicles in the driveway. The door bell never rang and no one knocked. No attempt was made to deliver this package. This is not the first time this has happened, either. I hate when stuff comes by USPS because they are just such liars. I know the truth. They over-committed someone to deliver and had too much stuff and ran out of time. It's like they think we are stupid.
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Off on a Tangent,
When Life Happens
October 10th, 2019 at 04:17 am
Sometimes I get really annoyed with the online places I shop begging me to do reviews immediately. Amazon is the worst offender for this. Don't get me wrong, I will review products, but not two days after I get them. I want to use a product for at least a month before I review it. Take my sheet set for example. If I had reviewed it after the first day I used it, I would not have had the experience of the pillow case hem unraveling yet. I don't like to jump the gun. Sometimes they send you more than one review beg for a single product. SMH I do love the sheets otherwise, though.
I did sew up the pillowcase today. I just hand sewed it as it was only 8 inches. I also sewed up the little hole in the thumb tip of my stretchy turquoise gloves. I did it from the inside and you can't even tell from the outside. I was careful to use really tiny stitches so I wouldn't feel them rubbing against my skin.
It is amazing to me how many people don't even know how to sew up a small hole, a seam, hem trousers and jeans, or put a button back on. They don't have to know how to make clothes, but just to fix them would cut down significantly on how many things get thrown away for basic fixes. I've seen people throw out jeans for a belt loop that has come out on one side.
I think we really did a disservice in our schools when home economics was eliminated as a required course. Everyone should know how to do some minor mending of clothes, work a household budget, pay bills, and cook some basic foods.
Of course I feel the same way about shop class. People should know how to do basic woodworking repairs (work a drill, a screwdriver, a hammer, a dremel tool) and even some metal working (soldering and stamp engraving) so you can do some basic repairs and have a little bit of fun with things. They should know how to replace a lock or a door knob or replace a screw.
It's sad how much practical knowledge is missing from today's education. I've never seen dumber highly educated people than what is being churned out of colleges today. I mean, sure they can do whatever thing it is they studied for expertise, (well, some of them can), but they can't balance their bank accounts.
They have no idea what the Constitution actually says but are willing to spout off about what they think it says for hours (on TV or YouTube no less). They ignore science when it suits them but tout it when it doesn't, and selectively tilt their statistics by only interviewing people they know will agree with them, to make them mean what they want them to say and not what the numbers actually say.
They have no idea where their food comes from. Some don't even realize potatoes are grown under the ground or how meat is raised (I swear some think it just appears in the grocery stores by magic) or that most eggs are laid by hens that have never seen a rooster and therefore can't be a murdered baby chick. They couldn't sprout a seed in a paper towel let alone plant a garden.
They don't realize that when the power company says they are turning off the electricity for 5 days and has been warning them about it for weeks so you can stock up and be prepared, that it'll all be okay because they can just order uber eats. You know, from the restaurant that has no power to cook food either, using gas from the gas station that has no power to pump its gas.
Or they'll just pick up ice from the store (that has to shut down while the power is out because even if they could have their freezers and fridges on, they have no way of accepting payment on non-working cash registers), to keep their food in a cooler. That they have no way of cooking because they don't have a grill or didn't buy charcoal or propane.
Life smarts need to be taught just as much as book smarts. I hope this turns around, but I really don't see it happening. All we can do is make sure our own children learn and if they have kids, that our grandkids do.
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Off on a Tangent
March 7th, 2019 at 02:58 am
I'd say bah humbug, but that seems particularly a Christmas season thing, although quite frankly it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in this winter not so wonderland. It's not snowing as hard as last time yet, but it is sticking and there is about an inch and a half and no sign of stopping.
Most of the last batch of snow had melted a couple of days ago except for the huge piles that were plowed in grocery store parking lots. Now it starts all over again. I really dislike snow. I am not one of those people that looks out the window and thinks oh, how pretty. No, I am one of those people who looks out the window and says, crud (or something slightly, but not significantly, stronger), this is going to be a pain in the butt.
DH has been home sick for the past two days and even my mom is sick. Those two never get sick. I'm glad DH has sick time accrued and that things are not particularly hectic at work right now. The rest of us are sick, too. I had two days of feeling better and then went right into this runny nose thing with a voice that sounds like James Earl Jones is using me as a ventriloquist's puppet. I don't feel like death, I just sound like it. I think I am actually the least sick of everyone today.
I am more than ready for spring, but I don't think spring is ready for Washington state. Getting snow in March is a rarity, but we have gotten it as late as early April twice in my lifetime. I am so done with this. I want spring and I want it now, please and thank you.
We can't pick up the truck until tomorrow. All the work was done, but then a recalled part came in so they asked if they could keep it and do it in the morning so that we don't have to bring it in again. I just hope the snow isn't so bad tomorrow that we can't retrieve it.
We just got a notice on a recall for our 2011 Toyota Sienna on the propellant for the airbag, so we are going to have that done when we get the oil change for the van as well. Might as well do both at the same time. Apparently when the propellant gets old it can explode on impact and shoot metal fragments out through the air bag, causing injury and death. So apparently this has happened. Yikes. Weather permitting, we'll get this done next week.
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Off on a Tangent,
Vehicle Expenses
February 21st, 2019 at 08:31 am
Why do they have to put soy in everything? I mean, they are putting it in things like ice cream now. Even Alden's Organic Ice Cream has soy lecithin. When I pay that much for ice cream, I want it to be real ice cream. They are putting it in french fries. I am glad I found a french fry slicer at Value Village (thrift store) the last time I was there. I'll be making our fries from now on since both the store brand and the Ore Ida brand have soy.
It is in almost every convenience food. I am just so happy that the TJ's fish nuggets don't have soy. But a lot of TJ's food does, so I have to very carefully read the labels even there now. I think their fries are clean, but they are expensive and you don't get a lot. It's much cheaper to buy the 5 lb bags of russets and make my own. As long as I have DS's manpower to push them through the little machine.
It is frustrating to deal with an allergy in a grocery climate that seems to have gone soy mad. Products that were previously safe, like Lay's plain potato chips, now have soybean oil. It used to be sunflower or safflower oil. And yes, we don't need potato chips, but sometimes you just want to snack on a chip and I do get sick of it just being tortilla chips.
Nearly every bread has soybean oil in it. We have found Naked bread and Dave's bread which are clean of it, and of course I make our own bread often, but some days I just can't knead dough due to my RA. There's a lot I can't do on a daily basis anymore because of my RA. Crackers are ridiculous. And yes, I can make those, too, but some days I can't roll dough and I just want something for my soup.
I do cook 90% of stuff from scratch, but I like my 10% of processed foods for those days I can't, and it is looking more and more like it will have to be 98% if we are avoiding soy. Plus DD can't eat eggs, which is not quite as hard to avoid, but it does put a limit on what I can bake that she can eat, too.
Does anyone have a good waffle or pancake recipe (or both) that doesn't have eggs in it? And that actually tastes good without anything on it. Because I have made some that are virtually tasteless without egg. I don't want to have to dump a ton of sugar in the batter, although that may be the way I have to go.
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Off on a Tangent
February 13th, 2019 at 01:24 am
There's 18 inches of snow on the ground, and it is still snowing, but less consistently, which means that if I want a birthday cake I am going to have to bake it myself and I'm sort of the mindset of, well, ehh. Maybe peanut butter cookies as they are easy and I am already making bread. DH has been able to get out to go to work, but not many are able to get in. Some of the stores are closed, so even if I sent him for a cake, the stores might not even be open and I don't want him driving more than he has to right now.
Of course, this means we have spent no money since Sunday. Not that I planned to buy much, but I did want to get a new electric skillet and have the money in the household envelope for it. Those things really don't last long and the last one we got I was never fond of anyway, as it made a weird noise the whole time it was on. But now the coating is all scratched up. I have no idea how as we only ever use wooden or silicon cooking utensils in it.
I'm actually just thinking of getting one of those induction cook tops so that I could just use my cast iron pans or stainless steel on it and be done with this non-stick nonsense altogether. It costs twice as much as a skillet and I'd have to wait until the 22nd to order it when I put more money in the household envelope, but we've gone without for two weeks now, we can go another two, plus time for shipping. I've been considering doing this a long while. Since we just bought TP, body wash, and shampoo and conditioner, there isn't anything else I will be needing the household category for next payday except maybe tissues, so there will be plenty of money in there then.
Maybe I'll make cupcakes. I can do those in the Nuwave. Or maybe I'll just be happy with my bread and pick up a discounted Valentine's day cake the day after instead. They are always half price then. Or skip it altogether.
I'm not really that into it this year. I'm 49. Next year is more of a milestone. Although I did have one milestone of sorts, DH and I both did. They gave us the senior discount at the hospital cafeteria. DH is balding and grey and I haven't colored my hair for the last year or so, so my grey streaks at the front temples of my hair are quite visible (they used to be ash blonde streaks in a sea of auburn when I was younger). I didn't notice until I was looking at the receipt. So that was the first time we've been given a senior discount. Maybe I can order off the IHOP's senior menu now. They always have way too much food in the regular part, so I usually give DH half my pancakes and he orders accordingly. Not that we go there much anymore at all.
Sorry, this is so stream of consciousness today. Nothing much better to do while I wait for the bread to rise.
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Appliance Antics and Household Purchases,
Off on a Tangent
February 2nd, 2019 at 02:11 am
Despite the fact that it has been since July, it still feels strange to not get paid weekly. I mean, we budget for two weeks and it isn't like anything needs to be done during that time period after the bills are paid, but maybe that is the problem. I am so used to being hands-on on a weekly basis and now it is like it is set for cruise control and I'm there, but there is nothing for me to do unless I see an accident coming up ahead.
DH and I have started watching the Financial Peace University videos. We had started a while back and then life got busy. We decided to restart from the beginning and I am glad we did, because they have completely revamped the presentation. And what's really neat is that DH knows one of the guys in the video doing the testimonials. He worked with him up in Alaska.
We took a big step and cut up all but one credit card. DH is cancelling them, too, but the idea of cutting them up just seems so huge and something we have really both been resisting. We are keeping the one for auto pays, as I've had them double charge too often. Yes, they fix it in a couple of days, but if you double charge on a debit card and there isn't enough money to cover that, you get fees and it is such a mess to sort out even when it isn't your error. I feel more secure having the auto pays on a credit card for that reason.
Now you could say that we could just keep extra in the checking account, but we run a zero based budget, so that makes it difficult, as we don't keep a huge cushion in there. I know we can do it, but I'm just not sure we are 100% there yet. There is also the fact that with the debit card they can put a hold on your account. A hold on a credit card with a huge limit is not that big a deal, but a hold on money in your checking account is.
I know that I am justifying. I just think that when we only use it for travelling and auto pays and it is paid in fully each month, and we are as disciplined as we are, we can handle it. One day when we have enough money to have a large cushion again, we can go fully to debit, but that will not be until after the loan is paid off and we've saved at least 3 months of expenses. We will get there, but we are not there yet.
Personally, I want to do the part where you stop all retirement contributions until you are out of debt, because I think we'd be out of debt by the end of the year that way, but DH is against it. He's the one who wanted to do Dave Ramsey in the first place, but he doesn't actually want to "do" Dave Ramsey. Just the parts he agrees with. I get all his arguments, I agree they make sense logically, but I just want to be out of debt.
I don't mind doing retirement while saving up the full EF, but I want to be done with this debt. It frustrates me, because I feel like if you are only doing things halfway, it'll take twice as long, if not three times as long. I am so tempted to call Dave's show and ask him what to do about this. Of course he'll tell me to get rid of that last card, but he'll also tell DH to knuckle under to the plan. I think maybe some straight-talking from the man himself is in order. Or maybe I'll just email him.
We have been debt snowballing for as long as I've been blogging here. Not on the Dave Ramsey plan, just debt snowballing. And having a small EF. And it worked, but I don't think it worked as well as it could have if we'd been all in and had refused to take on any more debt (like the car purchases we made along the way). And we still aren't all in. We're 3/4 of the way in. Well, I'm 3/4 of the way in. DH is 1/2 of the way in. And while he is more of the free-spirit than I am financially, he still qualified as a nerd on the financial nerd vs. free spirit test. One more point and he'd have been a free spirit, though. I only had one free spirit point and seven nerd points.
In other news, I signed up for my Enbrel co-pay card. It should be here in a couple of days and then I can call the mail-order pharmacy and get the shots shipped to me. I am really hoping this will help me function better on a day to day basis. I'm not thrilled with the side effects of the drug, but the side effects of RA are at this point making it worth taking the risk to see if it helps. It may not even help.
In other, other news, the Girl Scouts are out with their super aggressive cookie sales and behaving as badly as ever at a store near you. I will be so glad when cookie season is over. Meanwhile, I will shop in the mornings instead of the afternoons, and see about making a small contribution to Campfire USA. I've never had a kid from there block the doors, grab my cart, and shout that I had to buy their cookies because they were almost at their goal. No, entitled munchkin, I do not.
I got the shower and tub cleaned today. I still need to do the sliding doors and the little shelves, though, but I will do those when I shower. It's easier. I used Barkeeper's Friend. It is amazing. We are keeping up with the kitchen so far and not letting it devolve into chaos again. Tomorrow's goal is to clean off the top of the bathroom vanity, clean the bathroom sink, and sweep the bathroom floor. Well, that's my goal.
DH's goal is to get the little section between the fridge and the cabinets cleaned out and to clean behind the fridge. And then if either one of us still has energy to take care of the armchair that has turned into a catch-all. We will get organized this year if it kills us.
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Off on a Tangent,
Bringing Down the Evil Empire,
When Life Happens
December 18th, 2018 at 01:18 am
The money made it safely back to our checking account from the PayPal hack. I am still pretty annoyed with PayPal for letting this happen in the first place. Now I can go ahead and write out the rest of the bills, the tithe, and fund the funds I need to fund from Friday's paycheck. I held off to be sure the money would come through.
I am checking the account daily for a while just to be sure everything is safe. I hate this feeling of violation. We are so careful with our finances. It makes me furious that other people, other companies, are not careful with our finances. We have worked so hard to keep our credit clean and never be late with payments and to see that put in jeopardy leaves you with a sickening, sinking feeling in your stomach.
Paypal is very useless with its customer service. We were just really lucky to be able to solve everything ourselves, because they have their heads so far up their collective nether regions when it comes to helping people it is ridiculous. We were told there was nothing they could do about any of it and they weren't going to file anything with their fraud department since the money was still sitting there. I mean, seriously, you'd think they'd want to track these things, but no. They don't really care at all. We won't be doing business with them again.
On the plus side, I am feeling better today than yesterday. No more cracking in my ears. I still am exhausted and needing to sleep a lot, but the runny nose is less today than yesterday. I hope to have shaken this off by the end of the week. It would be nice to be fully well before Christmas. Even though we don't really have much planned, everything will be low-key, it would be much better to not spend the day in bed too sick to do anything.
I am not sure if I will make my dietbet now or not. We had a lot of takeout while I was too sick to cook and the sodium made me gain a few pounds back. I am hoping it will come off with homecooking for the next week, but I'm not 100% sure I'll get there. We will be down in Seattle on Wednesday, which means we will probably have one meal out if things take to long. We will pack a lunch, though, and hopefully that will be enough if we don't get stuck in rush hour traffic on the way home. Her appointment is at 2:45 and will likely run an hour, so I doubt we'll likely be leaving right at 4:00. Not the worst time, but not the greatest, either, to be on the freeway.
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Off on a Tangent,
Medical Issues and Spending
November 28th, 2018 at 03:57 am
The diet is going well so far. Famous last words, though. It always goes well in the beginning. I've lost 5.6 pounds.
Yesterday I wrote 5664 words on the novel. That was two chapters, plus 882 words into the next chapter. The day before that I wrote one chapter of 2500 or so words. So after a 27 day stall I've put out 4 and 1/3 chapters.
I didn't spend any time on it today, mostly because my right wrist hurts, but I did spend a bunch of time watching writer videos on youtube. I am learning a lot. I've been writing for a long time, but I find there is always more to learn.
I think there are a few books I want to get on writing, too, but that will have to wait until I have more money. Or maybe that is what I can get from MIL. They are ebooks, though, so she'll have to give me cash. I'm not sure you can buy an ebook that is delivered to someone else. Maybe if we buy from my account and use her credit card? Anyone bought an ebook to be delivered to someone else?
I made a payment to the dentist yesterday for DH's crown. It was $473. I owe an additional $400, so will pay $200 this coming payday and another $200 the payday after that. Ugh. HR signed us up for the wrong dental plan, which is why the crown wasn't covered. We still don't know why the dental insurance said that it was covered at 50% during pre-approval, though.
We also have to resubmit a hospital bill to the insurance company because something went wrong somewhere. Another ugh. I wish people could just do their jobs correctly. We should only owe half of what it says. DH is working on sorting it.
All of the OT money is going to be eaten up, though. It's annoying. Just when we finally feel like we are pulling ahead we fall back again. And who knows how much DS's sleep study is going to cost. At least $1000, possibly much more. They kept him for a second day for further study so I am pretty sure that means they found something. His dad will be picking him up in about five minutes to bring him home, so hopefully they will be able to convey things properly. I am just too wiped out today to go pick him up and talk to them myself.
On the plus side, after getting further info from the doctor, the insurance company decided to authorize the enbrel. Now I have to find the paperwork she gave me about it, because it has the phone number of the pharmacy that mails the drug out and the info for the discount card. I kept track of it until it was denied the first time. I know I didn't throw it away, though, so after a bit of serious looking it should turn up.
DH and I got the HBO add on package for Hulu and have been working our way through Game of Thrones. He's watched it before, but I resisted due to the language, violence, and nudity. I finally gave in a while ago and now we are down to the last episode which we will watch tonight. Then nothing more until April. It is very good. There is more violence on The Walking Dead and I think there was actually more graphic nudity in True Blood.
I have also been watching Westworld on my own because I really enjoy the actors Ben Barnes and Evan Rachel Wood. But the amount of nudity in it is astonishing. I mean I know the robots aren't humans, but you'd think some of the human techs would be uncomfortable with people that look like humans just walking around like that all the time. I don't care whether you are human or a robot, if you have your stuff hanging out casually, it is going to embarrass me and make me uncomfortable. But the story is so good. I think it would be better without the gratuitous nudity, though.
I think HBO, Netflix, and a lot of show makers today could do with leaving just a little bit more to the imagination. The stories they are telling are intricate and could easily stand on their own and the majority of the language and nudity just don't further the plot. A good story-teller can convey it all without these crutches. They simply choose not to because they think shock value is more important in drawing viewers than the story. They are wrong. I am watching the story in spite of all that stuff, not because of it.
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Off on a Tangent,
Medical Issues and Spending,
November 16th, 2018 at 01:49 am
The good news is that at least the insurance covered the cystoscopy 100%. There will be ten hours of overtime on tomorrow's paycheck. It is earmarked for the medical fund, though some of it may have to go to pay for DH's crown since the dental insurance, which said they would pay 50%, denied it when it was actually billed. DH has to look into that and also see if he was signed up for the wrong plan and correct it for next year, because he needs another crown.
The dentist says we can do a payment plan, but I am not down for that. We'll pay outright with the OT if we need to. Fortunately there will be another 10 hours of OT on the next paycheck, too. Again all earmarked for medical. I want to build up the medical fund so that when the deductible starts over in January we have plenty of cushion to cover it. I had hoped to have the full deductible amount in there by January, but the dental issue may make that impossible.
TMI Medical:
Well, according to the urologist, there is nothing wrong with my daughter's bladder. No reason for why she peed blood for weeks and why it is still leaking. At least the bleeding has stopped. But the pain hasn't. I am going to call them tomorrow and see if there is a pill or something she can go on that might stop the leaking issue. Otherwise, I think they are done with us. Which sucks, because there is obviously an issue.
I am not sure where to go from here. I am still convinced she has endometriosis and it is strangling her organs from the outside. Endo does not show up on anything. The only way to diagnose it is to do exploratory laparotomy and they won't do that due to her weight because all the gyno surgeons in my state are chickens and more afraid of a malpractice lawsuit than failing to help their patients. And she can't lose weight due to the hypothyroidism and gastroparesis and adrenal issues.
Having dealt with endometriosis myself until the hysterectomy at 33 and knowing that her paternal grandmother also had it before hers, and knowing that they now know it runs in families and since she has all the symptoms, I am pretty darn sure. I just don't know what to do about it. I mean, she did just fine with the gall bladder surgery even though it had to be in the hospital instead of the surgery center so it isn't like surgery can't be done on her. It's an issue of won't.
We have gone to specialist gynocologists in Seattle and they won't do it, either. All they want to do is give you a pill or an implant and send you on your way. But that doesn't always help. It might prevent new stuff from growing, but it doesn't make the old stuff go away and stop strangling organs if adhesions have formed on them.
The endocrine doctor suspects PCOS, but since her pain was never confined to ovulation, I think it is endometriosis. They have many of the same symptoms. When I first was diagnosed, they tried to push PCOS, but I knew what I had based on the limited research I could do (pre-internet, y'all, I used books). And I was right. And I am 99.987% convinced I am right this time. But being right doesn't matter if doctors can't be bothered in treating you because of your weight.
My mother is still not speaking to my son, which is making the house extraordinarily peaceful. She is acting just fine with everyone else. DS is actually relieved. She can't argue with him if she's not speaking to him. We'll see how long that lasts. She'll need him to do something for her sooner or later and I'll push it if she tries to get DH to do it instead, but not before that. I'll say he's too tired and she needs to ask DS instead. DH has been working a lot of OT so it is true.
She needs to stop with the silent treatment. It only punishes her, not her intended target, and it is outright childish. And it only works as a weapon if it bothers the person you are doing it to. I think she wants him to apologize, but since he isn't the one in the wrong, I'm not going to make him. She needs to be the one to do it, but I can count on one hand the number of times my mother has truly apologized for something she has done, so I am not holding my breath. And by truly I mean saying she is sorry for what she did as opposed to I'm sorry you feel that way, which is not in any way, shape, or form an apology. It's an apology dodge. And she doesn't even do those ones often.
This is going to bug me for a bit, but whatever. I am not going to fix it. They may be my monkeys, but this is not my circus.
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Off on a Tangent,
Medical Issues and Spending,
When Life Happens
November 15th, 2018 at 02:31 am
My mother keeps making snide remarks to my son. I have told her in the past that if she has issues with something she needs to talk to me and DH about it, not bring DS or DD into things they have no business being in.
Well, for years she has thought we weren't paying our fair share of the utility bills. Now I know we have been overpaying our share all along. Not because she would show me any of the bills, though, but because I found them and went through them on numerous occasions to make sure we were actually paying enough. I never wanted to be underpaying and made sure we never were.
She was complaining to my son about it yet again, so he said fine, to give him all the bills, and he was going to work it out mathematically, and for some reason she did give him the bills. He added everything up and divided it by five. And sure enough, we are overpaying by $96 a month. And that is for winter numbers. In the summer we are overpaying by close to $200 a month.
And I don't care about that. I know she has a limited income and I've agreed to pay $500 a month plus pay for the internet and the garbage in full. That is our agreement. But now all of a sudden that it has been proven to her that we are actually paying most of her share (her recent contribution to a month of utility bills was less than $35), she can't complain about it anymore. Instead she is picking other fights and bringing up old things that were long ago settled in her favor and that she agreed to move on from.
But she's not doing it with us, she's doing it with DS. I keep telling him to not engage. All he has to say is "Grandma, I don't want to argue with you." And keep repeating it. After saying it four or five times, he needs to say, "Grandma, do you just want to argue? Because I don't, so I'm leaving now."
But instead he keeps engaging. She is not someone you can engage with, because if you do, she then goes into martyr mode if you prove the opposite of her point with logic. It's basically if you don't agree with her opinion than she's never going to speak to you again. Although this only holds until she needs help with something, like getting stuff down off medium and high shelves (she's 5 foot 2) or carrying things in from the car or something goes wrong with her computer. Then she's talking again.
When you refuse to engage, though, it ruins her fun and it drives her crazy. However, it works and she stops doing it. My son can't stand to lose an argument or walk away from one, though. He doesn't understand that it just makes everything worse and then she ends up lashing out at the rest of us for no reason.
She likes to throw out comments like, "I'm sorry I ruined your lives." And I'm just like, "What? No one thinks that." We think she makes our lives more difficult than they need to be, but no one says that to her. We think she makes her life more difficult than it needs to be, too.
She just gets ideas in her head and then thinks they are right, like that we haven't paid enough on utilities, even though we have always overpaid. I don't think she'd be happy unless she was paying nothing and we were still overpaying so she could just keep the extra money, to be honest. But I still don't care, because $500 is what we agreed on. It's gone up as we've lived here as bills went up, which is fine, it is also what we agreed to.
Maybe she's embarrassed because it has been proven what she's been thinking is wrong or because she knows in her heart that she is actually taking advantage of the situation and does this to try to shift her guilt. I don't know. I don't feel like she is ripping us off because we pay the amount we agreed to and I have always felt if she needed that little extra help, it was fine. What I'm not okay with is being harassed over something that is not true and then her switching to something else because it was proven not true. Especially when it is something she claims to have let go of.
The woman has a special talent for driving me crazy. I have a special talent for not letting her see that she is driving me crazy. Which drives her crazy. My little bit of revenge against the crazy, I suppose. I wish she would just grow up already. Too bad you can't tell your mother that, but I am too tired to deal with the kind of shenanigans that would invoke. It all has to slide off. I need my energy for me. So I vent here and not with her and keep the peace. I always keep the peace. Stoic in the face of unreasonableness. Steadfast in having the truth on my side. And petty enough to know it will all drive her right up the wall. You have to have something, though, right?
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Off on a Tangent,
When Life Happens
October 4th, 2018 at 03:46 am
I made it through my super long day of three appointments, but the minute I got home from the last one around four o'clock I put on my nightgown and curled up in bed. DS asked if I was going to sleep and I said no, I was just done with clothes for the day. There is comfort in my big, comfy nightie and since I had nothing left to do for the day, other than make dinner, it was good.
I managed to write 4500 words last night and about 1000 so far today, though I hope to get another spurt in. My plot took a twist today that I hadn't planned but I am really thrilled about and I am eager to get back to it, although it may not be until tomorrow. There is only one thing on the agenda for tomorrow, so I should be able to get in a few hours.
I went with a super easy dinner tonight. I have two pounds of wild Argentinian shrimp in the Instant Pot and some Yukon Gold Potatoes in the Power Pressure Cooker XL. The shrimp only takes one minute from frozen once it gets up to pressure. I threw in a bunch of butter and garlic with it. I could have put in some wine as well, but I was being lazy and not wanting to look for the corkscrew. Since I only rarely use wine and only in cooking, it tends to fall to the bottom of the drawer and finding it means intense reorganization that I was so not into today.
I have to say I really love two electric pressure cookers. When I have something so fast that I can get on the table and the later cleanup is easy as can be, it just makes my life so much easier.
In my down time I am currently binge watching Pretty Little Liars. I am finally on season seven and eagerly awaiting the outcome, but I have had to give myself a limit of episodes a day so I can get my writing time in. So I guess I am only semi-binge watching. Then I'll go back to slowly getting caught up on Doctor Who via disk since Netflix doesn't stream Doctor Who anymore. I am a few episodes into the second season of the 12th Doctor, so I am quite a ways behind.
Even though I am super tired due to lack of sleep last night, I feel better today than I did yesterday, although it may be a false euphoria from my writing mania. Either way, I'll take it.
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Off on a Tangent
July 3rd, 2018 at 07:33 am
DH got a letter from the IRS today saying that someone had used his social security number to gain employment. They don't give out any specific information because apparently their system doesn't keep track of who used it, just that it was used somewhere that didn't jibe with their information on him, i.e. someone from a different state while he's earning in this one. They really ought to track that better.
This is not the first time this has happened. It happened back before we were married in the early 90's. When DH lost his job due to injury and had to file unemployment it was something that popped up on his list of jobs. It got taken off at that time. It was someone working a job in surprise, surprise, California who was an illegal immigrant. It's probably the same situation this time. Irritating.
So I've taken care of my side of things, setting a fraud alert on my accounts and pulling all three of my credit reports and going over them, since all my stuff is linked to his. My stuff is all correct. I don't think this is related to the fraudulent credit card use last month, but we just don't know. DH still has a fraud alert from then, but he needs to check his SSA account and pull his credit reports as well. All of it can be done easily online, thank goodness.
I cancelled our AMEX cards today. I had been planning on it anyway, but this letter spurred me on to get it done. They did not want to let me leave, but were very polite. I just kept saying no that I wanted to cancel and that I didn't want any other perks or cards. Honestly, after the supreme court ruling on what they can do with their business practices, I don't think I could ever use them again anyway.
I know we still have to cancel the Master Card. Baby steps. It is hard letting go of our credit. I know that it is the direction we really want to go in, but I didn't think it would be this hard to give up the ones we don't even use. It is psychological. It did feel good cutting up the AMEX cards, though. DH is the primary card holder on the MC so he will have to take care of that one himself.
Then the question will be do we want to do the Costco Citi card or the Alaskan Air Visa. Since we are only spending cash at stores now, we don't really need the Costco card. But I do want to get my cash rewards from it. And it doesn't look like DH will be going back to work in Alaska again (things look promising at work), so keeping the BoA is probably not necessary, except it is our oldest card and we will be wanting some credit history at least until we buy a new house and something for the auto pays to be on at places that don't accept debit or electronic checking. Plus for hotels and car rentals on future vacations. I know what Dave Ramsey says, but I'm not sure I want to make my life that difficult. They would be rare exceptions for credit card use and actual payment would be with the debit card, just using the credit card to hold things.
I am looking into Identity Theft insurance. We can get the whole family insured for $145 a year. This problem can get much worse and they will deal with it if it does. I know my daughter's info was breached because her high school sold all the information from the kids without permission to a company and then that company was breached, so it would be good to do all of us. I wish we didn't live in a world where this stuff happens, but we do.
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Off on a Tangent,
Bringing Down the Evil Empire,
When Life Happens
June 18th, 2018 at 10:11 pm
MIL gave us $5000 yesterday. I have a lot of mixed feelings about what to do with this money. The strongest emotion says to stick this right into the Emergency Fund. That would bring it to nearly two months of expenses. It has been very hard having it down so low. And we still don't know what the future holds job wise. His job with this company keeps getting extensions, but we are living 3 months at a time, it seems.
Another part of me feels like we should throw it at debt, we are supposed to be throwing everything there, but DH and I both feel weird about taking money from his mother to throw at the loan to my mother. Yet at the same time, we both want that debt gone. It has been hanging over us too long and prevents us from saving for our future. I also don't know how my mother would feel about taking that money if she found out where it came from, which I have no intention of telling her, but she's nosy and has a way of finding stuff out. We are not telling the kids about this money. So if we do decide to pay it to her we might stretch it out over a few months so it doesn't come in a big lump.
Another thing we could do is open a Roth IRA. Probably a spousal IRA since I have nothing saved for retirement at all and I'd feel better if some was in my name, too. If we were out of debt, that is likely what we would do with the majority of the money she is giving us, open a Roth for both of us. But we aren't. I know once we are out of debt we can really contribute, so it comes back to that. It always comes back to paying off the loan.
There are a few things we could really use the money for, like I need new glasses, and we need new rabbit cages, and DH would like a new laptop or at least to have the money available to get one when his laptop gives up the ghost, which it has been threatening to do for the last year or so. It would also be nice to get DS into a driver's class so he can actually learn how to drive. DH hasn't had the time to teach him and my brain hasn't been in the right place to do it, either.
But I know we can get by with the old cages and that we have started a fund for the laptop. We need to find the time to teach DS to drive even if DH has to do it on the weekends. The glasses I can probably afford to buy outright in another month out of our medical fund, but my eyes are really, really bugging me and my prescription has changed a lot so the temptation there is strong.
So maybe we put $4000 into the EF and I get my glasses, and the rest of that $1000 we put into the laptop fund. Then when we know for sure what the situation is long term with DH's job, maybe we can take the remainder to throw at debt.
I do know that MIL plans to give us another $7000 this year. She's given us $6000 so far. I am not sure when that will happen, though. At that point we will have to figure out what to do with that money all over again.
Maybe with the momentum we make on debt in these next several weeks with all the overtime, it'll hyper focus us on getting the loan gone, or maybe it'll make it easier to keep it in the Emergency Fund.
I really don't know how people manage to stay gazelle intense on debt payoff if they are worried about future employment. We've got to figure it out though, if we ever want to be done with this and save up for a house and contribute to retirement. Right now buying a house again seems so far out of reach.
I'm not sure what we are going to do. I think for now just let it sit in savings until we are more sure of what we should do and have had a chance to discuss it more.
What would you do, not knowing if you had a job past the end of August, but things seemed somewhat promising? Wait until September? That probably makes the most sense.
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Extra Income Sources,
Off on a Tangent,
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
May 15th, 2018 at 07:20 pm
I don't usually buy books, but I made a book purchase on Saturday. Yes, my library does have this book, but I was 13th on the waiting list. High demand books mean that people can only keep them out 2 weeks instead of 3, but that was still looking at a possibility of 26 weeks before I could read it, assuming people turned it in on time. Most people don't.
So I handed over my cash, $27.51, to the young man at B&N, who tried to sell me a membership card, but no. I don't buy books often enough to earn back and then benefit from the savings. What book did I buy, you may be asking by now? Well, I finally gave in and decided to read Dave Ramsey. I bought The Total Money Makeover.
I have been avoiding Dave Ramsey for the last 12 years, to be honest. Yes, I did do a debt snowball, but I didn't know about it from reading him. I just figured doing it like that would make me feel like I was making progress faster. Yes, I did build and keep a $1000 emergency fund before doing it, but that was on advice from people here, not based on his method. Although it probably was, since a lot of you have read him. But I wasn't going to.
It wasn't that I thought he was bad or anything. I just didn't want to give up my paid off credit cards. Well, I did give up some of them, but we still have 5. We pay them off in full each month. But...oh, and here's the big but, I've been feeling for a while that we weren't using them responsibly enough, because they are just too easy to use.
But my chiropractor's office plays Dave Ramsey and I kept hearing him on my visits. And then he came up in my suggested videos on youtube. God has been putting things in my path right now that I have been struggling to deal with. Dave is just the last in a line.
First I was struggling with tithing while still in debt to my mother and my internet preacher answered a question on tithing. Then I was concerned that I lacked motivation, but in getting the spending back under control and in doing my five times a week Bible study. Then I was struggling with forgiveness for DH's sister and nieces over the stuff they pulled at Thanksgiving.
Forgiveness was in the next lesson and in such a way that it heals the person who forgives, not the one who holds on to the anger. Doesn't mean I'm willing to have holidays with them, but I might be able to at least see them now. So I asked for help about the budget and in walks Dave Ramsey, so to speak.
So I just finished reading the book last night. It took me 3 days. And I figured out how come I felt that way about credit cards. It's because we just buy what we need with no thought to it. And because I know we will pay it off each month in full, I haven't really been sticking to a budget when it comes to groceries and household expenses or clothing or eating out.
And with these bad habits getting out of hand, things felt tight every month and I didn't feel like I could possibly make payments on the loan to Mom, the only debt we have left. So I sat down and made up a better budget and if we actually stick to it, then yes, I can start paying Mom at least $500 a month.
DH's mother just gave us $1000. We had thought to put it in the Emergency Fund, but I think instead, we will use it to get current. The next two paydays will pay off what we have left on the credit cards before they are due and then we will go down to simply charging the auto pays, which total $407.50. It might be a little lower, but I am allowing $50 for Ting. We don't always go that high, some months we are lower, but we have never been above it, so that is what I put in the budget. But we won't use the credit card for anything else. Nothing but the auto pays. And we will use paypal from our bank account for online purchases, but not until we've had a moratorium on online purchases for six months or so.
I have also budgeted $1000 for groceries/household. I do think I can keep it lower than that, but I haven't been. Since I track my spending, more or less, I know I haven't. We are switching to cash for that. I will start with putting $250 in the groceries envelope. I figure $200 for groceries and $50 for household. Maybe I should break it down into two envelopes, except I usually buy household stuff when I go grocery shopping. We'll see. I know I need to get toilet paper, deodorant, and quart size Ziplocs, which will take up a good share of that $50.
I have transferred all the auto pays to one card, and as soon as the last little bit on the AMEX is paid off, I am going to cut it up and cancel it. I was just using it for Netflix and Hulu. I am also going to cancel my Best Buy card and no longer do any 18 or 12 month same as cash deals. I paid off the last one with part of our tax return. Instead I will be saving up money in a computer fund, though that won't start for a while.
I am not sure I am ready to cut the cord completely with credit cards, but I can't see having more than 3. One is the miles card, which DH will need if he starts working in Alaska again and has to fly all the time. He usually got 2 free flights a year, sometimes 3, so it definitely was worth it. Then there is the one my daughter is a signer on. Then there is the Costco Citi card, but I am not sure if that is going to be worth keeping yet. Without charging all of our groceries and gas, the amount of cash back will dramatically drop, and that was the only reason I got it in the first place.
My head knows that the best thing for us to do is to get rid of all but one card, but I am scared to do it. Mostly because the EF is not where I want it to be. I know you aren't supposed to use credit cards as a back up EF, but you know what 2016 and 2017 were like for us. If we had run out of money at least we would have had those cards to fall back on, which of course, is exactly that attitude I'm not supposed to have.
I knew Dave would let me have it over these ideas and I wasn't wrong. It sure has shown me what I need to work on and try to not rely so much on my security gland ruling what I do.
So next, I go back to an envelope, pay with cash system, except for those auto pays. I am looking into whether or not there are ways to pay them without paying by card. I think you can pay both Netflix and Hulu through paypal, but I'm not 100% sure. I think we can put storage on direct withdrawal, but I don't know about Ting. I haven't been able to find anything about Ting. But one of the reasons I really like doing auto pays on the credit card is so that I only have one due date to worry about, not an additional five. Right now I only have two to worry about and they come out on the same day.
So I will fund this coming payday's grocery/household envelope with $250.00 from the gift money, so all the money in the paycheck can go for the tithe and the Citi card.
I have already handed DH an envelope marked vending for the vending machines at work with $7 in ones that I had in my purse. He is to get $25 a month to use in the vending machines at work (he's been charging them). This gives him a little over $1 a day and the charge is 85 cents, so anything left at the end he can spend or set aside and save it for something he wants. Or he can save it all and quit using the vending machine altogether.
I will also have my own $25 envelope for something I want to do. I have no idea what I want to do with it, but sometimes just saving makes me happy.
I really would like to be able to squeeze out more than $500 a month to pay Mom. It might be $100, it might be $25, who knows? But whatever I can throw at it. She won't like getting weird amounts, but I don't care. It is not up to her how much I pay back at a time. It is up to DH and me.
As soon as we know what is going on in June with the job, I can decide what to do with the Emergency Fund. If I want to bump it down to $1000 and pay Mom with the rest or if we need to keep it there in case of possible job loss. It is scary to keep it at just $1000, but Dave says it keeps you more driven to pay off the debt so you can build the EF up to 3 to 6 months of expenses.
I get it. I get everything Dave says. I think I'm in the stage where I am not yet drinking the Kool-Aid, but I have read the ingredients and directions on the package and started preparing the beverage. He has his baby steps and I have mine. I do want to get there. And I want to get there fast, so time to put our heads down and start pushing that stone uphill.
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Cutting Expenses,
Off on a Tangent,
Bringing Down the Evil Empire,
Organize My Life,
Is Budget a Four Letter Word?,
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
December 19th, 2017 at 09:53 am
Did you know that garlic can actually give you such severe burns that you can lose sensation in that part of the skin and that it can blister and leave you permanently scarred? I found that out today the hard way. I was chopping up garlic, one of those huge pre-peeled bags from Costco and I was about halfway through when my skin started to burn. I had about ten left to do on that batch so I powered through. What I should have done was get up immediately and wash my hands with dish soap (the grease cutting kind).
Anyway, I did that when I finished and then looked up ways to take away the garlic sting. I kept coming across ways to take away pepper sting, but this was different. By the time I found something, I had my hand wrapped in a cold wash cloth and sitting on an ice pack.
So from the home remedies, the first thing I chose was aloe, which helped some, but not enough. Then I used vitamin E oil, which also helped some, but not enough. So then I covered my fingers in honey and stuck them in a glove, and let the three things work their magic together. The honey soothed it the most.
Several hours later, they still hurt, they are red and I am missing part of my finger prints, have a scar on one finger and a possible bubble blister on another. I am typing one-handed in case you were wondering. I may have permanent damage. This is a form of chemical burn, the chemical being one in garlic. I never knew this could happen.
The next time I do garlic for dehydrating it is going in the food processor or I am wearing gloves. This was worse than the time I roasted hot peppers and then touched my eyes, twice, within an hour. Anyway, I thought I'd pass it along. If you are going to be cutting up garlic for a long period of time, protect your hands. It's very painful and hot, but with all the things I used today it is down to a dull throb now.
I just hope tomorrow I will be able to zip up my own coat again. Today it was too painful. Judging from how much it has healed since the treatment, I think I will do another one in the morning. Probably just the raw honey this time, though. I think that is what actually did the trick.
You know, I like making my own garlic powder a lot, because you can't beat it for flavor and freshness, but it's going to be a long time before I make another batch myself. I think in future I will just get the big jar from Costco.
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Off on a Tangent
October 6th, 2017 at 07:32 am
I'm having a hard time figuring out whether I am having bad side effects from the methotrexate or I've just caught some stomach bug. I really wish these things were easier to discern. In case it is the drug, I talked with the doctor's MA and she has altered my dosage and has me taking 5 mg of vitamin B-9 instead of 1 now. I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but I didn't throw up today, so...either the uptick in B-9 is controlling the nausea or the possible illness has run its course.
I take my second dose tomorrow, so I guess if my symptoms get bad again within 24 hours, then the medicine is probably suspect. I started feeling yucky the morning after taking the drug for the first time.
DH screwed up his Ting phone, so now all he can do is message me via google hangouts when he is in a place that has an internet signal. It looks like we won't be able to talk on the phone at all while he's gone. He can't get the signal to change it back until he goes south. What a pain. If he'd left it with GSM instead of changing it to CDMA he'd have something. What a hassle. Still our bill this month is only $37, so once it is all sorted out things should be fine.
If I can figure out how to turn the microphone on on google hangouts then we can video chat. The problem with him not having his own phone for a couple weeks is that if anyone tries to respond to a resume he's submitted, he won't get the message, because when he switched between the two it deactivated his voice mail. So frustrating when he needs to find new work to realize there is a possibility he won't get the calls now.
My mother is driving me crazy. She has a 5000 square foot house and my family of four is relegated to 1000 square feet and she seems to resent every inch of it that we take up these days. I so wish we could get out of here. This wasn't supposed to be a permanent situation. She isn't happy unless she is complaining and she is complaining constantly. If it's not about us, it is about politics.
The problem for her is going to be when we do move. She isn't going to be able to afford her bills, because we pay everything right now and that will not continue when we do leave. She doesn't get it. We pay the electric, the gas, the water/sewer, and the garbage. I don't think she realizes just how hard that will be on her fixed income. She owns the house and it is worth $500K, maybe more, especially in this neighborhood, but that is not accessible money.
I think she's also mad at me because I said I would not take care of her by myself again if she has another replacement surgery (either knee, hip, or shoulder) during the first two weeks. That she would have to go into a nursing home during the first two weeks of recovery because I can't handle going through it again and I won't. It wrecked my back, it wrecked my health, and it wrecked my knees. I went into a flare that was super painful for me and everything was so swollen it hurt just to be alive. Not to mention that she was really mean during that time because she resented having to be taken care of. I absolutely will not put myself through it again. And Medicare will pay for it so she won't be out any money.
I think she thinks if she goes to a nursing home she won't be coming back home again, which is utter nonsense. I would not do that until she is at the point where it is necessary, and that certainly is not now. If she had stayed in the hospital the 3 days she was allowed to it would have been a lot better for me. But the doctor told her she could go home after 24 hours if she wanted to. Well, of course, she wanted to, but it was bad having her home before I was prepared to have her home.
I will have a word with her doctor the next go around, that is for sure. I supposed I could force the issue since I have her medical power of attorney, if it comes down to that, but I'd rather she just come to her senses of her own accord.
If we didn't live here, she'd have to make other arrangements because it is not like my sisters will step up. She doesn't seem to believe in my auto immune disease or that with rheumatoid arthritis it is extremely painful to do the things I had to do to take care of her. Or that only getting 4 hours of sleep a night was something I could function on for 3 weeks. So no, not doing it again. I value my sanity too much.
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Off on a Tangent,
When Life Happens
September 28th, 2017 at 07:35 pm
I am a safe driver. I have a 29 year record of driving with no accidents. I always use my signal when turning or when changing lanes. I don't run red lights. I don't block intersections. I don't drive like an idiot. I am starting to think I am the only one.
I have been encountering an extraordinary number of unsafe drivers lately and it is really wearing me down avoiding these close calls. Just within the last three days, I had an oncoming car make a left hand turn from the right hand turn lane when I had a green light and if they had been in the actual left hand turn lane would have had a must yield on green sign they ignored.
At the same intersection I had someone in the oncoming left hand turn lane suddenly speed out in front of me while I was making a right hand turn on my green light. They came all the way across two lanes of traffic to the lane I was turning into. It is illegal to turn into that lane directly from their lane. But it was the fact that she didn't yield and almost hit me when I had already started my turn that makes me so annoyed.
This light has protected green arrows before it turns solid green, so it is not like they won't get a turn to go. They just don't want to have to wait through the light if they miss their arrow. I think it is time to remove the left turn yield on green signs and make it illegal for them to do so at that intersection. It already is for the cross street because there used to be so many accidents there. There are less now, but there are still a lot.
The people turning from that side also have a tendency to block the intersection so that people can't go straight during the green light. It's illegal to make a left hand turn if you can't clear the intersection. So many people need to go back to remedial driving school. If they put a police car there a couple of times a week, the police department would no longer need to keep trying to get money for a new jail. They'd have it made in tickets in less than six months.
I usually avoid this by taking another route, but that road is completely shut down right now, due to construction that has been going on for months to repair a bridge and stabilize the alternate road. Which is also causing back ups on the main road because more people are forced to use it.
The other intersection is nearer my house where people coming from the hospital think it is okay to get into the left hand turn lane and cross the intersection from it to go directly into the next block's left hand turn lane, even though at that end it is a left hand turn lane for the oncoming direction.
Unfortunately, this means they are preventing people from getting into the opposite left hand turn lane to turn onto my street. And even if you signal that you are trying to get into that lane they just keep coming across the intersection or honk at you when you attempt to get into that lane. Sometimes they even block the intersection from the left hand turn lane.
I can't tell you how many times I've nearly been hit by these illegal moves and I am super conscious and careful at all times that this will happen at this intersection. Park a cop there for a while and ticket like crazy and they will have no money worries for a long time.
When I can avoid that intersection, I do, but when the hour around when the school lets out is in play, looping around and coming from the other direction is even worse. You've got a bunch of illegally parked cars on both sides of the street, parked smack up against stop signs making it impossible to see cars coming from either direction until you are halfway into the road, and of course loose children running around not being monitored by their parents.
All this to say that my safe driver's refund check was deposited. 18 bucks plus change does not seem like much compared to what I deal with to be a safe driver. But it is better than nothing.
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Extra Income Sources,
Off on a Tangent
August 11th, 2017 at 05:35 am
Today was supposed to be clear, but it still isn't. You can at least see the foothills now, though. It is supposed to rain on Sunday and I really hope it does. It is hard to not be able to go outside much if I want to breathe well. It's too hot to leave the windows closed with it being in the 80's and no A/C.
Today was my daughter's 21st birthday. How did that happen? When did I get old enough to have a twenty-one-year-old child? We went to Outback for dinner. I had lobster and everyone else had steak. It was pretty good, but I can make a better steak at home, which is why I got lobster. Or maybe it is just the difference between grass fed beef(what I have) and corn fed beef.
I did have a couple bites of the steak, because my daughter couldn't quite finish hers, but that only confirmed my call to get the lobster. It was an expensive night, but it's the only time in a year we've gone out to something like this. Tomorrow it'll be back to home-cooking.
Tomorrow MIL and FIL and DH meet with the doctor about FIL going down to the UW hospital and whether or not he is strong enough. They've already said he'd have to do a medical transport if he goes, that he is not strong enough to go in a regular car, not even our van which is very comfortable. They still don't know what is wrong with him, but I have a feeling it is the cancer working on a systemic level. Continued prayers for him would be appreciated.
We are rehoming our tom turkey George. He hasn't been the same since Gina died, and he will be going to a nice lady with 2 Royal Palm hens. I hate to see him go, but my mother has been getting aggressive with him again and of course he reacts to that. Honestly, I'm afraid she's going to hurt him.
She's been acting kind of crazy this week freaking out on everyone for very minor things. I wish we could move. I am so done right now. After everything I did taking care of her, for her to turn on us is just demoralizing. I am never mean to her, not even when her vindictive streak comes out. I am patient and seldom react because I know that's what she wants.
Half the time I feel like I'm the parent and she's an adolescent going through puberty. She sure acts like a 7nth grade girl in full on brat mode. She can never admit when she's wrong. Ever. She doesn't apologize except to say things like I'm sorry you feel that way and even that hardly ever happens. I'm ready to move across the country at this point just to have everything fall on my sisters since that is the only way they will ever do anything.
I want to go somewhere and scream at the sky, but I'm not entirely convinced it is still there. Man, that's really getting to me. I need to see some blue before I go off the deep end myself.
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Off on a Tangent,
Medical Issues and Spending,
When Life Happens,
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