My eldest sister moved out yesterday. Not without almost coming to blows with Mom. I say that, but I don't mean they would have physically fought. It was a pretty strong verbal one, though. My sister had a small stack of things she did not want to send with the movers and my mother wanted them to go with the movers instead of waiting a couple hours for my sister to come back and transport them in the car. Mom couldn't get it through her head that my sister didn't want to send her personal documents, jewelry, laptop, and other most special items with the movers and wanted to move them herself in her car. Some things you don't want to risk having misplaced, buried by boxes, or stolen. It's like she's trying to slam the door on her on the way out.
Eldest sis will be much happier out of here. Mom's been really petty and vindictive about her staying here even though she was invited to stay here. They just don't get along well and it isn't my sister's fault. She's never been able to get along with Mom since she hit high school on. Even at 61 she can't. I don't blame here, though. Mom picks at her constantly.
She will be living in a small efficiency apartment 2 miles away. It's a cute little apartment complex with one on the corner that always goes all out to decorate for the holidays. I love driving past there to see whatever new thing they've got up. Right now it is still leprechauns, but won't be much longer. Probably won't see anything else until they decorate for Easter.
Anyway, sis is safely out of Mom's war path and things seem to have settled around here. My nephew (from my middle sister) is still living here, but I think he is getting close to proposing to his girlfriend. She isn't allowed to live here, not even if they get married, so he would be moving out. He's not got a job, though. He has been living on his savings since he moved in here and could probably do so for another year.
I think he needs to get going on his life, though, get back into the work force., move out and marry this girl. He'll be 30 in April. We have fully reopened here, so it really is time for him to go get a new job. It's one thing when a sixteen year old wants to play video games all day, every day. It is kind of sad when someone his age actually does it for six months straight. He doesn't help around the place, which is mostly what irritates me. If you live in a household, you should contribute to it.
I have qualified for the Covid vaccine and so has my daughter, but not my husband and son. I'm not sure when that will happen though. DD needs to get a lumbar puncture soon due to issues with her spinal fluid putting pressure on her brain and eyes. And I will be having the full roto rooter now that I'm over fifty. I'm scheduled on April 20th. I should have had it done last year, but Covid happened. Not really looking forward to not eating for 24 hours and drinking that junk that makes me sick. I've had an endoscopy before, but never a colonoscopy.
I need to schedule a mammogram in there at some point, too. I haven't had one since I was 45. Once we know when the lumbar puncture is, we can figure out when to get the vaccine. Plus DH and I are going away for a little vacation on the 23rd of April to the cottage by the sea. I need to get away from here and recharge by the water for my own mental health. So it might not be gotten until May unless we can fit both injections around everything else. I'm not really in a rush unless they start requiring it to enter businesses or something. We go out so little, just to grocery shop and go to the appointments. But we will get it when we can figure out the time.
Or I may go sooner and we wait a little more for DD. Might not be a bad idea if we have a bad reaction and go down for a day like some people (my physical therapist had to go to bed for 24 hours after her second shot, but no one else she knows who got it has), to not do it on the same day so I can take care of her if it happens to her. People with autoimmune dieseases like us are a little more prone to that reaction.
I have to go and pick up my new lenses tomrrow for my glasses. They didn't measure right and the reading portion is so small I have to tilt my head up, but then look down through the bottom to even read. Either that or literally hold them up an inch. So no, that was getting fixed. I had to go back 3 times before they would do it, kept trying to adjust the arms to fit better, but it didn't. I do get one free remake with what I purchased, so hopefully nothing else bad happens. I had a lot of issues with the coating on the last pair. I will just be glad to have it sorted out and see if I can read comfortably again. If not, I may just get a pair of prescription reading glasses made with my old frames. But hopefully not and it will all just go well.
March 22nd, 2021 at 03:36 pm 1616427368
March 23rd, 2021 at 08:13 pm 1616530423
Glad you and your daughter can get your vaccines.
I've had two colonoscopies. I think the prep is worse than the actual procedure, but we have a wonderful doctor who does them and he puts us to sleep (twilight).