On to Better News--Unexpected Raise and Maxing Out Retirement? Maybe
August 11th, 2023 at 07:49 pmDH got a raise! Neither one of us was expecting it after last year's raise-a-paloosa. It's more than a cost of living raise of 2% which everyone got at least that much, but somewhere around 3.2%, so a bit higher. They are trying to create a new position for DH that doesn't exist yet, and that may take until next year, and with that should come another pay bump, but I'm not counting chickens. This was a nice, unexpected raise of $5200 a year. I don't have the exact number, because of course when I finally go to write about it, I've misplaced the paper, so chore number 3 for me today, after writing this and paying a doctor's bill, will be to clean off my desk and sort through the paperwork.
So that should work out to $433 per month or $200 per paycheck. Before taxes. I'm thinking we should just put the raise into the 401K and pretend it isn't there and then we don't have to worry about it messing up the budget or possibly being bumped into a new tax bracket. Although all the overtime this year might do that anyway.
Right now we have contributed $16,941.51 to the 401K and have $5,558.49 to go to hit the regular max of $22,500 for the year and we will get that just with his regular pay and the OT will put us over somewhat. It will be the first time ever we have hit the regular max. Since we are both over 50, though, we can go for the catch up max of an additional $7500, which would put us at a $30,000 max for the year if we want to try for that. I don't know if we can get the $30,000 max, but with any extra, it might be wiser to take the extra money and open up a spousal Roth IRA for me.
It would be nice to have some money that has already been taxed to use later in life. If whoever is in charge of the government at that time doesn't screw things up and mess with money that isn't protected in a 401K. I just don't know how much we would have to have to start it up. I know he can start up a Roth for himself through the same company his 401K uses and his company will just deposit the after tax money right into the account from his paycheck, but I don't know if they will do that for a spousal IRA, too. We will have to look into it. The 401K company just sent us some paperwork about him opening a Roth and gave a number to call if we wanted to talk to them about it.
I'm not sure when the raise will start. DH and everyone else was told it would be on the last paycheck and it wasn't, so who knows? It might show up on the next one. They said first paycheck in August, but maybe they meant first pay period in August.
Maybe I'll just bump the percentage up in the 401K until we hit the $22,000 max goal and then when we do that, we can decide what to do next? We have time to open an IRA for me. I know I have said that year after year, but this year we might actually be able to do it.
The 401K is finally making serious strides and not only that, the IRA is finally back above $13K. It needs to hit $13,900 something to be where it was before February 2021. It's taken a long time to climb back.
$107,392.57 Amount in 401K
+_13,052.63 Amount in IRA
$120,445.20 Total Retirement
That is a rise of $7101.69 since the last time I updated my side bar. That also raises my net worth to $214,619.04. Maybe if we push hard with retirement, we will have a quarter of a million dollars in net worth by the end of 2024. That would be amazing, because it would mean we went from paying off $250,000 in debt when you add in interest, to being worth $250,000. It is an interesting parallel. Back in the debt days, I never, ever thought we would get close to having that without a positive number in front of it. Meanwhile, my next goal is $225K. Onward towards that. I just have to keep our spending in check.
What do you know? I made it through that entire post without it hurting my hand until the end, and even then it is not too bad. Things are getting better. Still lumpy, but better. Hope everyone is having a great day.