$277.23 Tithe
_132.00 Grocery Envelope
_310.00 Monthly Family Chiropractic Plan
_118.18 Internet
__36.00 Garbage Fund
_167.00 Car Insurance Fund
__50.00 DH's Spending Money
__50.00 My Spending Money
__30.00 DS's Spending Money
1601.98 Citi
We had a lot of money in the grocery envelope still from last payday, mostly because DH keeps forgetting to grab it before he goes to the store and uses the credit card again, so I just made up the difference of what I usually put in there and put the rest of this payday's grocery budget towards the Citi card. DD doesn't get spending money this payday or next because I didn't make it over to the credit union today so I let her use the credit card to make her planned purchase and to pay me back she just won't get any until the 29th.
Since DD's new adjustable full size bed frame was charged, and she needed it for medical reasons, the $500 I usually put towards medical each payday also went to the Citi card, since we charged that. Next payday's will, too. I also put the household money towards it, since I still have money in the household fund to meet needs in that category and we have enough toilet paper, shampoo, soap, dish soap, dishwasher soap, and laundry detergent for about two months.
The monthly family chiropractic plan went up by $30 a month. It has been five years since he has raised that, so it was not unexpected, especially since he warned me a few months ago it would be, he just wasn't sure at the time by how much. Internet has gone up by a penny the last few times, so I finally adjusted the budget template to take that into account.
We still have quite a bit left on the credit card, but we have paid more than the amount we needed to not have interest charged and it will be paid off by the end of this month, also before any interest is charged. It's just been such a rough month with me not being able to cook, but today we ate leftovers and I am trying again to cook tomorrow. My sacral illiac joint has finally decided to stay in place, so a lot of the excruciating pain has subsided.
I still have no stamina from having Covid again, and I hope the exhaustion I had the first time lifts sooner this time than last time. Every day is a little better, but no day is really good yet. I have to wonder how much worse it might have been if I hadn't been vaccinated. And had antibodies of my own. Even though I can go out in public now, I don't think I could make it through a grocery trip yet. So I just keep sending DH for necessities and we keep getting take out.
Tomorrow I will try something easy, though, which is pot roast and baked potatoes in the Instant Pot and green beans in the microwave. That is very little hands on time, other than seasoning the roast, washing the potatoes, and adding butter and salt to the green beans.
DH did buy me salad ingredients and the missing ingredients I needed to make Italian dressing, too. So tonight I will try to get the lettuce cut up, the carrots peeled and sliced, the radishes sliced, the red onion sliced, the red bell pepper sliced, and the cucumbers peeled and sliced. The cheese is already shredded and so is the chicken and I have cherry tomatoes from the garden that are washed. I did manage to put a chicken in the Instant Pot last night to make broth, but DH had to add the filtered water since carrying that much from the filter in the laundry room was still too much for me. Anyway, then I can easily throw a salad together. I'll make the dressing tomorrow. I think it is just trying to do it all in one go, which will be bad for me.
But I have to stop getting take out, not just for financial reasons. I've put on fifteen pounds since I got really, really sick in late July. It makes everything hurt so much more. And the soda I've been drinking to get some caffeine to counter the exhaustion also has been bad. So real, homemade food, and healthier food is a must now. I've just got to pull it together and force myself to do this.
DD had her ultrasound today and the results also came back today through the patient portal. I am surprised how fast they are sometimes there. She does not have a hernia or a limpoma or hematoma or a surface tumor, so no one really knows why there is a big round lump pushing her skin out there. One other possibility is there might be a tumor too deep for the ultrasound pushing it forward, but that should have showed up on her liver MRI in the beginning of August if that were the case, I would think, unless it was too far away, but considering where her liver tumor was located, I don't think it is. I'm not sure what the next step will be. We won't hear from the gastro place until next week some time when they review it. But the technician confirmed that she could see the bulge and it wasn't just our imagination. Or it could have just grown since that MRI in the last two months, which it definitely has, but what the heck is it?
I did get some good news, though. A disabled child can stay on DH's insurance after age 26, so we need to fill out some paperwork and so does her main doctor, but since she has all of the things, she'll qualify. That is such a major relief. She doesn't turn 26 until August of next year, but it has been something I have been worrying about for the last couple of years as diagnosis after diagnosis has come in. We will start the ball rolling to see if she can get on disability, too. That will help in paying the medical bills that aren't covered by insurance and give her a small income, too, so she doesn't have to rely on us for every little thing she needs.
She has at least 3 things that will qualify her for that, possibly five, but the secondary adreanal insufficiency is the big one that alone should qualify her for it. It's really just a matter of filling out the paperwork, being automatically denied, appealing once or twice, and then she should be able to get it. She's way worse off than the BIL who is on disability is, he only has the same disc issue she has, and none of the diseases.
The insurance was the real issue for us. Disability would just be nice for her. It would be enough to set aside for the electric wheelchair she will likely need in the next couple of years. Not sure how we'll transport it, though. Not sure we could afford a used wheelchair van. But that's a worry for future me to deal with.
October 4th, 2021 at 09:24 pm 1633379044
October 8th, 2021 at 09:42 pm 1633725734