Viewing the 'Paying the Bills' Category
October 18th, 2023 at 01:25 am
Friday was payday and I am slow to get this up, but I really do want to get back into the habit of this, but I certainly am not fast off the mark in posting it. At least I record it fairly quickly into my spread sheet. DH worked a lot of overtime on this paycheck as well. $1734.03 was overtime. I think this will be the last one with OT on it, or if there is any on the next one it will only be a couple of hours. I will miss the bigger checks, but it sure was nice to see DH walking in the door at six last night and that would have been five if he hadn't gone to the pharmacy first.
So here is how the budget shook down this pay period:
$539.82 Tithe
_500.00 Utlilities
_500.00 Grocery Envelope
_500.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
_500.00 Bathroom Fund
_167.00 Car Insurance Fund
__70.00 Garbage Envelope
__50.00 DH Spending Money
__50.00 My Spending Money
__60.00 DS Allowance to Grandma 2 phone loan
__30.00 DD Stipend
_100.00 Our last contribution towards DS's Phone
_200.00 Christmas Envelope
2056.43 Citi
5398.25 Total Money Out
The bathroom fund is now up to $6100. I am hoping to hit $10,000 by the end of the year, and so far we are on track to do that as long as we can keep our spending down on the Citi card. If all goes to plan, I should have $855 to put into it next week.
Christmas is now fully funded at $900. It was $1300, but DH and I put our portions into the Snowblower Fund so we can get it before Christmas in case it snows before Christmas. We are also getting our Christmas money from his mother early so we can add it in, too, if she will agree to it. Otherwise we will get one that takes smaller paths at a time and requires more walking. It's just harder on DH. His leg still isn't fully healed.
The medical fund is starting to build, but DH still needs new glasses and DD still needs new lenses and they both need exams, so that will probably wipe out more than $500 of any progress made, but after that we should be able to make progress. I would like to get $3000 saved in the medical account by the end of the year, but it is looking like it will be closer to $2000. But we will still have the FSA debit card we can use next year of $3000 if DH doesn't flub it again this year. I am staying on him about it. The enrollment period is coming soon and he is not going to miss it this year.
Since DD's surgery is the first week of January, I want to make sure we have the pretax money on the card for 2023. It makes life so much easier when there is an expensive thing right at the beginning of the year. And then we want to have more money in the medical fund for things that are beyond that.
Hopefully DH's mother will be giving us money at the end of the year or close to the beginning like she has the last few years. I would rest easier with another $2000 in the medical fund and another $2000 or more in the bathroom fund. I am just estimating $10K for that. It could be more and I don't want to use what little money I have in the Emergency Fund. I can, but I'd prefer that $10K plus stays put, even if I know that as soon as the bathroom is taken care of we can start slamming that emergency fund hard. It's just, what if something happens in between? So, yeah. Don't want to do that.
We are done contributing the amount we said we would contribute towards DS's phone which was $500, the same amount we contributed towards DD's phone. If they wanted anything fancier than those more basic phones, than they were going to have to pay for them themselves. DD used birthday money and saved up allowances to pay the difference. DS convinced his grandmother 2 (DH's mother) to loan him the money to buy the phone instead of saving up for it. I did not want that to happen. He was supposed to save up for it before getting it, but then the battery on his phone stopped charging and he had to use it plugged in all the time, so he cajoled his dad into it when we didn't even have the promised $500 saved on our part, giving us a debt to his mother, too. I was pretty peeved.
So he has been on a repayment plan. Every single allowance he has received has to go towards that loan. He doesn't get to have any fun with money until it is paid off. His birthday isn't until March, so he doesn't have to use his birthday money, it will be paid off in January. I won't force him to use his Christmas money, but if he wants to, he can. I have made the exception that if he wants to use one allowance to buy his sister a Christmas gift he can, because he was upset about that. Once he has finished saving up all the money, he then gets to present it all to his grandmother. Then I hope he will have learned his lesson about loans, because he really has hated the whole process. And this has been without interest. I think I will sit him down at the end and give him the amortization table on a loan at the going interest rate and tell him how much extra he would have paid if he had gotten a loan through the bank to pay for a nearly $1400 Apple smart phone. Open his eyes all the way.
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Gazelles in Envelopes
October 1st, 2023 at 01:40 am
I haven't done this in a long time, and I'm picking a paycheck from a three paycheck month that is missing all the regular deductions except taxes and retirement and one with a lot of overtime on it, giving us a little over $2K above a normal paycheck, but we purchased a lot of items this month on the Citi card that were much needed and DH had to get round trip plane tickets to Salt Lake City.
Those will get refunded eventually and to pay for his hotel in advance. His company card expired and he was supposed to get a new one, but he leaves tomorrow and the card didn't arrive until yesterday. In the past they haven't been all the quick with refunds, but they do pay any interest that might accrue. He's already turned the receipts in and he will have the company card for his meals at least and rental car while he's down there.
The refunded money will get plopped into the medical fund as DD has surgery coming up in January right as the deductible restarts.
Anywho, here is how the paycheck went out the door.
$577.86 Tithe
_500.00 Grocery Envelope
_200.00 Snowblower Fund
_500.00 Medical Fund
3000.76 Citi
_150.00 Phone/Computer Envelope
__50.00 DH Spending Money
__50.00 My Spending Money
__60.00 DS Allowance
__30.00 DD Stipend
__20.00 Bed Frame/Mattress Envelope
_500.00 Bathroom Repair Fund
_150.00 Christmas Fund
$5,788.62 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
June 24th, 2023 at 05:00 am
DH has been working between 80 and 90 hours a week since April 23. Unless I have to slow him down when he starts getting hollow eyed. Or when he got sick a couple weeks ago and he took 1 day off. I won't let him work through the weekends, since the only reason I agreed to this was that he helped me in the garden on the weekends, since he was supposed to take two weeks off of work in May to get the garden going. Well, the garden still hasn't really gotten going very much, because he's been too tired.
They do give them meal breaks (lunch, dinner, second dinner), regular breaks, and "oh, my gosh, my head is going to explode, I need to do a lap around a building or two to clear it," breaks. They can snack at their desks whenever they want. Some of them are working 110 hours a week.
Unfortunately, with my heart and him going down with some kind of bacterial infection in his leg so that he was unable to do much more than eat, sleep, and otherwise work from 8 a.m. until 10 or 11 p.m. and not being home until midnight, and my son hurting his back, we ended up having a lot of food delivered for 3 weeks. That was very pricey, hence the Citi bill. $800 of that is for automatic payments that are put on the card, but the rest was takeout food. I didn't use $250 of the grocery budget so that got redistrubuted into my other envelopes. Anyway, this is how the paycheck got disbursed.
$478.55 Tithe
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
__75.00 Household Envelope
_800.00 Bathroom Replacement Fund
_150.00 Gas Money Envelope
2367.05 Citi Card Payment
__95.47 DH Life Insurance
__80.74 My Life Insurance
__48.71 DH Long Term Care Insurance
__50.00 DH Spending Money
__50.00 My Spending Money
__60.00 DS Allowance
__30.00 DD Allowance
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Is Budget a Four Letter Word?
January 10th, 2023 at 08:46 am
My computer keyboard is being wonky as...well, I don't swear, but if I did, you can fill in the blank with the word of your choosing but mine has an f in it, because I am that annoyed at it. I need to get a can of spray air and give it a good whooshing. So I will try to get this posted again without erasing it. My analysis will be at the end.
$361.23 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_400.00 Groceries
_400.00 Homeowner's Insurance
__75.00 Household Expenses Envelope
__70.00 Groceries
__50.00 DH Spending Money
__50.00 My Spending Money
__30.00 DD Spending Money
__75.00 DS Spending Money
_100.00 Computer Fund
_123.70 Emergency Fund
_100.00 Car Maintenance Envelope
1110.40 Citi
3612.33 Total Money Out
For the groceries category, I still funded it even though we are doing the eat from the pantry challenge this month. We are still allowed to buy things like fresh produce, milk, and a couple of other items. Obviously not $400.00 worth of items, but whatever is left of that money will go into the Meat Fund, as we have started saving up for a steer for the freezer. It currently has $120.00 in its envelope.
Homeowner's insurance isn't due for a couple of months, but I wanted to get it saved and in the bank right away. I don't want to have to deal with it popping up suddenly, so I planned for it right off the bat. I'll do the same with property taxes next payday. I pay half for this stuff and Mom pays the other half. Whenever she is ready to pay it, then I can transfer it out of savings and writer he a check.
You will note that I made a deposit to the emergency fund this payday. The plan is to do $500 every 4 weeks. The majority will come out of the second paycheck of the month, but I still made a deposit. It is nice to start moving forward again. I'd really like to get back to 3 months of income again.
I feel a bit better now that I have a balance of $200 in the car maintenance envelope. We really wiped it out with getting all that maintenance work done two months ago. I feel like we can handle anything small right now, but I'll feel a lot better when this gets back up to $500 and then $1000. So much could go wrong with older vehicles, even though we keep them in tip top shape.
We did too much spending on the Citi card in the month of December. With Covid we ordered too much take out in weeks 3, 4, and 5. We could order and pay online and my mother would go pick it up and leave it at the top of the stairs for us and then call us that it was there. It was pretty easy when no one had the stamina to cook. Next payday will be about the same payment as this one. This month I am determined to not do that, hence the pantry challenge. And then I hope to stay in this habit, because we really do feel a lot better eating homemade meals. And it'll save us the $100 or so it costs to get takeout for four adults these days.
I did buy a budget binder in December and it came a few days ago. I transferred a lot of the money from my Dave Ramsey wallet, leaving only grocery and household money in there. I was carrying too much money around in the envelopes and if something happened and I lost my purse, I did not want to lose all that money. So I have nice pvc envelopes now for my different categories and most of them have stickers on them to show what they are. I have a whole bunch from my scrapbooking days, so I didn't have to spend on those. It's cute and fun and more importantly, safe.
So that's about it, really. Thus endeth my payday report.
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Gazelles in Envelopes
December 23rd, 2022 at 08:01 pm
$3584.10 Paycheck Amount
$1188.48 Christmas Bonus after Taxes (was $1700)
$1048.66 Extra Bonus for Being Exemplary (was $1500)
$5821.24 Total Money for Working Budget
So DH did very well for himself this year with the bonuses. The company did very well for itself so they had extra money to divvy up and while everyone got a Christmas bonus based on a percentage of their pay, DH got an extra one based on those who did work above and beyond, showed leadership, and handled every curveball thrown at them. He's now fifth in line for the top role at the company. He needs a lot more experience and a longer work history with this company, but in about ten years he will have that and people above him will be retiring, except his direct boss. They are giving him more responsibility with that in mind and he did great with it this year. Anyway, I am done bragging now. On to the budget for this paycheck.
Remember I run a $0 dollar based budget. Every dollar, every penny has a job to do.
$582.12 Tithe
_500.00 Grocery Envelope
_500.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Chiropractor
_150.00 Gas Money Envelope
_100.00 Car Maintenance Envelope
__87.15 Life Insurance DH
__60.46 Life Insurance Me
__48.71 Long Term Care Insurance
__30.00 Spending Money DD
__70.36 Emergency Fund
__651.27 Three New Tires for the Truck
1154.21 New Computer
__50.00 Spending Money DH
__50.00 Spending Money Me
_200.00 Chrismas Money Me
_496.23 Winter Jackets for 4 of Us
_313.22 Snow Boots for 3 of Us
_773.87 Citi for Auto Pays (Phone, Internet, Netflix, Hulu, Sirius, Etc.)
5821.24 Total Money Out
The bonuses were paid on the 15th and we used a lot of that for the coats, snow boots, and tires. Just in time, too. I was the last one to get their Christmas money because I did not want a present, I wanted money. I am saving up for something. The new computer took up the rest of the money, plus, I think, a little more, but I haven't done the math there. I'm going to start saving for the next computer now.
Anyway, that is the budget for this paycheck. It feels good to not have run the credit card up this month. Even with everyone being so sick with Covid we didn't get a ton of take out because no one was well enough to go get it and I am not going to pay for delivery. So the card didn't get charged up.
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Gazelles in Envelopes
October 15th, 2022 at 02:26 am
Sometimes putting the budget spending up is a proud moment and other times it makes me feel naked and this is the second, but I need to get the accountability back and show just how much we have been spending on the credit card. I haven't actually made the payment on that yet, because Citi is being wonky. I can sign in. I can even make it to the next page, but when I click on make a payment it just turns in to an endless circle.
I waited ten minutes. I logged out and tried again. I logged out and waited an hour and tried again. I logged out and waited two hours and tried again. Still nothing. I'll try again tonight or tomorrow, but the amount of the payment will be listed below. Hopefully they will have their act together. We don't have a Citi branch closer than a 90 mile drive away, so it's not like I can just pop in and pay it, either. It's not due until the 3rd, but I just like to do things when I have the money to do things.
Remember that I run a zero based budget. Every dollar, every cent has a name. So every paycheck is spent in full. I have a cushion in checking of $900 in case something goes horribly wrong and since I bank with a credit union they will automatically transfer money from my savings account (I keep $2000 of the EF in there) if for some reason that were not enough for a fee of $1. You have to love credit unions.
I've never had either thing happen since 2010 and that was because I transferred the wrong amount of money to my online savings account when I meant to pay a credit card with the same name as that bank, and couldn't get it back in time to cover an automatic payment, and didn't realize it until I got the notice that they'd transferred money from the savings that was with my checking. Back then they didn't even charge the $1 fee, though. Now if you don't have the money to cover it at all, they give you 10 days to get the money in the acount and charge a $13 fee. Still better than what a bank will do. I've never had that happen at all.
Anyway, here's the spending for this pay cycle.
$358.40 Tithe
$500.00 October Utilities
$500.00 Groceries
$200.00 Medical Fund
$310.00 Chiropactor Monthly Family Plan
$_70.00 Garbage
$167.00 Car Insurance Fund
$_50.00 DH Spending Money
$_50.00 My Spending Money
$_30.00 DD's Allowance
$_90.00 DS's Allowance
1258.62 Citi
3584.02 Total Money Out
DD has a smaller allowance because she is disabled and seldom does chores. It is more of a pity allowance so she had more money to spend. DS earns his with a lot of caregiving for DD and doing chores and helping me with my limitations due to RA, fibromyalgia, and degenerative disc disease.
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Gazelles in Envelopes
April 2nd, 2022 at 10:51 pm
This paycheck had a lot of OT on it and my AdSense payment. This is also a three paycheck month and things are a bit different than usual. This will be the second paycheck with the higher grocery budget, which went nicely last time with $37 left over to go into the meat fund. I doubled the medical fund contribution for this check since DH is getting a crown done this month. We are also helping my mom with property tax, so that came out of this payday as well. As a reminder, I run a zero dollar based budget, where every single dollar is assigned a job.
$413.51 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_500.00 Grocery Envelope
1000.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
__17.15 Box of Checks (a rare purchase these days)
_122.23 Internet
__70.00 Garbage Temp Fund
_167.00 Car Insurance Temp Fund
_100.00 Car Maintenance Envelope
__50.00 DH Spending Money
__50.00 My Spending Money
__60.00 DS Allowance
__30.00 DD Stipend
_310.00 Monthly Chiropractor Family Plan
_420.24 Citi
_250.00 Mom's Property Tax
4135.13 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
February 19th, 2022 at 01:27 am
Well, we can start right off with saying that my no eating out for February has been an absymal failure. I just cannot seem to stay well. I'll get a day or two where I think I'm on the upswing and then I'm right back down again, exhausted and back in bed and unable to do anything about cooking meals at all. DH does a couple a week right now, but he's up to his eyeballs in overtime, so otherwise it's takeout as no one is well except DH and he's dragging. It's a good thing he can work from home. so takeout it's been.
I just want to be well so that I can cook my own food again. So that is why the Citi card is so high again. It feels out of control, but we still pay it off in full every month. It kind of makes me sick all on its own, because it is so high. But some of that was birthday stuff that is being reimbursed by MIL, since it was for what she got me. Then she gives us $120 a month for takeout because that is how much she spends on DH's sister and husband each month.
I just added that in and then I figured out when exactly the long term care insurance started coming out of the account and it wasn't until the first of the year, even though I'd been deducting it from checking since June when it was supposed to start coming out, so I put that money back as available to use. Then there was a refund from last year's HSA of $1.43, so those amounts added up to $662.40.
I added that to the budget, but the tithe will only reflect the amount of the actual paycheck, which I don't think had any overtime on it, but will have to check with DH for sure. The next one definitely will. This one would have but he kept having to take time off to run us to doctor's appointments or be sick himself for a couple of days. Anyway, as a reminder I run a $0 based budget, where every penny is assigned a job. Here is what I spent.
$301.63 Tithe
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
_500.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
_100.00 Gas Money Envelope
_1974.06 Citi
__78.82 Life Insurance DH
__60.46 Life Insurance Me
___0.00 Spending Money Envelope DH (he already spent it in January)
__50.00 Spending Money Envelope Me
__60.00 Allowance DS
__30.00 Stipend DD
3678.68 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
February 5th, 2022 at 11:15 pm
There was a ton of overtime this payday. I think DH said he worked 19 hours, so there's a lot more money than usual. We had an out of the norm expense with mom asking us to help her pay for home owner's insurance. I'll create a sinking fund for next year, of $34 a month, so it won't be a surprise unless it goes up.
We spent far too much money last month on take out due to the flu hitting us hard. As a result we are doing a no eating out challenge for February. We really need to cut out using that Citi card so much. Next payday will also have a sizeable payment to them. DH doesn't get any spending money this payday or next as he made a $100 purchase on the Citi card.
As a reminder, I use a $0 based budget, meaning every dollar has an assignment, so here's how things went down for this paycheck.
$415.03 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
_500.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household
_122.23 Internet
__70.00 Garbage
_167.00 Car Insurance Sinking Fund
__50.00 My Spending Money
___0.00 DH Spending Money
__60.00 DS Allowance
__30.00 DD Stipend
_400.00 House Insurance
_310.49 Emergency Fund
_950.54 Citi
_100.00 Gift Fund
$4,150.29 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
January 22nd, 2022 at 04:06 am
DH had some overtime on this paycheck, so I still don't know what a normal paycheck is with the new rate. And since he will get overtime on the next paycheck as well, I don't now when we'll know. Hopefully the overtime will help us pull ahead and we will be very careful with our spending.
We also had a FSA reimbursement check for last year come through, so that is added in. There will be some more of those coming, upwards of $500. I went ahead and dumped that into the medical fund. I also had $7.68 sitting in checking that I had meant to send to the EF last payday and forgot to do so that went with the rest of the payment to the EF.
$353.35 Tithe
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
_619.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
_100.00 Car Maintenance
_800.00 Citi
_310.00 Monthly Chiropractor Family Plan
__78.82 Life Insurance DH
__60.46 Life Insurance Me
__48.71 Long Term Care Insurance
__50.00 DH Spending Money
__50.00 My Spending Money
_528.46 Emergency Fund
_100.00 Gift Fund
__56.21 DS Allowance
__30.00 DD Stipend
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Gazelles in Envelopes
January 8th, 2022 at 03:07 am
As a reminder, I run a zero based budget, which means every dollar is accounted for within the budget. Garbage is higher than the usual because we put out two extra cans in December.
DS does not get an allowance this payday, because he still owes me money from not having quite enough money from everyone to buy the one thing he wanted, so I loaned it to him. DS will get some allowance next payday, but I am not sure if it will be the full amount. I've got the number written down. DD's amount is slightly less than $30 because she still owed me a bit for the same reason. Her normal allowance will resume next payday.
I have started the Gift Fund up again as we have one birthday in February (mine) and two in March (DS and MIL). I will continue it through until we have enough for the August birthdays (DH and DD) and Christmas. Below is the actual budget.
$352.57 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
_500.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
_769.09 Citi
_118.18 Comcast
__70.00 Garbage Fund
_167.00 Car Insurance Fund
__50.00 DH Allowance
__50.00 My Allowance
__28.51 DD's Allowance
_100.00 Gift Fund
_345.29 Emergency Fund
$3525.74 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
December 12th, 2021 at 04:46 am
As per usual reminder, I run a zero based budget, which means I assign every single penny of each paycheck a function. While I do keep a cushion in my account I act like it doesn't exist. For this payday, neither kid gets an allowance as they borrowed against it to add to all of their combined Christmas money from various sources so they could buy one expensive item each while it was on sale on Cyber Monday.
Additionally, I added an extra $50 in gas money this week, when we usually only do $100 on the second payday of each month. This is to make up for various upcoming trips to MIL's house for Christmas and to help decorate her place with lights and a couple of trips to storage to get our own lawn ornaments and lights out.
Otherwise it is business as usual. Except I finally had some money to put in the Emegency Fund in the triple digits.
$277.28 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
_500.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
_310.00 Monthly Family Chriropractic Plan
_118.18 Internet
__45.00 Garbage Fund
_167.00 Car Insurance Fund
__50.00 Spending Money DH
__50.00 Spending Money Me
__50.00 Gas Money (Extra)
_230.30 Emergency Fund
2772.76 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
November 30th, 2021 at 02:45 am
As a reminder I run a zero based budget, meaning every dollar from every paycheck is accounted for. I do keep a $1000 cushion in the checking account in case mistakes are made along the way, but so far there haven't been any since I switched to budgeting this way.
There are no allowances for the kids until sometime in January as they wanted things that were over the Christmas budget we set for them. But we did allow them both advances on their allowances so they'd have something to open on Christmas and could take advantage of cyber sales. I still haven't figured out what DH and I are getting for Christmas, but we get $100 each.
$277.27 Tithe
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
__75.00 Household Envelope
_100.00 Gas Money
1532.49 Citi
__78.82 Life Insurance DH
__60.46 Life Insurance Me
__48.71 Long Term Care Insurance (State requirement)
__50.00 Spending Money DH
__50.00 Spending Money Me
_100.00 Car Maintenance Envelope
$2772.75 Total Money Out
We also had an expenses reimbursement check for $494.19 from when DH flew up to Alaska that we finally got this week. Should have had it ages ago, but DH kept forgetting to put in for it. We put that on the Citi card as well and had $23.69 left to put in the Emergency Fund.
The Citi card is paid off in full and I am well enough now and recovered enough from my fall to be cooking again, so we won't be charging it up so badly from now on, at least so long as I stay on this healing path.
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Gazelles in Envelopes
November 13th, 2021 at 11:16 pm
The actual amount set aside for car insurance money each month is $167, but I had $36.00 in savings set aside for garbage since garbage is a bill that comes due every 2 months. Instead of transferring $167 into savings and then $36 out, I just put $131 in and used the $36 that was then already in savings towards the car insurance fund.
I have changed the amount of money I am setting aside every month to $45. Garbage collection has gone up. Not as much it appears, but when nephew moved out he left a lot of garbage behind. We had to get set out cans every week for a month instead of every 2 weeks. We ended up bagging up 4 more bags of it and taking it to his new apartment so he can throw it in the dumpster. I shouldn't have to pay extra for his trash when he has a way of disposing of it that is included in his rent.
At least it won't happen again since he is gone. But without extra cans the bill is now in the $82 range instead of the $72 range due to the rise. So I am putting aside $45 a month so I will have $90 with a little extra as buffer in case we do an extra can for our own as sometimes happens. Extra cans are $12 plus additional taxes. We only tend to have an extra can once in a 2 month cycle. The room nephew lived in is still a mess and he left a lot of his clothes in the closet that he will need to come and clean out. My sister did not raise a man, she raised an irresponsible little boy, who doens't clean, doesn't cook, and doesn't know how to get by in life.
My sister always figured he'd have a wife for that, but I don't know too many women in this day and age who are interested in playing Mommy to a grown man. I guess that is the difference in generations though. My sister, well, both my sisters are so much older than me they are boomers, and I am generation X. And my middle sister definitely has that women do everything mentality, cook, clean, bank, and work, while the men rest and relax in their off hours. Only nephew only had off hours while living here.
Anyway, that went off on a tangent. Here is the payday report. Remember I operate on a zero based budget where every dollar is allocated for.
$277.26 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
_500.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
_310.00 Monthly Family Chiropractic Plan
_118.18 Internet
_107.68 Garbage (Every 2 months
_131.00 Car Insurance Fund
__50.00 DH Spending Money
__50.00 My Spending Money
__60.00 DS's Allowance
__30.00 DD's Allowance
_163.51 Citi
$2772.63 Total Money Out
The actual amount set aside for car insurance money each month is $167, but I had $36.00 in savings set aside for it since garbage is a bill that comes due every 2 months. Instead of transferring $167 into savings and then $36 out, I just put $131 in and used the $36 that was then already in checking.
I have changed the amount of money I am setting aside every month to $45. Garbage collection has gone up. Not as much it appears, but when nephew moved out he left a lot of garbage behind. We had to get set out cans every week for a month instead of every 2 weeks. We ended up bagging up more of it and taking it to his new apartment so he can throw it in the dumpster. I shouldn't have to pay extra for his trash. At least it won't happen again since he is gone. But it is now in the $82 range instead of the $72 range due to the rise. So I am putting aside $45 a month so I will have $90 with a little extra as buffer in case we do an extra can for our own as sometimes happens. Extra cans are $12 plus additional taxes.
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October 30th, 2021 at 10:30 pm
Today was a three payday month, so it was higher than usual as they don't take medical and life insurance out of that when that happens. Also I got my Google/AdSense payment of $111.50, so I added that in as well. The Citi card is paid off in full now. It's always paid off monthly, but we had a hefty balance the last two months. When I think of how much money we spent on eating out it makes me a little sick, but then I was a lot sick, so it was kind of a necessary evil. Thankfully it was just one meal a day, daily, but for 4 adults, 2.5 of which are gluten free, that adds up fast.
$277.22 Tithe
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
__75.00 Household Envelope
__78.82 DH Life Insurance
__60.46 My Life Insurance
__48.71 Long Term Care Insurance
__30.00 Allowance DD
__45.00 Allowance DS
2244.88 Citi
$3260.09 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
October 18th, 2021 at 12:24 am
As a reminder, I run a zero based budget, which means that every penny of the paycheck has a home. I don't run a zero-based checking acount, however. I have an $800 cushion in there, I just pretend it isn't there. This week neither DD or I have spending money budgeted for because we both made game purchases. The same will be true for next payday. We did both have the money saved for it, but couldn't make it to the credit union at the time we charged them, due to illness and DH being too busy with work to run there during open hours. I decided it would be easier to charge it and then just pay it back over the next two paychecks. No interest will incur.
As for the Citi card, we are still paying back some of the paycheck and then most of the adjustable bed frame we bought for DD. So no EF contributions this week. I also cut the household envelope as I have enough money in there for now and the same with the car maintenance envelope as there is over $1000 in there. That money went to the Citi card as well. We are still paying off that month of take out, but due to the closing period we've paid off the card for that time period without interest. Some of the next paycheck will go towards that, too. I will be working on the next billing cycle early, but I just want it gone again. As of this week I am functionally able to cook again with some help with the fetch and carry of ingredients. It is never good when the main cook goes down as you can see from how much we've been paying Citi because of it.
$277.33 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
_100.00 Gas Money Envelope
__50.00 DH Spending Money
__30.00 DS Allowance
1415.95 Citi Card (Adjustable Bed Frame for DD, plus takeout)
2773.28 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
October 2nd, 2021 at 04:39 am
$277.23 Tithe
_132.00 Grocery Envelope
_310.00 Monthly Family Chiropractic Plan
_118.18 Internet
__36.00 Garbage Fund
_167.00 Car Insurance Fund
__50.00 DH's Spending Money
__50.00 My Spending Money
__30.00 DS's Spending Money
1601.98 Citi
We had a lot of money in the grocery envelope still from last payday, mostly because DH keeps forgetting to grab it before he goes to the store and uses the credit card again, so I just made up the difference of what I usually put in there and put the rest of this payday's grocery budget towards the Citi card. DD doesn't get spending money this payday or next because I didn't make it over to the credit union today so I let her use the credit card to make her planned purchase and to pay me back she just won't get any until the 29th.
Since DD's new adjustable full size bed frame was charged, and she needed it for medical reasons, the $500 I usually put towards medical each payday also went to the Citi card, since we charged that. Next payday's will, too. I also put the household money towards it, since I still have money in the household fund to meet needs in that category and we have enough toilet paper, shampoo, soap, dish soap, dishwasher soap, and laundry detergent for about two months.
The monthly family chiropractic plan went up by $30 a month. It has been five years since he has raised that, so it was not unexpected, especially since he warned me a few months ago it would be, he just wasn't sure at the time by how much. Internet has gone up by a penny the last few times, so I finally adjusted the budget template to take that into account.
We still have quite a bit left on the credit card, but we have paid more than the amount we needed to not have interest charged and it will be paid off by the end of this month, also before any interest is charged. It's just been such a rough month with me not being able to cook, but today we ate leftovers and I am trying again to cook tomorrow. My sacral illiac joint has finally decided to stay in place, so a lot of the excruciating pain has subsided.
I still have no stamina from having Covid again, and I hope the exhaustion I had the first time lifts sooner this time than last time. Every day is a little better, but no day is really good yet. I have to wonder how much worse it might have been if I hadn't been vaccinated. And had antibodies of my own. Even though I can go out in public now, I don't think I could make it through a grocery trip yet. So I just keep sending DH for necessities and we keep getting take out.
Tomorrow I will try something easy, though, which is pot roast and baked potatoes in the Instant Pot and green beans in the microwave. That is very little hands on time, other than seasoning the roast, washing the potatoes, and adding butter and salt to the green beans.
DH did buy me salad ingredients and the missing ingredients I needed to make Italian dressing, too. So tonight I will try to get the lettuce cut up, the carrots peeled and sliced, the radishes sliced, the red onion sliced, the red bell pepper sliced, and the cucumbers peeled and sliced. The cheese is already shredded and so is the chicken and I have cherry tomatoes from the garden that are washed. I did manage to put a chicken in the Instant Pot last night to make broth, but DH had to add the filtered water since carrying that much from the filter in the laundry room was still too much for me. Anyway, then I can easily throw a salad together. I'll make the dressing tomorrow. I think it is just trying to do it all in one go, which will be bad for me.
But I have to stop getting take out, not just for financial reasons. I've put on fifteen pounds since I got really, really sick in late July. It makes everything hurt so much more. And the soda I've been drinking to get some caffeine to counter the exhaustion also has been bad. So real, homemade food, and healthier food is a must now. I've just got to pull it together and force myself to do this.
DD had her ultrasound today and the results also came back today through the patient portal. I am surprised how fast they are sometimes there. She does not have a hernia or a limpoma or hematoma or a surface tumor, so no one really knows why there is a big round lump pushing her skin out there. One other possibility is there might be a tumor too deep for the ultrasound pushing it forward, but that should have showed up on her liver MRI in the beginning of August if that were the case, I would think, unless it was too far away, but considering where her liver tumor was located, I don't think it is. I'm not sure what the next step will be. We won't hear from the gastro place until next week some time when they review it. But the technician confirmed that she could see the bulge and it wasn't just our imagination. Or it could have just grown since that MRI in the last two months, which it definitely has, but what the heck is it?
I did get some good news, though. A disabled child can stay on DH's insurance after age 26, so we need to fill out some paperwork and so does her main doctor, but since she has all of the things, she'll qualify. That is such a major relief. She doesn't turn 26 until August of next year, but it has been something I have been worrying about for the last couple of years as diagnosis after diagnosis has come in. We will start the ball rolling to see if she can get on disability, too. That will help in paying the medical bills that aren't covered by insurance and give her a small income, too, so she doesn't have to rely on us for every little thing she needs.
She has at least 3 things that will qualify her for that, possibly five, but the secondary adreanal insufficiency is the big one that alone should qualify her for it. It's really just a matter of filling out the paperwork, being automatically denied, appealing once or twice, and then she should be able to get it. She's way worse off than the BIL who is on disability is, he only has the same disc issue she has, and none of the diseases.
The insurance was the real issue for us. Disability would just be nice for her. It would be enough to set aside for the electric wheelchair she will likely need in the next couple of years. Not sure how we'll transport it, though. Not sure we could afford a used wheelchair van. But that's a worry for future me to deal with.
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Gazelles in Envelopes
September 23rd, 2021 at 07:57 pm
$281.04 Tithe
_325.00 Groceries Envelope
_500.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
1181.34 Citi
_100.00 Gas Money
__78.82 Life Insurance DH
__60.46 Life Insurance Me
__48.71 Long Term Care Insurance
__50.00 DH Spending Money
__50.00 Me Spending Money
__30.00 DD Allowance
__30.00 DS Allowance
2810.37 Total Money Out
I run a zero based budget, so that brings the paycheck down to $0.00 left.
Additional Bills that were paid out of short term sinking funds, were the 6 month car insurance bill at $965.00 and the 2 month garbage bill at $86.79. I set money aside monthly for these things in savings and then pay them when they come due. It allows me to easily pay for bills that are irregular instead of monthly without having to worry about it at all.
I will be glad when the garden season is over and the last of the yard waste can go to the green dump for composting, as we've had that on top of regular carbage can fees each month as well. It's $12 for a dump load of green waste, which isn't bad if you fill the whole truck, which we do. I usually compost most things, but not tree trimmings, rose bush trimmings, or tomato and potato plants, which can carry blight. So while I haven't budgeted monthly for green waste, I did drop some money into a sinking fund early last spring to deal with it. We can probably do two more dump loads and then it will be gone. So I may or may not have to budget more.
I did have to raise the amount I was setting aside for car insurance in the budget template. I had saved $900 and their was an additional $65. I had guesstimated how much more it would cost with DS as a licensed driver and was a little short because he is not getting the student discount this time as he is not a student right now. Once he buys his car, he will pay for his own insurance (or the difference in ours) and we can go back to only paying $600 every six months. Anyway, I am now saving $167 a month instead of 150 going forward.
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September 9th, 2021 at 04:12 am
I continue to save money to the medical fund at a rapid rate. I need to save enough for orthodontia, plus enough for next year's medical deductible and out of pocket max.
I owed DS $9.59 because he picked stuff up from the store where he works for me, so I just added that to how much he got for his allowance. He has $57.04 left to complete his $1000 emergency fund, so that will be met with his next paycheck. At that point his allowance will drop from $60 every two weeks to $30 every two weeks, which is what we give his sister. That will occur on our next payday, since he gets paid weekly.
I wanted to allow him to have spending money so he could put all his wages that didn't go to tithe or IRA, but since that is over, and he isn't doing as much around the house with his job, he can get the minimal amount we give DD, who is incapable of doing much due to her disabilities. When he goes to full time that allowance will be gone completely. He will be saving up for a car next and after that he will start saving for school. He want to be an electrician.
Anyway, here's the payday report. Every dollar is accounted for as we run a zero based budget.
$277.27 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_200.00 Groceries Envelope
_500.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
_118.18 Internet
__36.00 Garbage
_150.00 Car Insurance Fund
_716.73 Citi
__50.00 DH spending money
__50.00 My spending money
__65.59 DS Allowance plus money owed him
__30.00 DD Allowance
2772.77 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
August 7th, 2021 at 02:19 am
In addition to it being payday we had a tiny dividend check for 51¢ and a check from MIL for $120.00, so I just added that in to the budget. I used part of it for a new envelope system and part for a small EF deposit. Hopefully they will actually send me the red envelope system that I ordered this time. My son will be taking the green one they mistakenly sent if they actually send me the red one, otherwise I am going to have to try to deal with their customer service, which I would rather avoid. I hate dealing with online customer service. Anyway, here's what went out today:
$277.23 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_200.00 Grocery Envelope
_500.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
_118.18 Internet
__36.00 Garbage Fund (paid every 2 months)
_150.00 Car Insurance Fund
_100.00 Gas Money
__50.00 DH Blow Money
__50.00 My Blow Money
__90.00 Kids' Allowances
__87.92 Emergency Fund
_625.93 Citi
__32.56 Red Envelope System
I usually do $400 a month for groceries, but since DH could only go to the store with me yesterday I charged the shop to the Citi card and the left the other $200 that would have gone to the grocery fund to go to the Citi payment today. We should be able to have a little more to add to the emergency fund this month if we keep our take out issue under control. There is currently $477.22 left on the Citi card and some of the autopays have yet to be charged. We will bring that down to zero by month's end. I never carry a balance, but if we don't stop this, it could happen and I never want it to happen again. It may not be much, but I didn't think I'd be able to add anything to the EF this week so I'm glad I could.
Next month I think I will increase the grocery budget to $500 like I talked about. It may not be necessary with DD's dietary issues, but I want that cushion if it is.
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Gazelles in Envelopes
June 18th, 2021 at 01:37 am
I'm almost a week late in getting this up, but I've been kind of lax about it, so figured I'd go back to it. There was quite a bit of overtime on DH's paycheck.
$383.50 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
__500.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
_118.17 Internet
_280.00 Monthly Family Chiropractic Plan
__36.00 Garbage
_150.00 Car Insurance Fund
_100.00 Gas Money Envelope
_100.00 Adults' Spending Money
_120.00 Kids' Allowances
_142.00 Hog Fund
_800.30 Citi
3834.97 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
June 2nd, 2021 at 03:08 am
In my freezer soon. Today the farmer I am getting my steer from asked if I could get one early, in 2 to 3 weeks as he had a sale fall through for an earlier butcher date. I said sure and wrote out the check for the $400 deposit and will get it in the mail tomorrow. We are eating down the chest freezer at a rapid pace and I think we will have plenty of space in that amount of time. If not, I'll have to can some meat. I'll be using the plethora of soup bones to make stock to can, which will free up more space.
I was really happy to hear that we can get it early after the cyberattack on the nation's biggest beef manufacturing plant has reduced our capacity by 20%. This is going to impact the food supply hard. Not just beef, but likely pork and chicken as people buy more of them to replace their beef intake, causing a greater demand and a higher price because of it. We'll see if the supply chain can handle it. If you can afford it stock your freezers, people. Can if you know how. Fish and freeze if you are able. It's going to be a bumpy ride. It may not hit for a few weeks, but it will hit. If you've been thinking about buying wholesale off the farm, it is probably time.
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Paying the Bills,
Emergency Living and Preperations
May 14th, 2021 at 06:58 pm
$285.83 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
_300.00 Medical Fund
_100.00 Household Envelope
_118.17 Internet
_280.00 Monthly Chiropractic Family Plan
__65.90 Garbage
_150.00 Car Insurance
_300.00 Gas Money
_100.00 Spending Money for Adults
135.00 Allowances for Kids
_116.93 Citi
2851.83 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
February 6th, 2021 at 06:21 am
It hasn't been too bad getting used to less money coming in. We are definitely being more disciplined with the budget and still not eating out, but we have adapted okay to having 15% taken out for retirement instead of 5%. I honestly thought it would be harder than this, especially with so much more coming out for medical this year.
$271.23 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_300.00 Grocery Envelope
_100.00 Beef Fund
_300.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
_118.17 Internet
__36.00 Garbage
_150.00 Car Insurance Fund
_100.00 Spending Money Adults
__90.00 Allowances Kids
_100.00 Clothing Envelope
_100.00 Gift/Christmas Envelope
_400.00 Handicapped Ramp Fund
__71.96 Emergency Fund
2712.36 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
January 22nd, 2021 at 08:55 pm
I did get my Google/AdSense payment this week so I added that into the regular budget. 10% of that went to the tithe and the rest to the Emergency Fund. I did buy some garden stuff with the Citi card, but the rest of that was monthly charges for Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, Sirius Satellite for the van (that includes the up to date GPS information), and Ting (our cell phone service).
I know I'm not meant to be using that card for anything but the subscriptions, but I did. And I'll be transparent about it, because that is what this blog is about. The seed catalogues online are selling out already and I didn't want to wait until today. I'm glad I didn't, or I would have missed out on the onion plant variety I wanted, the thornless blackberry plants, and multiple varieties of seeds that are very hard to get. As of today they were sold out. I checked. I have made all of my seed orders now. I will still have to order the seed potatoes I want, but if I miss out on those I'll just get some locally of a different variety. The shipping will get you on the seed potatoes, because 25 pounds is heavy to ship, so I probably won't order those until next payday, but on my debit card this time.
$281.47 Tithe
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
__75.00 Household Envelope
_556.56 Autopays/Citi
__71.99 Life Insurance--DH
__60.46 Life Insruance--Me
_300.00 Taxes Fund
_100.00 Spending Money--Adults
__90.00 Allowances--Kids
_479.25 Emergency Fund
_100.00 Car Maintenance Envelope
2814.73 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
December 24th, 2020 at 10:07 pm
$318.46 Tithe
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
_300.00 Medical Envelope
_100.00 Household Envelope
_375.00 Emergency Fund
__71.99 Life Insurance DH
__60.46 Life Insurance Me
_100.00 Spending Money Adults
1276.93 Citi
_100.00 Car Maintenance Envelope
_120.00 Allowance Kids
$3222.84 Total Money Out
I had $50 left from the previous payday that I added to the $325 I had planned from this paycheck to the EF. After this payday the Citi card will go into retirement except for the auto pays on there, Netflix, Hulu, and Ting (cell phone plan). It is coming out of my wallet and will stay out of my wallet. We always pay it off each month, but we are just using it too darn much.
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December 13th, 2020 at 04:40 am
$318.58 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
_300.00 Medical Fund
_280.00 Chriopractor Monthly Family Plan
_115.17 Internet
__36.00 Garbage
_150.00 Car Insurance
_100.00 Gas Money
_100.00 Spending Money Adults
_120.00 Allowances
_200.00 Gift Fund
_200.00 Clothing Fund
_450.00 Citi
3169.75 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
November 14th, 2020 at 01:42 am
Sorry, the column line breaks are going to be obnoxious on this one since there is no way to take them out. The website is annoying me to no end today, especially since they have somehow disabled my AdSense on here and didn't care to respond to me when I asked them about it. I bring in a lot of traffic to this site, look at my hit count, and now I'm not even getting my tiny fraction of ad revenue from it. I really want a viable alternative to here, but I hate the idea of having to build my base up all over again from scratch. I've built it since 2006 and I've worked pretty hard at it.
$318.49 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
_300.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
_115.17 Internet
__82.82 Garbage
_200.00 Car Insurance Fund (Includes catch up amount)
_261.50 Car Insurance (Policy change with third driver)
_100.00 Spending Money Adults
_120.00 Allowances Kids
_200.00 Christmas/Gift Fund
_100.00 Clothing Fund
_436.00 Emergency Fund
$3172.98 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
October 30th, 2020 at 07:12 pm
I got my Google AdSense payment this week and that, along with it being a third paycheck month for DH, brought our income around $300 higher this pay period. Citi is so high because DS owes me some money for an order he made, which he will pay me later, but I wanted to pay it off before the due date hit so no interest. When he pays me back I will put that money into the Emergency Fund. Another reason Citi was so high was we got a lot of takeout due to my being sick. Nearly every day for 2 weeks. Ouch. But I believe in tracking honestly so there you go.
$352.44 Tithe
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
__75.00 Household Envelope
__71.99 DH Life Insurance
__60.46 Me Life Insurance
_100.00 Adult Spending Money
_120.00 Kid Spending Money
_100.00 Gas Money
2203.29 Citi
3483.18 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes
October 21st, 2020 at 08:09 am
$324.12 Tithe
_400.00 Grocery Envelope
__75.00 Household Envelope
_280.00 Monthly chiropractor family plan
_600.00 Autopays
__71.99 Life Insurance DH
__60.46 Life Insurance Me
_100.00 Adult Spending Money
_120.00 Kid Allowances
1000.00 Mattress Fund
_100.00 Car Maintenance Fund
$3149.57 Total Money Out
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Gazelles in Envelopes