$281.04 Tithe
_325.00 Groceries Envelope
_500.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
1181.34 Citi
_100.00 Gas Money
__78.82 Life Insurance DH
__60.46 Life Insurance Me
__48.71 Long Term Care Insurance
__50.00 DH Spending Money
__50.00 Me Spending Money
__30.00 DD Allowance
__30.00 DS Allowance
2810.37 Total Money Out
I run a zero based budget, so that brings the paycheck down to $0.00 left.
Additional Bills that were paid out of short term sinking funds, were the 6 month car insurance bill at $965.00 and the 2 month garbage bill at $86.79. I set money aside monthly for these things in savings and then pay them when they come due. It allows me to easily pay for bills that are irregular instead of monthly without having to worry about it at all.
I will be glad when the garden season is over and the last of the yard waste can go to the green dump for composting, as we've had that on top of regular carbage can fees each month as well. It's $12 for a dump load of green waste, which isn't bad if you fill the whole truck, which we do. I usually compost most things, but not tree trimmings, rose bush trimmings, or tomato and potato plants, which can carry blight. So while I haven't budgeted monthly for green waste, I did drop some money into a sinking fund early last spring to deal with it. We can probably do two more dump loads and then it will be gone. So I may or may not have to budget more.
I did have to raise the amount I was setting aside for car insurance in the budget template. I had saved $900 and their was an additional $65. I had guesstimated how much more it would cost with DS as a licensed driver and was a little short because he is not getting the student discount this time as he is not a student right now. Once he buys his car, he will pay for his own insurance (or the difference in ours) and we can go back to only paying $600 every six months. Anyway, I am now saving $167 a month instead of 150 going forward.