I continue to save money to the medical fund at a rapid rate. I need to save enough for orthodontia, plus enough for next year's medical deductible and out of pocket max.
I owed DS $9.59 because he picked stuff up from the store where he works for me, so I just added that to how much he got for his allowance. He has $57.04 left to complete his $1000 emergency fund, so that will be met with his next paycheck. At that point his allowance will drop from $60 every two weeks to $30 every two weeks, which is what we give his sister. That will occur on our next payday, since he gets paid weekly.
I wanted to allow him to have spending money so he could put all his wages that didn't go to tithe or IRA, but since that is over, and he isn't doing as much around the house with his job, he can get the minimal amount we give DD, who is incapable of doing much due to her disabilities. When he goes to full time that allowance will be gone completely. He will be saving up for a car next and after that he will start saving for school. He want to be an electrician.
Anyway, here's the payday report. Every dollar is accounted for as we run a zero based budget.
$277.27 Tithe
_500.00 Utilities
_200.00 Groceries Envelope
_500.00 Medical Fund
__75.00 Household Envelope
_118.18 Internet
__36.00 Garbage
_150.00 Car Insurance Fund
_716.73 Citi
__50.00 DH spending money
__50.00 My spending money
__65.59 DS Allowance plus money owed him
__30.00 DD Allowance
2772.77 Total Money Out
September 9th, 2021 at 03:05 pm 1631196312