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60 Million

September 18th, 2014 at 07:15 pm

Well, my hit counter went over 60 million hits last night. I find that absolutely crazy, even if I have been writing this blog for almost 8.5 years. How neat is that? Thank you to all my readers. Your help, advice, loyalty, prayers, and readership mean a lot to me.

Woo Flipping Hoo!

September 18th, 2014 at 07:06 am

We are under contract. Just $4000 under our asking price. Now we just have to wait for the inspection and the loan appraisal. If all goes well they will take possession by October 31st, or sooner if everything shakes out right and we will no longer have that house hanging over us. Please pray that all goes well. Now to keep from counting all my chickens before they hatch...

This Might Be It

September 15th, 2014 at 05:31 pm

We have people meeting with their loan officer today to see if they can get a mortgage to buy our house. We haven't gotten the offer yet, no earnest money has been put down, but our realtor is very hopeful. This is the closest we've come to actually selling the thing. Prayers and crossed fingers would be appreciated. There were also two more showings this week.

Unfortunately the nasty rain storm we had last Monday moved some flashing on the roof and caused a small leak in the hallway by the furnace. So now we have to get a roofer out to fix the flashing around the furnace outtake pipe and/or patch the roof. Then our handyman will redo the inside ceiling where the rain damage came through.

That roof is 14 years old. It's supposed to be a 20 year roof, but we've had several leaks. If the original roofer hadn't had a heart attack and gone out of business, this would be covered in the warranty, but as it is, we have to come up with the money to pay to have it fixed. Last time flashing came loose it cost $150 to have it repaired. If it is more than flashing, it may be much more.

If it turns out the roof is bad altogether, we will offer a reduction in the price of the house so they can afford to get it reroofed. The only way we could do it would be to take out a home equity loan and then pay it off with the house sale. I don't want to do that, especially if the sale falls through.

Things are going fairly well on the farm front. The newborn kits are all still alive and doing well. They have their fur in now and they should be opening their eyes today or tomorrow. Aren't they adorable?

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Payday Report for 9/12/14

September 15th, 2014 at 12:09 am

$1500.00 BoA VISA
_1000.00 Loan to Mom
__300.00 Beef and Pork bought at the farm
__120.00 Physical Therapy
___90.00 Physical Therapy
__200.00 on prescriptions and OTC Medications
__100.00 on layer feed, turkey feed, crimped oats
__200.00 Glasses
____6.29 X-ray
___35.50 Medical
____9.08 Blood Work
____0.82 C-Pap filters

Payday Report for 9/5/14

September 15th, 2014 at 12:01 am

$400.00 Utilities to Mom
_100.00 Emergency Fund
__20.00 HoA Dues
__28.97 Electric (Old House)
__48.60 Phone (Old House)
__75.65 Internet
__41.94 Garbage (2 months)
__45.30 Life Insurance DH
__44.66 Life Insurance Me
__70.86 Car Insurance
__48.75 House Insurance (Old House)
__41.16 Security System (Old House)
_186.00 Storage
_800.00 Van Loan (plus extra)

EF Update

September 14th, 2014 at 11:49 pm

$8920.22 Beginning Balance
+__10.00 Weekly Deposit
$8930.22 Ending EF Balance

Emergency Fund Withdrawal

September 10th, 2014 at 06:51 pm

I had a bunch of medical stuff come up with my daughter, so I ended up taking some money out of the Emergency Fund to pay for it. I also deposited $100 back into it from the last paycheck, plus $3 from an overpayment into another account.

New EF total: $8920.22

Who knows what is coming up, either? My daughter has to have an ultrasound next week. We are suspecting gall stones. She's also having some other issues that sound very much to me like the endometriosis I was plagued with before my hysterectomy. So I need to see if I can find a female gyno that is taking new patients and takes our insurance.

I also have my MRI for my knee next week.

If my husband ever gets around to submitting the information for the kids' glasses to his insurance company, we will have some money coming back. It should be around $400. That will get dumped back into the EF. Hopefully we won't have to then turn around and spend it on upcoming medical bills. I am hoping to absorb most of that into the budget, but it isn't always easy to do that.

I wish DH's company would be more forthcoming about raises. They are majorly dragging their feet. It was supposed to happen months ago. The new insurance withholding that should have coincided with raises is really wrecking the budget.

Kindling Complete

September 7th, 2014 at 08:01 am

Well, it was a long day, but we have 19 newborn kits. All were born healthy and all three mothers are doing well.

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Kindling Has Started

September 6th, 2014 at 04:35 pm

Well, I'm on Kindle Watch for the next day or so. Sienna is in the process of giving birth. I walked in on one birthing squeal and heard at least two more while I was refilling water bottles. Serenity has pulled fur and is rebuilding her nest so I'm sure she'll go into labor soon if she hasn't already. Phoebe has a tunnel built in her nest box, but has not pulled fur. She looks completely unconcerned, but you can see her sides are squirming.

I blocked the chickens off from any attempts to get into the rabbit shed today. The does don't need to worry about a chicken running around beneath them or trying to perch on their cages. The chickens know they are not allowed in there, but will try at every opportunity to do so. They are like willful toddlers at times.

I am hopeful we will have 3 healthy litters before the day is out.

Wiped Out--School and Garden Update

September 5th, 2014 at 05:14 am

I am so tired. My body does not want to adapt to the new routine. I can't seem to get to sleep before 2 or 3 a.m., the sleep I get is surface sleep, not restful at all, and then I am having to get up at 7. And then after the kids get off to school and I take care of all the animals, I can't get back to sleep for a nap. I don't understand it, because I've been asleep by midnight pretty much all summer.

School is going great for the kids so far, though. They are both really enjoying their teachers and classes. And it is super nice to have the day to myself. Even if I can't manage to nap.

The garden is going gangbusters. The green beans are starting to produce, but not enough for canning yet. I think I may end up buying some this weekend and then if I have any of my own for canning it'll just be additional. Next year I will plant a lot sooner. Things just kind of got away from me in the spring and I didn't get going soon enough.

I plan on getting 40 pounds of tomatoes this weekend, too. While my tomatoes produced, it has never really been with much. The most I could can at any one time was 3 pints. I just ended up making spaghetti sauce and freezing it instead. But I do want to get some diced put up and maybe make a batch of ketchup. The Indigo Rose tomatoes have been fantastic. I am not one for eating raw tomatoes usually, but these ones taste sort of like melons with a rich tomato flavor added in. I will grow them again, along with the Russian Moskovich, but I will not grow the other two varieties I bought again.

I have some great zucchini, leeks, sweet meat squash, green onions, broccoli, cauliflower, and kohlrabi. The cukes are slow, but I'm getting 2 to 4 a week. I have more peppers coming but don't know if there will be time for them. I hope there will at least be time for them to be green if they can't get all the way to red.

On the spending front, I spent $90 at physical therapy today and $55.48 for a tank of gas.

I am expecting babies sometime between tomorrow and Sunday. I've got 3 pregnant rabbits due to kindle. I hope all goes well. Tomorrow is day 30. My rabbits have gone anywhere from day 30 to day 33. Average is 31 days, though.

Two of my Barnevelders are laying eggs now. They are about half size, but are getting bigger. They are cute, perfect little eggs. All of the ducks are laying now and Addy's eggs are finally full-size. I am getting 1 to 2 chicken eggs and 3 to 5 duck eggs a day. I sold 2 dozen duck eggs earlier this week for $5 a dozen. I am selling enough duck eggs now to pay for one bag of organic layer feed a month. The ducks and chickens go through a bag about every 2 weeks.

Tomorrow is payday and I am very glad of it. I've got a lot to get done. It'll be nice to be able to get most of it out of the way without the kids underfoot.

C1-360 Interest Added to EF

September 1st, 2014 at 08:22 am

$9851.66 Beginning EF Amount
+___5.39 Interest
$9857.05 Ending EF Amount

Emergency Fund Update

September 1st, 2014 at 08:19 am

$9841.66 Beginning EF Amount
+__10.00 Weekly Deposit
$9851.66 Ending EF Amount

Menu Planning for the Week

September 1st, 2014 at 08:12 am

I am still on a no protein buying kick (except sliced deli meat for school lunches this week) as we work on eating down the mini-chest freezer. The garden is finally starting to kick in enough harvests now that I should not need to buy any vegetables this week, and in a couple of days there will be lots of Italian plum prunes ready to eat so I won't need to buy any fruit this week. Well, I wouldn't need to anyway as we are still working our way through a large watermelon and we have a cantaloupe as well and an open jar of apple sauce that didn't seal.

Tomorrow I will bake a batch of egg "omelet muffins" where I will use 2 duck eggs, a tbsp. of diced green onions, a tbsp. of diced peppers, a tablespoon of diced tomatoes, and a tbsp. of diced ham per extra large muffin cup that has been greased with butter. Then the kids will just have to reheat them in the mornings. I will also make up several batches of pancakes for the freezer for making quick microwave pancakes in the mornings. I am not all that with it in the mornings, so if they just have something they can put together, I can be as zoned out as needed until it is time to drive.

Barbecue chicken wings
Leftover Roasted zucchini
Baked potatoes

Chicken and broccoli stir-fry

Fish and chips
Green beans

Chicken, onions, and peppers stir-fry
Italian plum prunes

Oven-roasted rabbit with basil, oregano, and thyme
Green Beans

Homemade pizza with ham, pepperoni, peppers, and onions
Cole slaw

Rabbit chili
Homemade bread
Italian plum prunes

Long Morning

August 29th, 2014 at 07:25 pm

Today was a very long morning. I spent it at the high school getting my daughter's schedule changed. It took some doing as the bull dog on the front counter was all, "We don't switch classes because of teachers," and I was, "Well, you better, as this woman is not teaching my child ever again." Finally got in to talk to the counselor and explained how Mrs. Z acted and was the main reason my daughter dropped out of school last year rather than go back and deal with this piece of work and how the woman was instrumental in many aspects of her nervous breakdown.

We never even thought it would be an issue, because this teacher previously only taught home ec, child psychology, interior design, and health, none of which my daughter was taking. But this year she is for some reason teaching English. And plus, we had put in her file that that woman was to never be her teacher again.

Anyway, the counselor, who is new this year (the one who knew the history of the situation retired last year), was sympathetic to her cause and changed her schedule right around. Since she only needs one English credit to graduate, we dropped the one English class entirely and changed the other one to British Literature.

So now my daughter has two free periods first semester, which is actually a good thing, because of the skull fracture that happened August 2. She will only have Algebra 2, which she is repeating as she got a D in it and Chemistry, which she is also repeating from her junior year as she failed the 2nd semester, as her hard classes. She did well first semester, so that will be more of a review for her, but things devolved for the second semester (which was when issues with Mrs. Z began, as well as anxiety attacks and depression that she was told over and over by this teacher don't really exist). Her other two classes will be ceramics and choir.

DD has been on anti-anxiety pills and anti-depressants for several months now and things are going much, much better for her, but she still wouldn't have been able to handle having that woman as a teacher again. And I don't want her anywhere near any of my kids, anyway.

So it was a very stressful way to start the day, but hopefully the stressful part is over. I go to physical therapy in an hour and then hopefully I will have time to get my pickles canned this afternoon.

Last night I picked a dozen tomatoes, another very large zucchini, a red jalapeno, 2 cucumbers, 2 plums, and some green beans. Earlier this week I also picked 2 more zucchini, 3 cucumbers, a broccoli Romanescu, and some green beans. I've earned back the money I spent on the garden now, so anything from here on out is where I start actually saving money by having a garden. Probably tomorrow I will need to pick 2 more zucchini, some kale, and another broccoli Romanescu.

I read that you can grow garlic in gutters, so once everything dies off in the gutters at the end of the season, I will fertilize and top off the dirt in one of them and then around November I will plant garlic cloves 4 inches apart. We do better with garlic if we plant in the fall. Same with onions, but I don't have the space for that. That way I should have a decent crop of garlic next summer and also some lovely scapes.

Here's an update on some of the garden stuff around here and some of the animals. I'll do other gardens later in the week.

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Boy, I'm Sore

August 24th, 2014 at 08:11 am

I managed to mangle myself pretty good last night. Well, not mangle, just beat my knee up pretty good. The knee formerly known as the good knee. It's a big bruise, and I think it is just the muscle I hurt. I hope it feels a lot better tomorrow.

I canned 14 more pints of applesauce today. Tomorrow I hope to get some pickles and potatoes canned, and some more peppers and onions frozen, but it depends on how I feel and what else needs to be done around here before DH leaves again.

We ground up the duck meat from the drakes we butchered and we ground up 7 pounds of rabbit meat, too. So we'll get 9 meals out of that.

Cleaning out the mini-chest freezer, by using the food in it for meals, is going pretty well. I've got it down to about 1/3 of the way full. I need to make up another meal plan for this new week, though. I haven't bought any protein since I started this. Not that we buy all that much anyway, since we have so much that we have butchered, but I am finding all kinds of things I didn't know I had. There is a ton of boneless, skinless chicken thighs, and way more beef and fish than I thought we had.

I've also come across some frozen fruit from last summer that needs to get used up, probably in smoothies.

I am still wavering back and forth on whether I want to get s pork half or half a steer, but I think I'm starting to lean towards beef. True, we don't need much hamburger anymore, because of the ground rabbit meat, but I'd really like to get some steaks and roasts and stir-fry and stew meat, not to mention bones and tallow. If we can swing it, I'd like to do both, but I'm just not sure we can. It might be worth borrowing from the EF to do so, though.

School Clothes Shopping

August 23rd, 2014 at 06:48 am

We went school clothes shopping today. I am exhausted. And I only went to two places. My husband took the kids shoe shopping by himself and they each got a pair of tennis shoes. I had physical therapy. Afterwards we went to Joe's Garden and got a bunch of produce that I'll be putting up.

Then we went to Good Will. My daughter found 2 blouses, a pair of pants, and a belt, and my son found 2 t-shirts, 1 pair of jeans (Calvin Kleins shockingly) and 2 button down shirts (he is so preppy) that looked like they had never been worn. I found 4 blue bowls just like the set we've broken most of and my husband found a metal pirate ship that was gorgeous. It was such an impulse buy, but at $8 I really didn't feel like saying no. He does so much and asks for very little.

After that we went to Kmart and did the bulk of their clothes shopping. We'll still need to find more jeans for my son, they only had one pair in his size that fit right, and they'll both need sweats when they show up in the stores, but otherwise we got everything we needed except winter jackets. We spent around $500 on clothes and $62 on shoes. Ugh. My son had basically grown too tall for all of his clothes, though. He would have needed them even if we were still homeschooling, though I would have spread the purchases out more.

By the time we finish buying school supplies, lunch boxes, backpacks, ASB cards and year books, we'll probably have spent $1000. Double ugh.

Emergency Fund Update # 2

August 23rd, 2014 at 05:55 am

$9807.66 Beginning EF Amount
+__34.00 Today's Deposit from Coin Jar
$9841.66 New EF Amount

$158.34 left to reach my $10K goal. I will have this met by the end of September. Then I will go to work on funding my other funds, that I have not been able to do anything about the last several months.

Emergency Fund Update # 1

August 22nd, 2014 at 09:26 pm

$9797.66 Beginning EF Amount
+__10.00 Weekly Deposit
$9807.66 New EF Amount

$192.34 to go to hit my goal of $10K.

I will be making another deposit today, but I am not sure how much yet. I've got my rolled coins and ones ready to go, but I also have a dividend check from the food co-op. I can only cash it at the food co-op, though, so whether or not it makes it into the deposit depends on whether or not we get there before banking hours end. This year's dividend check paid me back for the $5 yearly fee with .21 to spare.

That House is Just Never Going to Sell

August 21st, 2014 at 07:04 am

The guy who was interested in our house and had it down to our house and another house, of course went with the other house. Everyone who has seen the house loves the house, they just aren't thrilled with how far away it is from town. Or their credit sucks and they can't get a mortgage.

Sometimes I wish I had a time machine so we could go back and not buy in the mountains. We could have waited one more year and bought in a better location, but we were so eager to get out of where we were and so tired of waiting. If I knew then what I know now...but hindsight is 20/20.

I am trying to stay positive, but I've been in a lot of pain this week and it just makes me get cynical. I am still waiting to hear back from the doctor's office about the MRI. I called on Friday, had contact yesterday and was told I'd be contacted today, but it didn't happen, so I will call tomorrow and see where things stand.

We took a pickup load of compost out to the lady who we sold our first rabbits to and got to see several litters (2 at almost butcher age, and two one weeks old litters). Coriander doesn't remember me anymore. She did the last time I saw her, but now she doesn't. Her kits were beautiful. She'd been bred with a chocolate silver fox and there was a beautiful range of colors in the nesting box. She's a very good mother, though I expect no less from one of Serenity's daughters.

Feeling Overwhelmed

August 19th, 2014 at 11:16 pm

I am trying to keep a positive attitude right now, but I do feel like I am being overwhelmed somewhat. With them taking so much more out of DH's paycheck for medical now, I kind of feel like we are back to living paycheck to paycheck. I know we aren't really, but the only things I feel like I am able to plan ahead for anymore are property taxes, upcoming propane costs, and dues. Besides those and the EF, I haven't been able to fund any of my funds.

I like having an Appliance Fund, a Christmas Fund, a Computer Fund, and such that I send money to each month. Now I can't do that. And I can't do a college fund, either. My daughter has decided she is going to work for 2 years after high school and save everything for college. At this point, we can't contribute. I'm not even sure college is right for her anyway. She's not really cut out for it.

Every year for the past 3, things seem to have gotten tighter and tighter, despite paying more and more things off. Taxes went up and took $500 of take home pay away from us, just as we paid off the credit cards. When we paid off the mortgage this year, it finally felt like we were going to have breathing room, but we don't. The increased medical, the increased plane fare, and the increased storage fees basically replaced the mortgage.

I know this won't last forever. We have less than 3 years left on the van loan. It's gotten down enough that we are only paying about $70 in interest each month and the majority of the payment is going to principal. I love our van and I still think it was a good decision to buy it, but I don't think we will ever buy a new vehicle again. And we'll not finance one again, either.

We have 4 years and 9 months left on what we owe to Mom. That's the big thing. If we didn't have to pay that $1000 each month things would not be tight. Or they'd be tight by choice because we'd be saving part of it and funneling the rest to retirement.

If our house sells it will make some differences. We won't have to be paying electricity, phone, water/sewer, security, HoA dues, property tax, and house insurance. We can save that money until we are ready to buy a house. Which at this rate won't be until we pay off the van.

DH hasn't gotten a raise in over 3 years. Which, no one has, but this year is a new contract and they are supposed to be doing raises. The new contract was signed a while back. The new medical is being deducted, but so far no one has received raises and it has been months. I am starting to think the company is going back on its word. Each year, with more money being taken out or going to taxes or going to increased plane fare, it is like taking a pay cut.

I know we have enough. DH's income is excellent. We are in a lot better shape than so many people. But I want to get ahead, not just tread water. It feels like we sacrifice and sacrifice to pay off all this stupid medical debt and our house and still have nothing to show for it. Which is stupid, because we do. We've taken trips and we've got decent things. We have a paid for home. But it still doesn't feel like it. I just want to be free of it all. Free of all debt. Every single scrap of it. And with enough money in the bank that I don't ever have to worry about it again. I don't know. Maybe that's a fantasy. But it's how I feel.

Well, thanks for listening now. I feel better getting it all out and I think I can stop feeling sorry for myself for a while now.

Menu Planning

August 19th, 2014 at 04:54 am

I haven't been posting a lot of meal plans lately, but I am being very careful about food. I've lost 12 pounds in 4 weeks, and the diet is going very well, though I did have one very bingey meal a couple of days ago. I didn't let it side-track me, though.

We are working our way through the small chest freezer right now. I am basing our meal planning on what is in there. I want to get it completely emptied out, chip out the ice build up (which isn't too bad) and then have it ready for us to use when we buy either half a hog or half a beef. Any money we save on the grocery bill by doing this will go towards our big meat purchase.

I had been leaning towards a hog, but with the pig people being so flakey and it being so much easier to find pasture-raised organic beef and less for pork, we may just go beef and keep getting selected cuts of pork from the one farm in the next county.

Anyway, my menu planning the rest of this week, based out of the stuff in the freezer and the garden.

Sloppy Hoppies--ground rabbit meat, onion, peppers, tomato sauce, few other ingredients, on whole grain buns
Leftover mashed potatoes

Beef stir-fry with onions and peppers

Barbecue Chicken
Sweet Potato fries

BBQ Korean Short Ribs
Japanese Fried Rice

Baked Potatoes
Green beans

I am also going to be roasting a whole chicken and doing a roast in the crockpot for lunches. The kids will make quesadillas with the meat and DH will have sandwiches. I will just eat the meat straight on salad as I am still on my controlled carb diet.

Another Busy Day of Canning

August 18th, 2014 at 07:17 am

I did actually take a couple of days off from canning, but today I got in 24 quarts of potatoes. It was a no spend day. Tomorrow will be an applesauce day, but also a run to Costco day and a pick up turkey feed day.

My shelves are slowly filling up and it sure looks nice. We have to empty all the school supplies from the shelves I was using for homeschooling and turn them into pantry shelves, because we will run out of room if we don't.

We butchered 2 drakes today. We are going to just grind the meat. Since we had to skin them, because pulling feathers at this age is an even bigger nightmare than pulling them when they are younger, it won't be quite as tender as it would be if we could roast it with the skin and all the fat. Ground duck is supposed to be quite good for burgers, we are just going to go that route. I'm not sure how much meat we will get after the bones are out, but they were both in the 5 to 6 pound range before butcher, so I'm hoping 2.5 to 3 pounds of meat per.

I need to get a 25 pound bag of sugar for making applesauce and some rice. I've got to get some more peppers and onions cut into strips and frozen. I also need to dice them for a recipe for either tomorrow's or the next night's dinner. I'm making sloppy hoppies (like Sloppy Joe's, but with ground rabbit meat) and I made up my own recipe for it after looking at a ton of Sloppy Joe and Sloppy Chicks and Sloppy Jane recipes.

I'd like to make up some big batches of rice and then make it into fried rice and then freeze it for future use. Although the TJ's fried rice that we usually get is pretty reasonable, it is still a lot cheaper if I do it up in bulk myself.

We went out on Saturday to look at a pig as we were thinking of buying half a one for the fall, but the farmers blew us off. They weren't there for the appointment even though I had triple checked time and date. They didn't apologize either. Just claimed there had been a miscommunication. Sorry, no. When I have your stuff in black and white from your email, just no. You blew us off. At least apologize. So they lost our business.

I may have to go to the next county to get certified organic and pasture-raised. I try to buy as local as I can, but I can't help it if the nearest local people are total flakes. If our house ever sells and we get enough land, I am totally raising my own pigs. At least our beef people are reliable.

Our Old House

August 16th, 2014 at 08:55 pm

There is a man who is close to making an offer on our old house. It is between our house and a house in a slightly different area of our state. Please pray that the guy will make the decision to buy our house. We really, really need to sell this thing and I want to be able to move forward with our lives again with big steps and not just baby ones. Or for God to send us someone who can make quick decisions and get on with it.

Payday Report for 8-15-14

August 16th, 2014 at 08:50 pm

$1000.00 to Mom for Loan
$1500.00 to BoA Visa
___55.46 to Paypal
___90.00 Physical Therapy
__130.00 Animal Feed
___80.00 Canning supplies and an electronic timer
___90.00 for buying potatoes/peppers/onions for preserving
___15.38 medical
___48.60 Phone (Old House)
___75.65 Internet
__144.00 Water/sewer (Old House)
___96.56 Prescriptions and OTC medications

We also ordered 3 new rabbit cages this week and 12 urine guards. It came to $221.35 and they are supposed to arrive on Monday. Hopefully, they will.

Payday Report for 8-8-14

August 16th, 2014 at 08:39 pm

$120.00 Physical therapy
$300.00 Groceries/animal feed/canning suppies
$757.82 Van loan (plus extra)
__27.88 Power (old house)
_100.89 EF
_100.00 Property Tax Fund
_100.00 Propane Fund
__20.00 Dues Fund
_400.00 to Mom for utilities
__89.95 Medical
_164.24 Vision (Glasses payment, 3 months same as cash)
__54.35 Baker Lawn Care (Old House)

We have decided since it is so hard to get up to the old house right now and because the weather has been constantly in the mid to high 80's, to hire a guy to mow the lawn at the old house when it gets out of hand. So about every 3 to 4 weeks. He did a good job and he lives in the area.

Emergency Fund Update

August 16th, 2014 at 07:14 am

$9787.66 Beginning EF
+__10.00 Weekly Deposit
$9797.66 New EF Amount

A Quick Update on the Rabbit Kits

August 14th, 2014 at 09:21 am

This was specifically for someone, but I can't remember who.

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Inventory of Home Canned Goods

August 13th, 2014 at 09:15 pm

I did an inventory yesterday of just what I have on my canning shelves and how much more I think I need to can this summer and fall. I'm doing pretty good so far, but I definitely have a lot more I want to get done. And I'll have to purchase at least 300 more jars to do so. I do still have a lot of my mother's jars still, and some of my own to get through before I start buying them. And certain items can be used and then canned in again, like when we run low on meats and stock, we can can what is in the freezer But when you are trying to plan for a year's worth of tomatoes, fruit, and staple vegetables, there is still a lot of jars that need to be bought. Next year, though, I won't have to buy near as many.

Here's what I have so far:

Potatoes--11 quarts
Carrots--19 quarts
Rabbit stock--14 quarts, 6 1.5 pint jars
Stock with veggies--3 1.5 pint jars
Green and yellow beans--19 quarts, 2 pints
Corn--29 pints
Dill pickles--8 quarts
Tomatoes, diced--17 pints
Tomato sauce--25 jars
Rabbit Meat--20 quarts
Beef chuck--9 quarts
Hamburger--1 pint
Salmon--12 pints
Applesauce--20 pints, 15 half pints
Nectarines--19 pints, 2 1.5 pints
Dandelion jelly--7 jars
Blackberry jam--14 jars
Blueberry jelly--11 jars
Apricot jelly--12 jars
Grape jelly--9 jars
Strawberry jam--12 jars

What I feel I need to do still:

35 pints of diced tomatoes
52 quarts of spaghetti sauce
104 quarts of potatoes
104 quarts of green beans
52 pints of applesauce
21 quarts of carrots
23 pints of corn
12 pints of hamburger
12 quarts of beef chuck
12 pints of salmon
20 quarts of rabbit
24 pints of trout (if we can catch it)
30 quarts of rabbit stock
15 quarts of rabbit stock with veggies

I don't know if I will be able to do it all. It really depends on how the garden produces. The green beans are just starting to produce, and the tomatoes are all over the place, but doing much better since we added the soaker hoses to the garden.

Excellent Deal on Fish

August 11th, 2014 at 07:33 am

Today at the grocery store they had keta salmon on sale for $3.99 a pound if you bought the whole fish. I got almost 7 pounds. I had them filet it for me, but also took the scraps from the fileting process. My mom uses the scraps to make a dish so we always take it, too.

Tomorrow I will can up the almost six pounds of filet, so we can get more protein on the shelves. I can't believe how ridiculous seafood prices have gotten. Shrimp is like $17 a pound and king crab is twice that. Even trash fish which used to be $5 or $6 a pound is more like $8 or $9. I may go back for more of this salmon since it is so cheap.

I also hope to get more potatoes canned either tomorrow or the next day. I opened a jar of potatoes today to try them. I made fried potatoes with them and they were exquisitely good.

Today I did another batch of applesauce. This time it was 9 pints, with about 1/4 cup left over that my son devoured. I could have done more, but the third crockpot was busy with today's dinner.

I made a new recipe today for pulled pork in the crockpot. Well, sort of a recipe. I put half a jar of Trader Joe's arrabiata sauce in the bottom of the crockpot (in a liner), then put in the pork roast, then dumped the rest of the jar on top of the roast. Then I threw in some of my home frozen onions and peppers on top. 8 hours on low, a minute with a couple of forks, and it was a succulent, tender, mildly spiced dinner served wrapped in tortillas.

Next time I'll put in a 4 oz jar of green chiles, though and some salt. It made a great birthday dinner for my daughter who is now 18 years old. How did that happen? I can't even believe it.

Speaking of my daughter, she continues to improve slowly. Your prayers are still very much needed, though.

More Canning--Applesauce and Corn

August 10th, 2014 at 08:16 pm

So I got another good deal on corn on the cob, better than the first one and ended up with another 11 jars of corn for 33 cents per pint yesterday. My last batch was 54 cents per pint so that was nice. That brings my total of corn on the shelf to 29 jars.

After that I canned 12 pints of cinnamon applesauce. The apples were free from our yard, but they were very tart so we did use quite a bit of sugar and of course some cinnamon. So I am roughly estimating that each pint of applesauce cost about 50 cents to make. That is probably over, but close enough. Since a quart of organic applesauce in the store is around $4, that basically means I saved $3 for every 2 pints I canned.

We only processed 2 of the 5 3 gallon buckets of apple drops we had, so based on that, we should get another 18 jars of applesauce by the time we get through them.

We had one full 3 gallon bucket of waste after doing the apples, all the cores and peels. This bucket went out to the chickens, ducks, and turkeys, and they ate it all over the course of the day. We also saved the cobs from the corn and will be doling those out over the next few days.

Since the apple peels were not in great shape, being drops, I decided not to try to make my own apple cider vinegar from them. I'd rather have freshly picked apples off the tree for that, than ones that have spent time on the ground.

Tomorrow I will pick up some more Yukon Gold potatoes to can. I'd like to get another dozen or so jars on the shelf. I think we are still a few weeks out from harvesting our own since some of them are still blooming.

I need to do a payday report. I've paid all the bills and stuff that needed to be done, but I've been so busy with the canning that I haven't had a chance to sit down and write it up for a blog entry, or to put it into my spreadsheet. I'll try to at least get the latter done today and hopefully the former by tomorrow.

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