Home > 60 Million

60 Million

September 18th, 2014 at 07:15 pm

Well, my hit counter went over 60 million hits last night. I find that absolutely crazy, even if I have been writing this blog for almost 8.5 years. How neat is that? Thank you to all my readers. Your help, advice, loyalty, prayers, and readership mean a lot to me.

7 Responses to “60 Million”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:


  2. scottish girl Says:

    Amazing! I love your blog, especially re-reading how quickly your EF grew

  3. rob62521 Says:

    You are a popular gal! Congrats!

  4. Looking Forward Says:

    That is awesome!
    And great news about selling the house. *fingers crossed*

  5. starfishy Says:

    i was hoping that was the total you just won in the lottery! Smile congrats

  6. Tabs Says:

    Woooooow congrats!

  7. Ima saver Says:

    Congratulatons! You are a great gal!

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