April 4th, 2007 at 04:20 am
Today was one of those days where you have a million things to accomplish and are lucky if you even accomplish one. I guess I count myself fortunate that I actually accomplished three things. Even if one of those things was simply emptying the dishwasher. Hey, it was on the list.
We also mostly finished up in Rose's room and took a bunch more stuff to storage as FIL was kind enough to bring his truck out and run DH in with the load. I've been buried in laundry from Rose's room. I don't even know what was dirty and what was clean and never put away. But she knows if I find one thing on the floor its confiscated. She has a her own laundry hamper and a closet she can easily hang things up in, plus a dresser with easy slide drawers. NO excuses whatsoever. If its on the floor it is gone!
I think its going to take me a couple of days to get caught up on laundry, sort out what is too small and needs to be handed down to her older cousin, who she is a head taller than, and what needs to be put away properly. Sigh. I swear I had just done this six months ago and it was nowhere near as bad. How one kid could be so messy is beyond me. I did take away her guitar for a month because I found it out of its case and on the floor.
I don't get where the messy gene is coming from. Even Tobias keeps his room neat most of the time and he's only seven. I think she has a packrat tendancy, maybe got that from MIL and FIL. I dunno.
Aside from that I did manage to get 2 book pages written today and will work on it some more tonight and 3 the day before. I also read book 2 of the Withern Rise trilogy, "Small Eternities" by Michael Lawrence and started the 3rd one, "The Underwood See." I liked the first book and so far the third book more than the second, the second was more of a bridge piece. Necessary, but the less exciting part of the story. Very interested to see how it will turn out.
Didn't really do anything in the financial arena other than balance the checkbook and it actually balanced, always a good. Okay, I guess I did get more than three things accomplished today. But the list still doesn't seem any shorter.
Spent some time online going over stuff with my friend I will be meeting in California at month's end. We are plotting our vacation to waste the least amount of time possible.
I guess that's about it, then.
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Organize My Life,
When Life Happens
April 3rd, 2007 at 03:45 am
Big, fat fluffy flakes. We woke up to it, waited for the school bus in it this morning, waited for the school bus in it this afternoon, and finally saw the back of it at about 6:00, when the sun came out and everything melted.
We've gotten snow on the first day of spring before, but this is the first time in my life I can remember having snow in April.
We spent the day cleaning out Rose's room. DH and I worked in there for at last six hours. It's still not done. It's such a disaster. Rose has the name destructo girl for a reason. Mostly I just close her door and ignore her room but I was just so sick of it.
That girl is going to keep it neat this time or I'm going to take away all of her stuff. She can have five toys and one week's worth of clothes and some books and anything else she has to earn back.
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Organize My Life
April 3rd, 2007 at 03:39 am
My ING savings account earned $1.56 in interest this month, bringing interest earned to $4.06 year to date.
$578.95 beginning balance
+ 1.56 in interest
$580.51 ending balance
I love earning interest. I didn't even earn that much in my regular savings account in a year last year. I also love that it keeps a running daily balance of how much you are earning in interest for the month, even though you aren't credited for it until month's end. So far this month I have earned 7 cents.
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April 2nd, 2007 at 04:50 am
I'm sorry if I came across as snarky this morning, just not my favorite holiday and I went back and read the previous entry. I don't want to spoil anyone else's fun, just not my thing. Anywho...
We've been cleaning and organizing for most of the day. Yesterday when we picked up storage containers we also bought 2 CD's that I had planned for, the one from Chris Daughtry and the one from Kathrine McPhee.
I was very pleased with both of them. There's a song on hers about shoes that my daughter just loves and the beats on her album are just so contagious. Perfect cleaning music. I think Daughtry is more car driving music.
All in all, not bad for two singers who didn't win first place on that reality show last year. And I've listened to the winner's album and its nowhere near as good as what he did on the show or what these other two have done.
We have got so much sorted and sifted, but how come the house always looks like a hurricane hit it while you are cleaning and after you have taken umpteen loads of junk out of the house? Well, I suppose I can just be grateful that it only looks like it was hit by one and not ever actually hit by one. From reading Jan's blog I know that the reality of that silly phrase is so much worse.
I do think actual progress appears to have been made though this time. Always a good.
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Organize My Life
April 1st, 2007 at 10:41 pm
...but personally, I think it is a stupid quasi-holiday and always have. When I was 6 years old my father told my mother that my 17 year old sister, who had spent the night with a friend, had been in a car accident and she might not live and they had to go to the hospital right then. I decided that day that I have no use for a holiday that would have a man tell his wife that their daughter might be dying when she wasn't. Didn't have much use for my father for awhile after that, either. Some things you just don't joke about, ever.
So obviously, I don't like April Fool's jokes, even just the dumb ones. I have very little tolerance of them. I hope all information remains intact with this blog design joke (or I hope it is a joke)but so far, I still cannot access the first 11 days of my blog and I can't look up my stats page, which is pretty much like taking away a toddler's favorite toy.
I guess this is the one day of the year when I completely lose my sense of humor.
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When Life Happens