Home > It Snowed Today

It Snowed Today

April 3rd, 2007 at 02:45 am

Big, fat fluffy flakes. We woke up to it, waited for the school bus in it this morning, waited for the school bus in it this afternoon, and finally saw the back of it at about 6:00, when the sun came out and everything melted.

We've gotten snow on the first day of spring before, but this is the first time in my life I can remember having snow in April.

We spent the day cleaning out Rose's room. DH and I worked in there for at last six hours. It's still not done. It's such a disaster. Rose has the name destructo girl for a reason. Mostly I just close her door and ignore her room but I was just so sick of it.

That girl is going to keep it neat this time or I'm going to take away all of her stuff. She can have five toys and one week's worth of clothes and some books and anything else she has to earn back.

4 Responses to “It Snowed Today”

  1. Amber Says:

    I have never seen snow and would love to. I wish you were close I have room you could tackle Smile

  2. paulettegoddard Says:

    That girl is going to keep it neat this time or I'm going to take away all of her stuff. She can have five toys and one week's worth of clothes and some books and anything else she has to earn back.
    We're slowing going through the "let's get rid of things we do not love" process: weeding the yard as well as the house. Even if wintry snow flakes fool us into thinking spring's a while coming...

  3. Personal Finance Guide 101 Says:

    Well you and your DH have spent 6 hours to clean her room.... Smile and its not done...well she may agree to your condition like...if you want to keep all the stuff then you have to keep your room clean...


  4. debtfreeme Says:

    when i grew up if something lasted out of place on the floor longer than 3 days it dissappeared until i asked my mom about it. i learned quickly to put things back in the places where they were supposed to go. i lost very few things permanently but then we had very little.

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