Viewing the 'Emergency Fund/Coin Jar' Category
February 4th, 2016 at 08:01 pm
$15,793.42 Starting Balance
+__,_10.00 Weekly Deposit
$15,803.42 New Balance
$196.58 to go.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
February 1st, 2016 at 07:48 pm
My daughter used my card to order something off of Amazon. She reimbursed me. I tend to absorb those sorts of things into my payment each month, so any money she pays me back goes into the Emergency Fund. I also had some ones in the coin jar so deposited those, too.
$15,715.42 Starting Balance
+__,_78.00 Deposit
$15793.42 New Balance
$206.58 to go to hit my next mini-goal. I am hoping to do this by the end of February.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
February 1st, 2016 at 04:41 pm
$15,681.94 Starting Balance
+__,_33.48 C1-360 Interest
$15715.42 New Balance
$284.58 to go for my first mini-goal of 2016.
Posted in
Extra Income Sources,
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
January 30th, 2016 at 04:28 am
$15,671.94 Starting Balance
+__,_10.00 Weekly Deposit
$15,681.94 New Balance
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
January 23rd, 2016 at 02:05 am
$15525.58 Starting Balance
+__100.00 Monthly Deposit
+___46.36 Extra money leftover from last payday
$15671.94 New Balance
$328.06 to go to hit my first mini-goal of 2016.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
January 22nd, 2016 at 10:07 am
$15442.58 Starting Balance
+___10.00 Weekly Deposit
+___73.00 Farm Sales and Coin Jar
$15505.58 New Balance
$494.42 to go to hit my first mini-goal of the year. $4,494.42 to go to hit my next big milestone.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
January 20th, 2016 at 04:15 am
$15432.58 Starting Balance
+___10.00 Weekly Deposit 1/14/16
$15442.58 New Balance
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
January 8th, 2016 at 01:38 am
$15,422.47 Starting Balance
+__,_10.00 Weekly Deposit
+__,__0.11 Interest
$15432.58 New Balance
$567.42 to go until my next mini-goal and $4,567.42 to go until my next milestone.
Posted in
Extra Income Sources,
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
January 1st, 2016 at 09:44 pm
$15,365.03 Starting Balance
+__,_10.00 Weekly Deposit
$15,375.03 Subtotal
+__,_31.32 C1-360 Interest
+__,_16.01 CU#1 Interest
+__,__0.11 CU #2 Interest
$15,422.47 New Balance
$577.53 to go to hit my first mini-goal for 2016. It is nice to be almost half way to that mini-goal on January 1st! $4,477.53 to go to hit my next milestone goal of $20,000.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
December 29th, 2015 at 04:58 am
I finally made it to the credit union today to deposit my Pinecone check, the $75 from selling a rabbit, and the rolled coin in my coin jar. I've had them for a week, but with the holidays, just hadn't had the chance to deposit them. I added it to the Emergency Fund.
$15.255.53 Starting Balance
+__,109.50 Deposit Added
$15,365.03 New Balance
$634.97 to go to hit my first mini-goal for 2016 and $4,634.97 to go to hit my new big goal.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
December 28th, 2015 at 06:41 am
$15,245.53 Starting Balances
+__,_10.00 Weekly Deposit
$15.255.53 New Balance
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
December 18th, 2015 at 07:35 pm
$15171.18 Starting Balance
+___10.00 Weekly Deposit
+___21.35 Extra Funds
+___43.00 Egg Sales and Coin Jar
$15245.53 New Balance
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
December 16th, 2015 at 02:19 am
$15,000.00 Starting Balance
+__,171.78 Deposit Added
$15,171.78 New Balance
My next goal for the end of 2016 is $20,000, but I will be happy to get to $18,000.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
October 8th, 2015 at 09:55 pm
$345.84 Starting Balance
+_10.00 Weekly Deposit
+_67.00 Rabbit Money
+_13.00 Coin Jar Money
$435.84 New Balance
$514.16 left to hit my goal of $950 (revised down from $1000 since I put a $50 deposit down for my turkey).
Posted in
Holiday Planning and Purchasing,
Ee ii ee ii oo,
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
June 2nd, 2015 at 05:55 am
$2258.43 Beginning January Money Fund Total
+__10.00 Weekly Savings Deposit
+__30.18 C1-360 Interest
$2298.61 New January Money Fund Total
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
May 26th, 2015 at 11:45 pm
$14,941.89 Beginning EF Total
+__,_58.11 (Egg and Rabbit Money, Coin Jar)
$15,000.00 New EF Total
I have finally hit my goal of $15K. That gives us bare minimum expenses for 3 months. While I would like to get the EF to double that one day, for now I am going to pause the EF savings, probably for the rest of the year, and work on some other shorter term goals. First up is funding the January Money Fund and the Tire Fund. Today I deposited the rest of the coin jar money into the January Money Fund.
$2193.65 Beginning January Money Fund Total
+__32.39 Deposit Added
$2258.43 New January Money Fund Total
So from now on the weekly $10 deposit, the monthly $100 deposit, farm sales, and coin jar savings will go to fund either the Tire Fund or the JM Fund.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
May 25th, 2015 at 08:31 pm
$14,931.89 Beginning EF
+__,_10.00 Weekly Deposit
$14,941.89 New EF Total
I haven't made it to the credit union yet to deposit the farm sale proceeds. Hopefully I will remember to do that tomorrow.
$58.11 to go.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
May 16th, 2015 at 07:25 pm
$14,831.89 Beginning EF Amount
+__,100.00 Monthly Deposit
$14931.89 New EF Total
$68.11 to go to hit $15K.
I think I might make this before June. I have 2 $10 weekly deposits left for this month and I currently have $23 in the coin jar, so that is $43. I am 2 dimes short of a roll, which would put me at $48. I'm sure one of the kids has 2 dimes I can trade for nickles and that would leave me with $20.11 to come up with by the end of the month. There is technically another payday the last Friday of this month, but I'd rather scrape it together before then somehow. It's more fun that way.
ETA: I forgot, I am selling a rabbit tomorrow, $20, 6 turkey eggs tomorrow,$3, and I am currently saving a week's worth of turkey hatching eggs for someone else at 50 cents each, so I do have this.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
May 15th, 2015 at 09:16 am
$14,821.89 Beginning EF
+__,_10.00 Weekly Auto deposit
$14,831.89 New EF Balance
$168.11 to go to hit my goal of $15K.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
May 9th, 2015 at 12:23 am
$14,735.37 Beginning EF Total
+__,_20.00 Two Weekly Deposits
+__,_10.00 Pinecone Check
+__,_20.00 Egg Money
+__,__7.00 Coin Jar ones
+__,_29.52 C1_360 Interest
$14,821.89 New EF Total
$178.11 to go to hit my goal of $15K. I should hit this next month.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
April 30th, 2015 at 04:02 pm
$14,735.37 Beginning EF Balance
+__,_10.00 Weekly Deposit
$14,745.37 New EF Balance
$245.63 to go to hit my goal of $15K. I am hoping I will hit it next month. Since there is an extra payday in May, I think that I can. Once I hit $15K I am going to start working on building up some of the other funds. I need to add money to the December/January Money Fund next and the Tire Fund. We need to replace the tires on the van in 5 months, so I need to save $200 a month for that.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
April 29th, 2015 at 06:27 am
$14,533.37 Beginning EF Total
___,_10.00 Weekly Deposit (last week's)
___,100.00 Monthly Deposit
+__,_92.00 (Farm sales plus coin jar)
$14,735.37 New EF Total
$264.63 to go to hit my goal of $15K.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
April 16th, 2015 at 09:12 am
$14,489.37 Beginning EF Amount
___,_29.00 Egg Money
___,__5.00 Pinecone Check
+__,_10.00 Weekly Deposit
$14,533.37 New EF Total
Yay, less than $500 to go to hit my goal of $15K! $466.63 to be exact.
Posted in
Extra Income Sources,
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
April 11th, 2015 at 09:17 pm
$14,479.37 Beginning EF Total
+__,_10.00 Weekly Deposit
$14,489.37 Ending EF Total
I have been super busy this week with the garden, but I hope to do a real update today or tomorrow. I bought my camera. I ended up going with a $150 Canon Power Shot. It is lightweight, small enough to fit in my pocket, the lens closes, and it is a gorgeous blue color. I am very happy with it so far for taking photos. I still have to do videos with it, though. That is also something I will do this weekend, as I want to record my garden progress for my farm blog. I'll likely post a link here, too, though.
I got a $5 check from Pinecone in the mail today, so that will get added in on Monday.
Posted in
Appliance Antics and Household Purchases,
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
April 6th, 2015 at 11:17 pm
$14,429.37 Beginning EF Total
+__,_50.00 Pinecone, Excess Con Money)
$14,479.37 New EF Total
My daughter came back from Sakura Con with $240 of the $300 in food money I gave her (I budgeted for $100 a day just in case, though I knew it was way high), so that $40 is the excess con money. I think she did great using only $20 a day. They took snacks, a case of bottled water, and had a mini-fridge and microwave, too.
$520.63 left to go to hit my goal of $15K.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
April 6th, 2015 at 06:34 pm
$14,419.37 Beginning EF Amount
+__,_10.00 Weekkly Deposit (4/2)
$14,429.37 Ending EF Amount
$570.63 to go to hit $15K.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
April 1st, 2015 at 10:04 am
$14,419.37 is the new total of the EF after adding interest from C1-360, my main credit union, my back-up credit union, and a forgotten deposit.
$580.63 to go to hit my big goal of $15K.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
March 28th, 2015 at 01:55 am
$14,245.60 Beginning EF Total
___,_10.00 Weekly Deposit
___,_59.73 (Coin jar money, egg money, and rebate)
$14,315.33 New EF Total
$684.67 to go to hit my big goal of $15K.
Posted in
Extra Income Sources,
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
March 20th, 2015 at 04:57 am
$14,235.60 Beginning EF Total
+__,_10.00 Weekly Deposit
$14,245.60 New EF Total
$754.40 to go to hit my goal of $15K.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar
March 14th, 2015 at 05:06 am
$14,135.60 Beginning EF Total
+__,100.00 Amount Added
$14,235.60 New EF Total
$764.40 to go to hit my goal of $15K.
Posted in
Emergency Fund/Coin Jar