Home > Weekly EF Deposit

Weekly EF Deposit

April 30th, 2015 at 03:02 pm

$14,735.37 Beginning EF Balance
+__,_10.00 Weekly Deposit
$14,745.37 New EF Balance

$245.63 to go to hit my goal of $15K. I am hoping I will hit it next month. Since there is an extra payday in May, I think that I can. Once I hit $15K I am going to start working on building up some of the other funds. I need to add money to the December/January Money Fund next and the Tire Fund. We need to replace the tires on the van in 5 months, so I need to save $200 a month for that.

1 Responses to “Weekly EF Deposit”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    You are getting so close!

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