Yesterday I canned 14 quarts of potatoes, which is 2 lbs per jar. I peeled 29 pounds of potatoes. I always do an extra pound because you lose about a pound to peels. My hands were very sore afterwards, but are doing surprisingly well this morning. That makes the total jars of potatoes canned so far 21. I think I've got at least enough to do 14 more jars, possibly 21, but we'll have to see. There are lots of little ones that are too small to peel and will work better as roasted or fried.
I took DS to the doctor this afternoon and they finally gave him antibiotics for his sinus infection. Hopefully he will start to improve now. They should have given them to him the last week of September when he went in the first time, but his dad took him because I was too sick and his dad does not know how to advocate for him or tell the doctor's what they need to hear to get antibiotics. We know when we have sinus infections around here, they happen too often, but sometimes on call doctors don't know the history, so I have to be forceful in advocating.
I finished my course of antibiotics yesterday and I am glad to be done with it. I had to take the liquid form because the pills have red dye in them and I am allergic to red dye. But the liquid has artificial sweetner and it was awful. I don't react well to artificial sweeteners, but at least they don't intefere with my breathing or give me hives or cause migraines. Lesser of two evils, especially since I can't take penicillin and the Z-pack didn't work. I don't feel 100% better, but I do feel functional at a higher level than I've been. If I could just shake the cough I would be happy.
I am taking the day off from doing any work and just giving my body a chance to recover from all the canning work I've done in the last few days. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the rheumatologist and I am going to see if we can try a different medication. I don't think mine are working anymore. If she prescribes it with an anti-nausea med, I might be able to take one of the others I tried before that made me sick.
I am preparing to start on a new eating plan tomorrow. I am going to work on weight loss again. I am prepping the vegetables today so it will be easier for me to just get up and grab the proper food in the right portions. All of the junk food is out of the house and I'm not going to bring in any more for the next two weeks. And I'm going to go off gluten again, hopefully permanently. My focus will be primarily on controlling my carbs to 60 grams, eating more seafood (twice a week at least), keeping my vegetable intake up, and cutting out gluten for good. Also, I'll be cutting out sugar, but I will allow a small amount of honey while breaking the sugar addiction so the withdrawal isn't too bad.
November 8th, 2020 at 09:46 pm 1604871967