Home > I Made it to Half a Century...

I Made it to Half a Century...

February 12th, 2020 at 09:10 pm

...but I woke up with this awful chest cough that set in in the middle of the night. Guess DH and I won't be going out to celebrate after all. But I bought ribeyes a couple of days ago on sale, and DS will cook them, throw baked potatoes in the instant pot, and open a can of green beans to nuke, so I will still get my dinner cooked by someone else, which is all I really wanted. I might have to eat it in bed, but so be it. And DS is making these really good gluten free brownies instead of cake.

14 Responses to “I Made it to Half a Century...”

  1. Debora Acevedo Says:

    Happy birthday LuckyRobin. I turned 50 this past August.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Happy Birthday!

  3. GoodLiving Says:

    Happy Birthday, I turned the big 5-0 in July of last year!

  4. Bluebird Says:

    Happy Birthday LR!!! I turned 50 last July.

  5. mumof2 Says:

    happy birthday I reached that mile stone 3 weeks ago...enjoy your dinner

  6. Sue Says:

    Happy Birthday Robin! I hope you feel better soon and I know you'll enjoy the dinner your son is cooking for you tonight.

  7. CB in the City Says:

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy that steak -- and brownies!

  8. Dido Says:

    Happy birthday and feel better soon!

  9. terri77 Says:

    Hope you feel better soon. Happy Birthday!!!

  10. starfishy Says:

    Happy Birthday and welcome to the 50s! Hope you recover quickly. Smile

  11. rob62521 Says:

    Happy birthday! Sorry you are under the weather. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Nice deal on the meal...sounds pretty good to me!

  12. Lucky Robin Says:

    Thanks everyone. Turns out I have influenza.

  13. LifeBalance Says:

    Yikes on the flu! But happy birthday all the same. You'll have to celebrate another day or the rest of the year.

  14. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    happiest of birthday days!

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