Home > Another New Baby--Prayers Please

Another New Baby--Prayers Please

October 5th, 2018 at 10:45 pm

Well, my newest great niece was born yesterday at 32 weeks gestation. She weighed 3 pounds exactly. So far she seems to be doing okay, but you just never know with preemies. They saved her cord blood for my nephew's wife and will be using that in her treatment eventually as well as starting the chemotherapy in the next day or so after his wife recovers some from the birth. The baby wasn't positioned correctly for a regular birth so they had to operate which means a bit more recovery time before they can start the chemo. They have named her Phoenix. It is one of the most appropriately symbolic names they could have given her. I hope this entire family manages to rise from the ashes.

6 Responses to “Another New Baby--Prayers Please”

  1. Laura Says:

    Prayers for Baby Phoenix. May she be a Warrior as well as the Blessing!

  2. Wink Says:

    Prayers sent for all.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Prayers said for all.

  4. CB in the City Says:

    Oh my. Prayers for little Phoenix and her family.

  5. Debt-free by Thir-ty Says:

    Sending prayers their way. Phoenix is a beautiful name.

  6. livingalmostlarge Says:

    blessings but congratulations on the new addition. i hope things go well.

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