I don't know what it is, but I sure don't seem to be into my finances this month. I mean, I'm not ignoring them or anything, I'm staying on track for my goals, I'm not overspending (though I am doing a lot of planned spending), but it all seems sort of boring at the moment.
I go through this from time to time and I guess it is normal not to want to always have a pinpoint focus or to track every cent. I pretty much just feel like I'm a well-oiled machine that just keeps on keeping on. I think about making blog posts, but they just feel like they lack a certain spark right now. I guess after eight years blogging (I totally missed my blogoversary on the 9th) there just isn't always that much left to talk about anymore.
I did do one frugal thing this week. I made and canned dandelion jelly. It turned out awesome and tastes like honey.
But you can read about that on the farm blog if you want:
I'm sure I'll get my mojo or whatever back in a while. These things come and go.
Meanwhile, I have cute animal stuff.
Rabbit kits:
Sienna and Cinnabun:
Pekin duckling:
Welsh Harlequin and Pekin ducklings:
Royal Palm turkey poults (yellow ones) and Barnevelder chicks:
April 23rd, 2014 at 11:03 am 1398247432
I feel that way about finances from time to time as well, I guess that's normal. I figure it's a good thing that there is no financial drama to be thinking about.
April 23rd, 2014 at 01:35 pm 1398256509
April 23rd, 2014 at 08:24 pm 1398281077
April 24th, 2014 at 12:03 am 1398294206
There is a kindle book on amazon for $3 called Poverty Jelly that is about making jellies from ingredients found in nature that I am eyeing, but I have found so many recipe online for free, I'm not sure I want to shell out for it.
April 24th, 2014 at 01:40 am 1398300034