Home > Today is Always a Hard Day

Today is Always a Hard Day

January 7th, 2013 at 03:51 pm

Today is the 3rd anniversary of the murder of my daughter's friend F. She would have been 17. Murder is always senseless, the murder of children doubly so. F died at the hands of her mother's live in boyfriend. Domestic violence, alcohol, and a gun were responsible for her death.

I wish that she had left that house instead of going out and getting between her mom and her mom's boyfriend. I wish he had not disconnected their phone line. I wish she had run through the dark in the early hours of the morning and knocked on our door, on anyone else's door. I wish that I'd found out about it in a better way than reporters knocking on my front door and asking if we knew the murdered child. They hadn't even given us a name, but I could look down the block and see where everything was centered and I knew immediately who it was.

F had never said a thing about her situation, had never mentioned the abuse her mother was going through. She'd never gotten in the way of it before and like most children in such cases, she was a silent witness, until one day she wasn't.

It rocked our little neighborhood to the core and was the impetus for us leaving the area and moving back to town. My kids just could not handle living in a place where a child they had played with for years was killed. No one felt safe anymore, especially my kids, despite the fact that the murderer commited suicide and was no longer there.

I hope my daughter makes it through the school day without crumbling. We have decided not to remind my son of what day it is. He was 9 when it happened so his memories are not so sharp, but he adored F. She never minded when he tagged along with his sister. She was such a sweet girl and will always be missed. As a mother, it just broke my heart.

7 Responses to “Today is Always a Hard Day”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    That would be super hard. My prayers are with you all as you journey through this day. We are coming up on a first anniversary for a classmate of my older daughter who died of a self inflicted gunshot. He was a very well liked child and it was very hard for the entire community to fathom and then another boy did the same thing the next day. We have since moved as well, so we'll see if DD remembers. I think she will. It shocked her to her core.

  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    What a senseless, horrible loss. Frown
    I've wondered why your family made the decision to move from the house you own. Now I know. How awful. I hope your daughter is doing ok today.

  3. North Georgia Gal Says:

    I too have wondered why you moved from the house you own. It all makes sense now. You and your dd are in my thoughts today.

  4. snafu Says:

    How incredibly sad.

  5. PNW Mom Says:

    Very sad and tragic. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers today.

  6. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Very sad anniversary- It is tough when we lose people we care about, but even tougher at your daughters age and under those circumstances. Hugs to all of you.

  7. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    So sorry to hear what a sad event. Frown {{{hugs}}}

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