Home > Upheaval at Work, Upheaval at School

Upheaval at Work, Upheaval at School

August 2nd, 2012 at 08:39 am

I talked to DH tonight for a good while and while he's been assured that his job is safe, there are going to be some other people losing theirs up at work. It means that he may be taking on more responsibility as those jobs don't get refilled. It also means that he may have to work extra days or extra weeks. Extra days or weeks mean extra income, but at the same time, it means more time away from the family. I doubt there will be any raise with this responsibility. He's already practically doing two jobs, so a third one added in...well, I hope it's not too much stress for him.

Having made the decision to homeschool our son this next school year, having DH around less to help out when he's home, or keep me sane, means it'll be that much harder. Of course, I'll only be homeschooling one of my kids this time and he's a way better reader now than he was the last time we homeschooled, so maybe it'll go okay. I know since he's had treatment for his forward head posture, he tends to be a stinker only one day out of seven instead of the other way around. That may make all the difference in the world this time around.

DS has decided he wants to go with WAVA again after all, so everything will be free after all. I would have chosen a few more exciting things, but he says he really, really wants to do WAVA. He liked it before a lot. And it does keep him in the state school system. Though I really, really want to know why they think they need immunization records for a virtual school? He will not be around other children on a daily basis.

We are trying to get a hold of a lady on Craig's List who gives music lessons for $15/30 minutes. DS has decided he does not want to even do just orchestra through the school system, since the principal sometimes comes in and sits and watches the class. This man has fallen so far in my son's estimation that he doesn't want to take a class he loves because of the risk that that man will stop by once a month to view it as he did during sixth grade. I really wish there was a way that I could impress on that principal all the damage he is responsible for doing to my child.

Since the principal has been unwilling to communicate at all since all of the medical evidence (including x-rays) came in supporting our child being pretty severely injured at school, we can't even talk to him about it, or try to help restore any kind of trust there. He's just...well, they say bullying starts at the top. I know he bullied us when we went in. I think maybe he's so used to having his own way he has forgotten how to bend. Too bad that in the process of becoming so unyielding, he's broken a student's faith that he would be safe at school.

5 Responses to “Upheaval at Work, Upheaval at School”

  1. North Georgia Gal Says:

    So sorry that you child went through this at school. Every child should feel safe at school.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    As an educator, it breaks my heart to learn of the callousness of this administrator...some of them think they are dictators and are always right. Every child should feel safe at school from peers and adults.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    I have known a lot of good educators in my time. My mother was a teacher. My neice is a teacher. My daughter wants to be a teacher. They are all excellent with children. This man has no business being around children, and he certainly has no ability to deal with parents as adults, instead of treating them like children (and in a way no child should ever be treated by an adult at school).

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Frown {{{hugs}}}

  5. snafu Says:

    If this principal/administrator is being so difficult, it's time to take action in a different direction. E-mail makes it simple to be in touch with the district superintendent and even easier to our elected school board trustee/official. I suggest setting up a system so that you can e-mail, blind copy or CC each person involved as you prefer. It's amazing how fast a principal will respond when an elected official starts asking questions. You need to be direct, unemotional, listing date, event, result, cost and most importantly, what you want as outcome.

    Were the police or juvenile authorities involved? If not, why not given the medical verification. What process the the school follow, does the school's process need to be changed?

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