Home > This and That

This and That

May 25th, 2012 at 04:44 am

I haven't been feeling great the last couple of days. Not sick, really, just...yucky. Today I didn't stick to my meal plan. I cooked, it's just that the idea of doing a complicated new recipe did not appeal. Plus, I realized I was out of soy sauce, so I couldn't really make the marinade. I ended up just doing bacon cheese burgers, corn on the cob, and nectarines. It worked well. We picked up soy sauce so we can make the Tropical Chicken Stir-fry tomorrow and bump the ribeye meal to next week. They are frozen so it's not that big a deal. Plus DS is doing a make up tae kwon do class tomorrow for when he was so sick, which means a stir-fry will just be easier than the other.


I found this interesting booklet on meal planning:

Text is and Link is It's kind of a crash course for people who don't really know what they are doing. It wasn't exactly news to me, but I think it would be very helpful for someone who hasn't tried meal planning before and wants to dive in. It does require time though. I think this is more for families with a stay at home parent (and not of very young children, but at least preschool age and up, because some of it would just be hard to do with a toddler clinging to your leg or wearing a baby) or maybe one parent who is only working part time. I'd find it hard if I was working full time. Not that it's not doable, but it's probably not practicle in that situation. Also didn't really care for the breakfasts, because I don't like oatmeal (unless it's in cookies or bread or granola or Joe's O's), but it's not hard to plan breakfasts. And I liked the shopping lists. It's a good teaching tool really.


I added $6.98 cents to the coin jar. I picked up a prescription for $25. We filled up the gas tank on the van, $57.16. We did a major stock up run to Costco so I shouldn't have to go there for a couple of months, and picked up six LED lightbulbs there, batteries, toilet paper, and of course groceries.

I got really annoyed at a lady there. She was trying to squeeze between me and the shelves instead of going around DH and I. There was not room to do this and she was practically shoving her cart into me. I was probably less than gracious about it because I was having a bad pain day in my leg which always makes me walk slower. I walked even slower at that point. I get cranky when I hurt. She huffed loudly and finally just went around us. I wanted to tell her off, but I bit my tongue. People are rude enough at Costco without me adding to it.


Spent $10 on two foam swords for the kids. I probably played with one of them more than was seemly for an adult, but it was fun to whack something today. Very stress relieving. This was actually an expense for school.


Here, have a photo of the half grown chickens roosting in the coop. I will try to get a photo of the ducks up soon.

Oh, and here's a photo of the damage my mother "didn't" do to our older car. The suction cup dent remover does not work to pull it out, either. It cost $5.

5 Responses to “This and That”

  1. snafu Says:

    LED Light Bulbs: I suggest you hilite those on the Costco bill and file in a designated 'warranty' page protector since these are promoted as 7 yr. life. We've had two bulbs last less than 12 months and it took me too long time/frustration to find the specific receipt needed to take them back. That experience has taught me it's important to use the hiliter!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Thanks, that's a good idea on the light bulbs.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Sorry you were in pain. As for rude shoppers, I think they are abundant everywhere.

  4. baselle Says:

    That's just weirdly rude. Its not like Costco has itty bitty narrow aisles. But, I find that most people turn rude the minute they fall out of the reverie they get into as they put into their cart gallon containers of mayonnaise or a pallet of canned tomato products. Smile

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    Not much mystery, Jerry. I watched her back the pickup truck into it. It's not worth reporting and I don't want to make Mom's insurance premiums go up (mostly because I'd never hear the end of it).

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