Home > It's Been a Spendy Week

It's Been a Spendy Week

September 5th, 2011 at 08:49 pm

I feel like I have been spending money left and right this last week. I know it was all budgeted for and all things that were necessary (school supplies, school clothes, medications, groceries, and gas). It just felt expensive. Gas jumped 25 cents this week at the cheapest station and more at the pricier ones. I'm not sure why as I'm not aware of anything blowing up but then I've not been following the news this week either. OH, wait, it's a holiday weekend. Duh. Hopefully it'll drop back down again tomorrow. I have half a tank though so should be okay for a few days. I have to go out to the house on Tuesday though which will use 1/5 of a tank.

The kids and I are taking DH to the airport in a little bit and then we are going to go swimming and grocery shopping. It's been in the 80's all weekend. Now that summer is practically over it decides to arrive.

Last night after working at the house all day I seriously did not think I was going to be able to walk today. I took one of my heavy duty painkillers and got slathered in Mineral Ice and I was achy but able to move okay this morning. I am hoping if I start swimming again it will help my back muscles feel better. Not sure anything will ever make my knees feel better.

2 Responses to “It's Been a Spendy Week”

  1. PauletteGoddard Says:

    I once worked with a woman who thought her knees would never be right until she tried acupuncture.

    Gas prices climb steeply for Labor Day weekend, I have noticed.

  2. patientsaver Says:

    Swimming sounds like great therapy for the back.

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