Home > That's It, Then

That's It, Then

August 13th, 2007 at 07:09 am

4 Responses to “That's It, Then”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    What's going on? I didn't get the memo! Big Grin

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I believe what happened is that I hurt LuckyRobin's feelings or made her feel grossly insulted. I read LuckyRobin's reply to my comment on her blog of yesterday and it hints at that. So I'm thinking she was uncomfortable with the interaction being public. "That's It, Then" might be a declaration that she will no longer be blogging; I'm not sure.

    LR, I did not mean to throw a wrench in your gut or in your blog. But I hope you are not giving up on blogging. If you would like to talk about it offline, we can. If not, I can understand why.

  3. Amber Says:

    LR, I hope you will still be blogging...what happened?

  4. carol Says:

    LR, I don't know what happened, but please don't stop blogging. I like reading your blogs.

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