Home > Goals Met and Not Met in 2024

Goals Met and Not Met in 2024

January 2nd, 2025 at 01:22 am

Goal #1:  To save $10,000 for the bathroom fund.  We had to completely gut the bathroom to the studs due to black mold in February.  At the time we had no idea how much it would cost to fix it.  Spoiler alert: $45,000 including materials.

Did we meet this goal?  Yes, and we exceeded it.  We saved $15,200 in ten months.

Goal #2:  Save enough money for a snowblower and purchase it.

Did we meet this goal?  Sort of.  We saved enough money for it, but we haven't had the chance to go and buy it yet.  The winter has been very mild so far, but we really need to go and do it soon, because February is always brutal.

Goal #3:  Save up for and purchase a large propane grill.

Did we meet this goal?  Nope.  DH worked overtime all summer and it was too hot for most of it to go outside at lunch or dinner time.  Wasn't even tempted.  Even gardening had to be done before 10 a.m. or after 8 p.m. because of the heat.  We weren't grilling that early or late, even with our small charcoal grill.

Goal #4:  Refund the Emergency Fund

Did we meet this goal?  Sort of, but then stuff kept going wrong.  The last of which was our furnace irrevocably dying and having to be replaced and leaving us with just under $100 in our EF.  So I guess for the year, no.

Goal #5  Purchase more garden bed kits and soil to put in them from my own personal money that I'd been saving (spending money, birthday money, Christmas money) as well as some infrastructure items and tools.  Put up the kits, fill them with dirt and start growing.

Did we meet this goal?  Partially.  We put up six 2 x 4 x 1 foot raised bed kits with t-posts and trellises for our blackberries to grow up and then planted various types of summer squash in the front of the beds as well.  Several more garden bed kits were not assembled.  I bought two new shovels, garden gloves, and a rototiller with a Briggs & Stratton motor so it should last forever.

Goal #6  Buy a new bed and frame for me that raises and lowers.  I want a full size to replace the King.  It is too big and I want space in my room for an armchair that will help you sit up.  I don't need it quite yet, but it would still be helpful.  But the armchair is more of a goal for 2026.  We have an old regular armchair that can come in and be a placeholder for it, too.  That will keep people from sitting on my new bed when they come in and talk to me and ruining it like they did with the current one.

Did we meet this goal?  Nope.  Hopefully, we will this year, sooner rather than later.

Goal #7 Start saving for 2 generators.

Did we meet this goal?  No.  We did have 2 power failures this year where it would have been nice to have them, also.  One was overnight, which meant we couldn't use our C-pap and Bi-pap machines all night, just only as long as our little power stations would last, which was 6 hours each.  The nighttime power failure lasted 10 hours.  The other power failure only lasted 90 minutes.

Usually we don't have power failures like this.  The long one was a planned outage to replace traffic light poles in the neighborhood, but they didn't tell us until the day before when they were supposed to give us a week's notice.  They did two different intersections and then they took out lights altogether in one intersection where they had put in a teardrop roundabout.

Goal #8 Lose 50 Pounds

Did I meet this goal?  Yes, I did.  I lost 63 pounds this year.

So we/I met 3.5 out of 7 goals in 2024, but considering it was a rough year and that we did a huge thing in saving $15,200, $5,200 over one goal, and losing 63 pounds, 13 pounds over another goal, I will still call it a massive win.  Now I just need to think about what my goals for 2025 will be.  Some will roll over, but not all.  Some will be new.  I will do a separate entry for that.


4 Responses to “Goals Met and Not Met in 2024”

  1. Tabs Says:

    Congrats for meeting some of those goals!

    The rest, I say no worries, we are all work-in-progress.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Well done on meeting many of your goals! And losing 63 pounds is wonderful! Talk about discipline!

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Thanks, Tabs. I had a lot of things go Cattywampus this year, hence no posting for six months, so I am pleased I accomplished what I did.

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Thanks, Rob. Part of the weight loss success was counseling, part of it was being afraid of what the virus had done to my heart, and then finding out I had a life long condition I hadn't known about called microvascular dysfunction that forced me to change how I ate or the damage to my heart could be permanent (it wasn't, it healed), and part of it was Ozempic allowing me to get my carb cravings under control and get me away from the borderline that I was starting to cross towards diabetes. It was less discipline than I really don't want to die yet.

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