Now that I've got a lot of meat in the freezer and only need to buy chicken which has been going on some pretty good cyclic sales around here, we can focus on better fruits and veggies during the rest of the year. I want to bring my grocery budget back down from $500 to $400 every two weeks and then I want to bring it down to $300, but with that extra $100 going for food to can or dry goods to put away, like pasta and rice and such. But another goal besides spending so much money is also to stop wasting money by stopping so much food from going out the door to our compost pile and garbage can.
Because the food waste has gotten to be a problem again and I'm wondering if we can get an organic waste garbage can and cut down our regular garbage can to every two weeks instead of every week. We already recycle a lot, but we do throw out some things we can't compost like meat scraps and some food containers we can't recycle, like when an egg cracks in a cardboard egg carton. And weeds can go in there, too, like morning glory that we don't want to compost, or the mowing with dandelion blossoms or thistle blossoms in it. Or any other weed flowers before they go to seed.
While we can afford these things currently, things don't seem to be getting better, and I really used to be good about keeping the grocery budget down and the food waste low and I'm not anymore.
I see the main reasons for this as the following:
1. I am not keeping track of what is in the fridge so I am buying more than I need of certain vegetables I already have at home. Particularly salad fixings and lettuce.
2. Stuff gets pushed to the back of the fridge, so people forget about their personal leftovers.
3. Stuff gets pushed to the back of the fridge, so I forget about family leftovers, like mashed potatoes or green beans or leftover pot roast.
4. I have quit meal planning.
5. I let myself fall into a cooking funk after my arm got messed up after my angiogram. I didn't want to and I didn't care. Takeout crept in.
6. I quit meal prepping despite wanting to.
7. I quit doing freezer meals despite wanting to.
So, I am planning to turn this around. I am going to keep a large white board by the fridge that keeps track of the food in it and when you take one you erase the amount and write in the new total or 0. If you finish the last of a thing, you also write it on the white board grocery list, and alert me of that fact. With butter, milk, eggs, and bread, you alert me when we are down to half of the last thing.
Write down personal leftovers and family leftovers and cross them off as they get eaten. I am out of my funk so start meal planning. My arm is mostly working okay, so stop using it as an excuse unless it is really hurting and when it is tag in the son or the husband. They can make certain meals so make them even if it goes off the meal plan.
Do individual breakfast and lunch meal prepping with my son. Do some frezer meals for dinner so I have something when I feel awful or the day is going to be really busy.
Start meal planning again. When I was feeling like crap I spent a lot of time looking up new recipes. Some I've even cooked and they went over really well.
I've worked out several meals so far that I can do for a meal plan for this month. Some of them are new dinners, some I've only tried once but were approved, and some are much loved favorites. I was just bored and wanted to switch up the repetoire. Being bored with cooking is never a good thing, because you just kind of sit there and stare into space about what you want to cook for dinner and then the time to start comes and goes and you end up getting take out again.
Which is not something I want to do. We need to be saving money, not wasting it. So for the month of November, I don't want to do take out. I want to spend only our grocery money, not money on takeaway. I'd like to come up with enough meals for the whole month. Right now I've got enough for nearly 3 weeks. I want to get a month or two just written down so I can pull from them when I make a weekly plan. I know what I am making today and tomorrow so I don't go into a brick wall at dinner time and I am preparing my grocery list for the rest of the week by first looking through the two fridges to see what we have and whether or not it is still good or not. Going to Seattle for a few days when we did probably means a few foods went bad.
I'll also want to check the garden for zucchini gone wild and strawberries visiting crazy town and pick peppers and green beans. Because if we have free food growing in the garden that we can eat, of course we want to do that first before buying anything. The broccoli might even be ready by now, too.
Then I can actually fill up the meal plan properly. The plan is to do some meal prep kits for breakfasts and some for lunches and then have things chopped up for dinner, even potatoes, but they will be in water so they don't turn brown, so all we have to do when it is time to make dinner is assemble everything in the right order or all together or into separate cooking devices or into one and with directions anyone can follow so if I am out stuff can still get going on time.
If whoever is supposed to doesn't forget to, then we can run like clockwork and we can get stuff done at the right time to get us all on a decent eating schedule with decent food that should help us all lose weight, give my son and I a set time in the day to exercise, and time in the evening to work on getting the house cleaned up after me being down for so long. I swear, if I am not there to direct people the house just turns into a pig sty and it is time for a deep clean of everything. I guess Fall Cleaning. It's not technically fall but the weather has turned and the leaves are not green anymore, so I'm counting it. Time to get life back under control again.
September 6th, 2023 at 08:08 pm 1694027287
I'm trying to eat our freezer again and just cycle through all the food in there and I know I'll spend a lot restocking it but at least it'll be fresh freezer stuff instead of old stuff KWIM?
September 8th, 2023 at 12:19 am 1694128798
September 14th, 2023 at 07:44 pm 1694717045