Last night was rough. I did a lot of new exercises at physical therapy and even though it was in the pool it totally kicked my butt. 45 minutes of non-stop exercise was only possible with the decreased gravity. By the time I got home everything hurt so bad. I made it halfway to the house before I had to sit down in the chair at the bottom of the ramp and put the bag down. It was so heavy with a wet towel and suit in there. And I forgot my phone so I couldn't call DH to come out and get me. So I sat there about ten minutes until I could go into the house and send DH out for my bag. That's how weak I was.
I wasn't able to move my arms enough to make dinner. They just felt like lead. It felt like a full on fibro flare with the RA kicking in just for fun. So we got Mexican. I had a single tostada de ceviche. They make it with tiger shrimp and it is really good with lots of tomatoes and onions. And then I had a rectangle from a chicken quesadilla. I also got 1 beef enchilada with rice, but I was too exhausted to eat it, so it went in the fridge for today. I figured I would be able to eat it all since I hadn't eaten all day (yes, bad, I know). And the rest of the family only ate 1 triangle each of the quesadilla, so there are still two left which I will probably have for lunch tomorrow. We spent $80 for the four of us.
I took a hot shower after dinner and that helped, but DH had to come wash my hair since I wasn't able to lift my arms above my head. I still had a good bit of pain going on so I took half a hydrocodone and it knocked me out and when I woke up I felt a lot better. I can still feel some soreness, but it is just muscle soreness and not fibro. It hurts to raise my hands above my head, but I can.
The hands still hurt, but they always do after a lot of work. And not near as much as yesterday as I am typing fairly easily. I will probably have to avoid that exercise in the future due to how hard it was on my hands. It was using a mini-kickboard, holding it upright underwater, and pulling it towards me and pushing it away. It builds the core, but so do a lot of other things, so we'll figure something out. I have PT again on Friday so we can talk about it then.
I am able to make dinner tonight so we have steaks thawing. I am going to cook the steaks rare and have green beans, and French fries. It's a fairly simple dinner. If my hands were better I'd be making fried potatoes, but French fries will have to do. I have been making a lot more meals, but yesterday just threw me for a loop. I will be making a crockpot meal on Friday so that I won't have to worry about making dinner when I get back from PT, it will just be there and ready. We have beef ribs which work really well with low and slow cooking, so I will just throw them in there with some potatoes and sweet potatoes and then all that will need to be done when I get home is micro-steam a bag of broccoli.
DS and I went out to "shop" the freezer and brought in some steaks and roasts, Canadian bacon, and a pack of hotdogs. I only had 16 pounds of butter, so I need to do a major stock up. Last year I bought 60 pounds of butter and 8 of those in there were bought recently, so we went through a pound of butter a week, so I guess I planned pretty well. I like spring and summer butter when the cows are on green grass and not hay. I get grass fed butter and there is a world of difference between that and conventional, but also between summer and winter butter.
DS and I need to do an inventory of what is out there and of what is in the mini-chest freezer. It is easy to see what is in the upright. I need to see what we need to eat through and how much space we will have in the house and how much we will have in the garage. I know some of what is in there is crab bait chicken and turkey breast and that will be out of there as soon as the dungeness season starts. They have freezer burn, so this is a great way of not wasting the meat. It'll get us through the season and it sure beats buying crab bait, especially at today's prices.
I had regular therapy today and we talked about how I don't like change and how I want to cut my hair and I've wanted to cut it since before the pandemic and things have been open and without masks for quite some time, but I don't do it. Part of it was my salon went out of business, but something else was affecting me and I knew it. So she asked if anything from my childhood might be affecting me and I realized that Mom made me get pixie cuts when I was a kid, because she didn't want to deal with the work of longer hair. I wasn't allowed to choose my own hair cut until I was in the third grade and then I grew it long.
And even though I have had it short at various times in my life it was because I wanted to. Now it is below my waist and full of damage and i need to get it cut. And you know what? My mom keeps saying that I need to get it cut. Constantly. And I haven't, because I still resent her very much for forcing me to have a style of hair that I hated for so many years. Or that one time she made me get a perm.
So, now that I realize the only reason I am not doing it is to spite her, I think I can finally get past this and cut my hair to a couple inches below my shoulders and be done with it. I've found a salon after much looking, so all I need to do is call tomorrow and schedule an appointment.
It's good for me to be able to realize what this is and get through it. This is not the only aspect of my life that Mom affects this way, unfortunately. And all of it relates back to having no bodily auntonomy when I was younger. So steps were taken today to help me realize this and I feel a lot lighter.
Alright, well I better get to making dinner now that the steaks have sat out for an hour and are at room temp. Then after dinner I will work in the garden a little. Instead of getting a whole load of dirt, I've realized that we have a bunch of totes that we were growing in for the last two years that have dirt in them. I weeded several of them yesterday and I managed to screen all the dirt in one to pull out roots and other things, like the peanuts our crazy squirrel couple bury all over the place. Two of the peanuts have roots on them, so I put them in a large pot and we will see what becomes of them.
Last year there was one that grew and actually formed some peanuts. Of course, I didn't know what it was until I'd pulled it out and it didn't take to being replanted and died. I didn't even know peanuts could grow here, but apparently they can. And these one's hadn't formed any other nuts on them so they have a better chance. I'll have to look up their needs to see if they need special care and make sure I planted them at the right depth.
Okay, really going now.
May 19th, 2022 at 11:39 am 1652956792
I'm also thinking that maybe you should cut the time down, 45 minutes seems like a lot. Maybe work yourself up.
Feel better
May 19th, 2022 at 01:54 pm 1652964848
I'm with you on the hair. For years my mom always wanted me to have short hair. Yet, she never was big on helping me find a good style or anything. I wasn't to use a curling iron or anything or even get a perm because she said it would ruin my hair. Since the Pandemic, I've let it grow and I like it better a little longer. I have both a flat iron and curling iron. And like you, I've come to grips with realizing I resent the fact she was so demanding about it.
That's very interesting about your growing peanuts. Who would have thought it? LOL
May 19th, 2022 at 09:05 pm 1652990728
May 19th, 2022 at 09:19 pm 1652991563
Yeah, mothers and hair seems to be a big issue. I kept my daughter's hair long as I was willing to do the work to gently detangle her hair and it was such a pretty shade of blonde. It took her a few months towards the end of 5th grade to convince me she really wanted it short, so we cut off a foot of hair into a really cute, short style. I didn't want to, but I had to realize it was her hair, and not to do to her what was done to me for years. She had various lengths after that, but it never went more than a couple of inches past her shoulders. I did control how much damage she did to her hair though, once high school hit. I never knew what her natural hair color looked like for years, but I figured it would end up brown. She was wanting to bleach it and change the color every couple of weeks and I made her wait 3 months between changing colors if bleach was involved or she wouldn't have had any hair left. Now she doesn't bleach or dye at all and keeps it very short for health reasons. It's been a couple years now and she has this really lovely shade of brown now. Once it grows out more than 3 inches, we nearly shave it all the way down again.