I got a notification from Costco's Citi card today saying that the amount I earned this year was $566.68 and that it will be available in February, so expect an email soon. They also said that this year you can direct deposit the amount into your checking account instead of having to go to Costco in person to cash it out. This is so much better. I hate having to go to Costco to do this, mostly because they seem to change the rules everywhere of where you cash it out and asking doesn't help, because no one really knows until you try then they tell you, oh, we can't do that here, you have to go over there, and then they say somewhere different and so on. This will save worlds' of frustration.
The plan will be using that towards the garden. We never got around to building our third garden bed last year, and we have the supplies for that, but we will need supplies for a couple more garden beds, plus I want to buy some astroturf that looks like grass, not that artificial bright green stuff, to go down on the rows between the raised beds. I don't want to deal with weeds in the pathways. It'll take somewhere between $80 to $90 per row. Which seems like a lot, but will be many years worth of weed control.
Mom wants help on the property taxes and the home owner's insurance. She'd like us to pay half. Since it is senior rate for the property taxes that is only $300. Half of the home owner's insurance is $400. That's for the whole year. DH is making book on overtime right now and will be for a while yet, so it won't ruffle the budget. We feel it's fair as it does cover our things as well. And also we don't pay rent to live here. We take care of Mom, take care of the house, take care of the property, and pay the utilities. It's still way less than we would be paying out in the real world.
We are looking for an elder law lawyer so that we can set things up for my mother. I have been her medical power of attorney for several years now, but she also wants to make me her financial power of attorney. And she wants to figure out how to pass the house to us in the best way possible so neither of my sisters can make a claim on it after she has died.
We have agreed to take in my eldest sister when the time becomes necessary, which is when she decides to stop working, but she plans to keep on as long as possible. She's 11 years older than I am and her hip is giving her problems so who knows? We get along with her, even though Mom doesn't, and there will be room once Mom passes. Mom might leave a little money to her if she has something left. If we were to ever sell the house, we would give her some of the proceeds.
And my middle sister is already set in a home with plenty of money, with life insurance set up, and Mom doesn't want her to get a dime because she never visits or helps after surgeries, uses Mom for what Mom can do for her, expecting Mom to drive great distances (they moved further away two years ago) for an 82-year-old, instead of her coming here. It's been so disgusting, the way my middle sister behaves. Mom made the choice not to go see her anymore or do anything to help her due to her selfish, using behavior. Which honestly, she's had her whole adult life so I guess it has just taken my mother this long to see it. It has always infuriated me. It has just hurt my mother so badly.
I do not get how you can just abandon your elderly mother like that. She doesn't call, doesn't send cards on her birthday or at Christmas. Just ignores her. And Mom has done so much for her, to be dismissed like this is just horrible. But middle sis is a narcissist. My mother can be difficult and she can drive me crazy sometimes, but I could never abandon her and not care like that. I can never understand why she turned out so differently having been raised the exact same way. Oh, well. I can't see ever doing such a thing to my mother, or to my eldest sister.
And even though middle sis has chosen not to be in our lives, either, if her husband dies and none of her four boys would take her in, and she ran out of life insurance money, I'd still figure out something, though it wouldn't be living here, because I have seen her true colors for years and don't want to be around her either. But family takes care of family. That's just what you do. Or maybe that's just what I and my husband do. Maybe we really just are that different.
I've set up my budget for February and started on March and want to get one set up for April. April will be a three payheck month, and I want a plan going into it. And because one of the payday's is on the first it will mean that the last paycheck in March won't need to pay some things it would usually be scheduled for, because the stuff comes out of checking on the 1st or the 2nd. Sometimes as late as the 7nth if someone drops the ball somewhere.
We are thinking about switching life insurance to AAA, because we can get an additional $50K $8 a month more, than with Allstate. Allstate is also selling our policies to somewhere else. The reason we had them was we wanted a local office, so I don't like this. And who knows what they might raise it to. We also have some life insurance through his work, but that goes away after he quits working. I also want to look at the life insurance offered through our credit unions. It's like $2000 for $1 a month, you just have to fill out the paper work.
I also want to look into getting car insurance with AAA and see if it is cheaper. Our Allstate office is changing hands and I don't really like it. Especially the selling off of the life insurance policies. If we have to deal with non-local people, we might as well do that elsewhere. I hate change.
Well, maybe not all change. We started DD on edibles a couple of weeks ago and the change has been amazing. She is much more able to deal with the pain because it takes the edge off and she is also able to focus, so she is able to read and paint again, and her mood has been quite lifted. The one she is taking derives its THC from the hemp plant and not the marijuana plant. I even tried it a couple of times when my nerve pain was off the charts and it really helped. I mean, you definitely couldn't operate heavy machinery, nor should you, for 12 hours, but it has definitely made a difference. The dose is quite small, but wow on the pain management. I never would have believed we would ever be doing this a few years ago, but when pain is so vicious and violent, you change your mind on a lot of things. Plus, you know, back then it wouldn't have been legal.
Woman Within cancelled my winter coat order after mutliple delays. I guess they can't get what was supposedly in stock when I ordered it. And that is the problem with having your manufacturing in China instead of the USA. But that's whole 'nother bucket of worms.
I am so anxious for my freezer to get here. I know it won't be until February and we still don't know when in February, and something could go wrong with shipping just like it did with the coat, although I think GE is made here. It used to be, anyway, just not sure if it still is. I just feel this need to get more meat in the freezer. I'll feel alot more food secure with a whole hog and about 3/4 of a steer still in the chest freezer. Then I can work on chicken and then start saving up all over again for a steer. And in the summer, we will go fishing/shrimping/crabbing for our seafood. And also in the summer we harvest and can and freeze as much produce as we possibly can. These food shortages are getting scary and I don't want to deal with sky high prices on the stuff that is left.
I don't have anything on the schedule tomorrow. Maybe I can get those spot prawn shells made into bone broth in the pressure cooker and get it canned. That'll clear out some space in the below fridge freezer. I might even do onion skins with beef bone broth as well. We have lots of bones and soup bones and onions skins in the freezer for that and I really want beef and onion broth for making French onion chicken and French onion pork chops.
I can always get out the huge All American canner as it can do 3 levels of pints if I decide to make both. But I'm not sure I want to tie up both my Instant Pots making broth. It depends on how early I get up in the morning. Broth does not take that long to can compared to most things.
Well, this has gotten super long, so I'll sign off for tonight.
January 25th, 2022 at 01:49 pm 1643118564
January 27th, 2022 at 05:23 pm 1643304194
January 30th, 2022 at 07:14 pm 1643570093