I've been trying to get my brain together enough to do a goals post for 2022, but right now I am just really scattered. DH flew off to California yesterday for work. He'll be back on Saturday night. His flight went well and he called me when he arrived and then again when he got to the hotel. He has to go to a different area of California in February for a week, too. I really hate that. I know he used to be gone all the time for work only a few short years ago, but I am no longer used to that.
I had a therapy session today and it went well. I'm still not sure if the anti-depressants are working or not, but the therapy is helping. I'm starting to understand where some of my stuff comes from and how it affects me when dealing with other people in the present who do something similar to people in the past. I really dislike doing therapy over the computer, though. In person visits are much better where I don't have to worry about anyone possibly hearing what I am saying.
One of the tasks on my list is to find out where DH stored the car window washing fluid and then look up in the manual where the tank is for that. I am pretty sure I know where it is, but I think I've only filled it once since we bought the car in 2011. I'm not even sure I know where the hood release is, though I imagine it is down by the gas tank cover release button.
Tomorrow I need to pick up milk, but I think I have enough empty milk bottles to return that it'll cover the milk and get some change back. I have four milk bottles and each has a $2 deposit. I am so glad there is a local dairy that has glass containers for their milk and cream and half and half. It sells through the one line of stores or you can go out there to buy it on certain days of the week, but I tend to go to the store because that is a 5 minute drive max and the other is 20 minutes there and 20 minutes back.
We need to take the Christmas lights down. While we aren't the only people on the block with them up still, I feel like their time has come. Friday and Saturday are supposed to be dry. It's supposed to rain pretty hard on Tues, Wed, and Thurs, but there might be breaks in the weather like today when there wasn't supposed to be one. We were doing other things, though. We will get the Christmas tree taken down in the meanwhile. I'll start on it tonight after dinner.
I need to fold a basket of towels, too. My shoulder and upper arm are doing better than they were and so the folding motion is much more tolerable to do. DH got a lot of the knots out before he left. I don't want to get far behind again. Right now there is just one clean basket of laundry and very little dirty laundry and I'd like to keep up with it now that I can.
I also need to do some spot cleaning. Because of my back I have a hard time doing everything at once, but I find if I pick a spot and do five minutes, it gets there bit by bit. My spot cleaning for today is the bathroom counter and sink. A full wipe down of the dust and hair (my hair is almost down to my hips now and gets everywhere) then cleaning, rinsing, then drying off. I might have to do it in two sessions a couple of hours apart, do the counter first and then do the sink second. At least DH did the mirror last week so that still looks good.
We are going to take the glass shower door off our bathtub and replace it with a rod and shower curtain. The glass door is just a collecting space for gunk, especially the runners. With the shower curtain we can just toss it in the washer when it needs it. And it will make it a lot easier to clean the bathtub. With the doors gone I can just sit on the rim of the tub and reach a lot easier with a long handled brush. It has been the hardest thing for me to clean because of that darn door.
We'll have to fill in some holes where it was screwed into the tub, but we plan to eventually tear out this tub and build a tiled bench to sit on and then make a tile walk-in shower with a six inch lip to keep the water from running onto the floor. We would probably keep the shower surround and just build the tiles up to it. Maybe one day we could finish it, but I am thinking of what we can afford to do now. It will be much easier for DD and for me, with our disabilities, to get in there. It already has one handicapped rail, but it isn't in the best location for the bench, so if we do end up doing the whole thing one day we can put it in a better location.
My spot clean for tomorrow is to break down a bunch of cardboard boxes and to fold up a bunch of paper grocery bags for recycling and put away the canned goods that are still in some of those paper bags. DS will help with that one. I need him to rejigger our canned food rack. One of them was set for an unusual size can that we not longer get, and then one was tiny for those little spiced ham cans, but I can no longer get the brand I like since Covid, so we don't really need that row at all. I think if we rejigger it we can have one regular sized row for soup. I have a bag of soups needing a home.
Well, I'm off to make dinner. We are having beef stew tonight from home canned beef, home grown and canned potatoes, and home canned carrots. I've been putting it off.
I wonder if they've fixed the time stamps yet?
True date: 1/10/22
True time: 6:01 p.m.
January 11th, 2022 at 05:16 am 1641878180
January 11th, 2022 at 03:08 pm 1641913710
January 16th, 2022 at 07:53 pm 1642362836