We've been snowed in since early Christmas morning, but today they finally plowed our road, so I will be able to get out tomorrow to take DS to the doctor and go to the store. I need to buy some stuff for the pantry challenge, mostly fresh produce, but milk, yogurt and sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips, parsnips, cabbage, apples, and oranges, which will all last a month. I will have to buy some dairy and fresh greens during the challenge, but I hope to keep it to that.
I am assuming, of course, that DS's doctor is able to get in. Then the next day I have an eye exam that I had to wait month's for, so hopefully the eye doc will make it in as well. Other parts of the county are still unplowed, so if they live outside of town or up on the hills, it may be a problem. I need the exam yearly to make sure my retinas aren't turning yellow due to the drug I am on for fibromyalgia. As well as an eye exam for glasses/possibly contacts if my perscription hasn't changed too much. Insurance will only pay for lenses or contacts, not both. I will go with glasses if too much has changed. I'd just like to have contacts for the days I go out and have to wear my mask for a long time. Glasses fog up no matter how carefully you put your mask on.
My family and I have made a pledge that we are going to try to all eat better in the coming year. Of course we all hope for weight loss, so there will be a lot more vegetables and a lot less sugar and if we have sugar it will be honey in homemade items, not storebought. I used to do this so much and would really like to get back to it. In fact, I need to make a batch of bread tomorrow as we are down to two slices, which DH will have for his breakfast. I'll have to go to the recipe category on my blog to find my bread recipe as it has been so long since I made any. I know it is techincally not January, but I'd like to get in the habit now.
I don't remember if I mentioned it, but after two years being gluten free my daughter healed her gut and is allowed to eat wheat again, which makes my life so much easier. We will still use gluten free pasta, but she is actually able to eat regular bread now, thank goodness. We just can't overload her system with it by her eating it every day. I make an awesome gluten free pizza crust, so we may stick with that, but the great thing is that if I run out of gelatine, I could just make a regular one.
Not really much else going on. I did a little spending and bought two gallons of unscented hand soap and some OTC meds off Amazon that haven't been in the stores for a while. That is the household envelope and the medical fund respectively, for the money. Altogether it was $103.49.
Tonight I plan to work on setting up the January budget. I still don't know when the raise will show up as it wasn't on the last paycheck. DH might have some overtime, this week which will show up on the paycheck on the 7nth if it does, so I still won't know proper amounts, although we can probably figure it out from the pay stub.
DH has to go to California for a week for work. It sucks. I thought his travel days were over. I hope that we are able to make it. It is hard for him to go when my daughter and I are both at somewhat disabled. All I can hope for is that I don't have a flare up of either of my autoimmune diseases and that my son will not have a manic episode while DH is gone. It is pretty well controlled now with meds, but he still spirals once in a while.
I'm going to miss him so much. When he was going back and forth to Alaska for years and years, it was all we knew, but now that he has been here for the last few years, I don't have the hardened attitude anymore. But at least we have video calling now. At least I will get to see his face while he is away. I hope I am feeling better by then. I wish this anti-depressant would start working already.