We had a nice Independence Day. The fireworks were beautiful and they had quite a few new shapes that I had never seen before. They also had some that were this intense shade of orangey-yellow that I've never seen on a firework.
Today was nice and peaceful. DH had the day off paid since the holiday was on the weekend and it was one that the company pays for either the Friday before or the Monday after if the day falls on a weekend. He gets seven federal holidays and one floating holiday (which we usually take the day after Thanksgiving or the week of Christmas depending on our plans).
I have managed to write 1848 words so far this week that I kept and 503 that I deleted. I am still kind of having to force myself to do it by using a writing sprint to get me started, but I am managing.
Most of the day I spent watching a Turkish drama called Kadeslerim which is very good if you don't mind bawling your eyes out. Even if the subtitles aren't the greatest in the first episode, they get better after that. I had to look up some expressions being used because in English they seem inappropriate to the circumstances, but they meant something else in Turkish that went with the plot. Fortunately I found a list of twenty common Turkish expressions and it helped my understanding a lot. The actors are amazing, the emotion conveyed was very impactful, and everyone is very beautiful. I really, really want to see the bad guy get his. If you don't mind reading your shows, this one is worth watching.
I filled out my paperwork for yet another jury summons. I am not kidding when I say they constantly call me. This time my doctor put in the note that I would never be able to serve in my condition. I don't know if that will be enough to remove me from the summoning pool. You would think with 3 degenerative diseases that cause permanent issues with sitting for long periods and as many doctor's notes as I've sent in they wouldn't continue to call me year after year.
It feels like harrassment of the disabled at this point. I know it isn't, I know it is automated, but it still feels that way. I have been summoned 14 times now. You know how many times my husband has been summoned? Once, and they didn't end up needing him. My mom and MIL? Never. My son? Once, but Covid happened. All people who can serve and would be capable of serving and want to serve.
Heck, if I were capable of sitting that long and not on two powerful painkillers, I'd love to. But these medicines make it hard to concentrate or focus and I cannot go without them or I don't function. I am just so frustrated. Every time I have to go see the doctor (major extra expense on year's the deductible has not been met), get a doctor's note which I generally have to go back for a day or two later, and spend my own stamp (minor extra expense, but it bugs me it is not postage paid for something that is not optional) to send it in. Any extra trips, driving or walking, are just so bad right now, I really resent it.
I am almost at the point of giving up my garden. DS has to do most of the work right now. Maybe things will get better after I see the neurosurgeon this week. Maybe he can put me on something else or give me injections or something. The numbness in my thigh is now all the way down the outside and has moved to about half of the front. I feel completely useless. I'm even having trouble cooking every day. At least I can still type. Not sure what I will do when I lose that ability. Well, that got depressing.
July 7th, 2021 at 12:29 pm 1625657397