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Garden Work

June 2nd, 2021 at 09:58 pm

We finished building the second 21 foot long raised bed on the weekend and worked on getting it filled up on Monday.  We let it settle and my intention was to plant it on Tuesday, but it was 86 degrees for most of the day.  It finally cooled off enough to be outside around 8:30.  DS and I transplanted the onions out of the totes I was growing them in.  I gave them a deep watering and will water again tonight.  We did get the rest of the blackberries planted, too.

By the time we were done moving the onions the sun was almost down, so I didn't get to plant any seeds.  It is hot again today, but not nearly as awful, so I will go out after dinner and plant seeds for carrots, radishes, parsnips, broccoli, cauliflower, and kohlrabi.  I am only going to do one row of cauliflower.  Last year was the first time I was able to successfully grow it and I'm still a little hesitant to plant more after years of failures.  Since I only have the two beds for now, I'd rather not risk much.

DH isn't going to have time to work on the third bed for probably a couple of weeks.  He's got a lot of overtime planned.  The next paycheck should be a very good one.  I can plant more broccoli and perhaps cauliflower then for the freezer.  And I'll sow more carrots for canning.

We've been picking strawberries for a week now.  There hasn't been much, enough for everyone to have one every other day, but a lot are ripening.  They are very good berries.

I still have to plant the sweet potatoes.  I got a 90 day variety called Beuregard.  I have the slips in water in a window.  I am going to grow them in big round totes, with trellising for the vines to grow up.  I'll put the totes on black plastic, because I don't want the runners escaping out of the tote and going into the ground.  The whole point of growing this way is to avoid digging in the ground.  We'll set the totes up where the fourth bed will go.  That way we can build the bed around it and next year have a fourth one ready to go.  As well as a fifth and sixth one.

Next year we'll really be able to grow a lot of food.  This year it will mostly be eating fresh from the garden with some to can and freeze, but not enough.  Still, it should lower food costs July through April and that money can go to save for pork and chicken bulk purchases.  And I should have harvestable lettuce in a couple of weeks and radishes in 3 to 4.  It will be nice when I can just cut the grocery budget in half for most of the summer.

9 Responses to “Garden Work”

  1. PatientSaver Says:

    You must be able to grow a ton of food there. I have a much more modest setup.

  2. Sue Lasker Says:

    what type of onions do you grow?

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    PS, we will have by the time we are done. We will have a total of six 21 foot by 3 foot cinder block beds when we are done with the garden redo. And I have a 8 x 4 foot bed and 4 x 4 foot bed of just strawberries. Mom has a 3 x 12 and 2 x 12 set of raised beds also full of strawberries. Then we've got two four foot by 16 foot rows of potatoes, a 3 x 32 foot row of blackberries, 3 huckleberry sticks that may or may not turn into bushes at some point, 2 plum trees, 2 6 foot tall blueberry bushes, 1 apple tree, and a 21 x 2 foot row of raspberries. And various totes and pots I am growing things in as well, mostly herbs and more strawberries (which will ultimately get transplanted into bed # 6 when it is finished. Beyond that, I have plans to turn more of the backyard into a garden/orchard as well. I want 2 cherry trees and one of those pear trees with several varieties on it and an Asian pear tree. When I'm done with the back yard, which may take a few years I also have a narrow strip on the far side of the house that is good for growing green beans, corn, potatoes, or winter squash.

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Sue--This year I am growing Candy sweet onions. I knew I wouldn't have the space to do what I normally do this year, but normally I also grow Red Weathersfield, and then a regular yellow onion, generally Patterson or Cobra keeping onions. Those are all good storage onions. Candy doesn't last as long as the keeping onions, but they are my favorite so I plant them anyway. We tend to end up slicing and freezing about half of those and the rest will keep about 5 or 6 months in proper conditions.

  5. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Just to let you know it sounds amazing. Can you post photos? I have no idea what to imagine but I think it must be fabulous. Sounds like a really cool garden. How did you learn to do such a thing?

  6. Sue Says:

    I've never heard of candy sweet onions - do they look like a regular onion or green onionish (is that a word??). I am doing walla wallas and bunching - haven't tried onions before so a little nervous. Also trying eggplant for the first time and doing a bunch of cucumbers to try making pickles. Do you do pickles? Is it easy?

  7. LuckyRobin Says:

    LAL--I'll try to post some.

  8. LuckyRobin Says:

    Sue--I believe Candy onions are a hybrid between Walla Wallas and another sweet onion. They are even better than Walla Wallas and they keep longer.

  9. PatientSaver Says:

    I have just an itty bitty garden compared to yours. I enjoyed snow peas earlier in the season, and tomorrow I expect to pick my first zucchini. Other than that, I have just tomatoes, eggplant and regular peas, which I plan to pull out this week so I can make way for string beans.

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