Home > Starting the Beef Fund, Planning a Challenge, and the Freezer is Here!

Starting the Beef Fund, Planning a Challenge, and the Freezer is Here!

December 28th, 2020 at 11:53 pm

I started the Beef Fund by putting $48 in leftover grocery money into an envelope.  I will hopefully be able to continue to fund it this way by being tight on the grocery budget.  And also since next month is the Eat from the Pantry Challenge, I hope to spend very, very little.  I will still buy a few items of fresh produce like lettuce, celery, scallions, maybe bread if I can't keep up with making it, and milk in January, but hope to come away with at least 3/4 of the grocery budget for January.

I will be doing a stock up haul before the 1st to get enough eggs to last through the month and a bunch of long-lasting fruit, like oranges, lemons, and bananas, and then the regular amount of short lasting fruit, like bananas, grapes, and a couple of pineapples.  Also I will make sure I have enough tortillas, onions, potatoes, and carrots to last all month.

Our freezer arrived today.  It came in earlier than expected after being delayed from earlier this month.  I am not complaining.  I have to wait 24 hours before I can put anything in it and then I will start making freezer meals and soups I can't can.

1 Responses to “Starting the Beef Fund, Planning a Challenge, and the Freezer is Here!”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    Usually August or September, while they are still being fed grass and have not moved on to hay for the colder months. That is when they are at their best.

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