Home > Emergency Fund Update

Emergency Fund Update

April 18th, 2020 at 05:43 am

$6806.29 Balance Forward
+1000.00 Emergency Fund
$7806.29 New Balance

This is the money that would have gone to an extra loan payment on the Monster Mom Loan (the loan is a monster, not my mother!). So that gets it to the $7500 mini-goal. Next mini-goal is $10K. I have $2193.71 left to go to hit that goal.

2 Responses to “Emergency Fund Update”

  1. LifeBalance Says:

    It's had a big boost the past couple of weeks! That's great for putting your fear to rest.

  2. Lucky Robin Says:

    Well, I don't know about putting it to rest, but it is certainly pushing it back a bit.

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