Yesterday was DH's first paycheck at the new job and I am a little excited to finally be able to add money back into the Emergency Fund. Watching it lose money as we had to live on it has been pretty devastating to me, considering how hard I worked to build it in the first place. But now, at least for a few months, we can add to it again.
$17,804.90 Starting Balance
+__,500.00 Deposit Added
$18,304.90 New Balance
$1695.10 to go to hit my milestone goal of $20,000 and $695.10 to go to hit my mini-goal of $19K. Monday I have to deposit my coin jar and a reimbursement check from Verizon so it'll go up a little. It is so nice to be on my way again. I feel energized.
Emergency Fund Update!
December 16th, 2017 at 10:37 pm
December 17th, 2017 at 12:25 am 1513470337
December 17th, 2017 at 01:34 am 1513474443
December 17th, 2017 at 12:58 pm 1513515489
December 17th, 2017 at 06:37 pm 1513535850