Home > Choices for a New Phone--Help Me Decide

Choices for a New Phone--Help Me Decide

June 9th, 2017 at 06:20 pm

I really need to get a new cell phone. My current phone is a Samsung Intensity from 2009 so it is 8 years old. I wish it could muddle along forever, but sadly it is giving up the ghost. I've gone through three batteries and am on my third charger, all off E-bay since Samsung hasn't carried the proper items to replace these in several years. And while I know I could buy one off e-bay for between $10 and $25, I think it is time to drag myself kicking and screaming towards a more current phone.

I don't need bells and whistles, I just want a pull out keyboard, but they don't seem to make those anymore. I hate touch screen technology for phones. While it might be nice to access the internet at a grocery store for coupons, I don't need to be on the internet on my phone. I need it for texting mostly and a little bit of making phone calls.

I've been putting off buying a new one for about a year. I am debating what I should buy. I may take a photo or two, but I doubt I will ever use it for videos as my camera is so much better than any phone for that. I don't need to store music on it as I have a perfectly good I-pod for that. So I don't need a ton of memory, either.

I am thinking about the Samsung J7 ($163), the Motorola Moto G4 ($199), the Samsung J3 Emerge ($149), or the Samsung J3 ($129). Has anyone used any of these phones? If so, what are your opinions on them?

2 Responses to “Choices for a New Phone--Help Me Decide”

  1. Petunia 100 Says:

    I have a Samsung J3. It's a perfectly good phone. Simple to use and takes great pictures. I paid $200 last year, so $129 sounds fabulous! I too prefer a slide out keyboard, but good luck finding one of those!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Petunia--I don't think they even make them anymore. But good to know it is a good phone.

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