Home > Bits and Pieces

Bits and Pieces

July 9th, 2014 at 04:58 pm

Yesterday I spent $34.36 on dinner. It was 85 degrees and I didn't even want to set foot in that end of the house, let alone the kitchen. I hate not having AC here. Even if we only used it on days like this it would be so worth it. Today I have to make dinner, though. I'm down to $10 in my eating out money.

Yesterday I got 3 eggs and today I got 3 more eggs, so the total of eggs I've gotten since the ducks began laying is 29.

I do not know if I will get any berries picked today. Nothing was picked yesterday either because of the heat being so bad. Today is only supposed to get up to 77, but it already feels like it is going to be the same as yesterday. I will try this evening though, because stuff is ripe.

My first tomato is almost ready. I have plans for it, too. It isn't very big, about the size you make when you touch the tip of your index finger together with your thumb, so I will be dicing it up and using it in omelets along with some homegrown green onions and some cheese. I am looking forward to that. Growing it is fun. Eating it is better. My first cucumber is almost ready, too. It'll be nice to have something from the garden that isn't leafy and green.

I am hoping to barter some produce with a lady who makes goat cheddar. She raises her own meat and eggs so I can't barter with that, but she said she was open to produce. So far I haven't had enough of anything to barter with, but hopefully I will soon. She doesn't sell it, only barters for the things she needs. I really like that idea.

3 Responses to “Bits and Pieces”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    A group to barter with would be really nice for everyone involved. What is your plan for dinner? Can your dinner be cooked this morning and then reheated at dinner time?

  2. SecretarySaving Says:

    I bet the cheese is really yummy too!

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    CCF, I am doing a stir-fry, so I won't be in the kitchen too long. I am using pre-cooked veggies, so I won't be cooking much more than 10 minutes, if that. I am part of a farm and barter group on Facebook for my county. Some people sell, some people barter. It's been nice.

    SS, everyone keeps telling me how good it is. I really want to get my hands on some!

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