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Venting Over Wasted Money

December 10th, 2013 at 09:31 am

Some things really test my willingness to be charitable. I don't mean charitable in the sense of giving money, although I do in a way, but I mean more along the lines of having (or not having) kind thoughts towards people.

I have a friend-ish person, and I know I've mentioned the situation on here at least once, who was in very dire straits not too long ago. I mean, down to the last half cup of rice, power was turned off, propane tank was empty, was selling everything she could possibly sell just to afford her medications for chronic illnesses that she and her husband both have and was outright asking for money from people.

I put a lot of effort into trying to find help for her because I couldn't afford to donate any money at the time. And then eventually, a month later I could. She begged pretty incessantly for money from everyone in a certain circle. I scraped up $100 to help her and I do mean scraped. I mean, food, electric, heat, medicine...pretty dire.

And then she spent $1000 of the money that folks had donated to her to take her pet to the vet and have a surgery done. Which I am sorry, but if you are begging people for money for food and other essentials, you do not then take a sixteen-year-old deaf/blind/arthritic cat to the vet for $1000 knee surgery. I mean, I get that you love your pet, but at that point, quality of life for the pet is gone, surgery or none. You are not doing this for the cat, you are doing this for selfish reasons. And you have no bloody food to eat. Spare the amount for euthanasia and grieve, but don't waste what people worked hard to give you.

Well, it's been almost a year since it all began and now she is going around begging for money again, this time for a start up business that is going to save them once and for all. And it actually might. I mean there is a chance. It looks good on paper, she's got the experience, etc. But I feel like I got burned the last time I tried to help her. And I don't want to help her, because I don't trust she would use the money for what she claims she will use it for after wasting it last time. I will not give her more money, but I having a very hard time keeping my mouth shut and my heart from being cynical when she puts out these pleas for help.

I know if I open my mouth the words that come out will not be ones I will be proud of. I have no idea what to even say. I know what I want to say, but I also know that that's not what I really want to say. I know the last money I gave her was a gift. I had no expectations for it other than that she spend it on what she said she needed it for.

I thought I had let this go. I really had. But all this renewed begging...well, I could have put that $100 to much better use at the time. And I do resent being lied to. I don't know what to do. There are reasons I don't want to burn this bridge. Very selfish reasons on my end. So I know I need to let this go, because once I gave her the money it was no longer my money. I know that in my head. But I still feel betrayed in my heart.

How do I let this go?

10 Responses to “Venting Over Wasted Money”

  1. Maranatha Says:

    I hope you are able to work your way through this LR. I decided a long time ago that if I decided to give someone money I wouldn't concern myself with what they spent it on and always give it as a gift not a loan. (Just as you just said) I just would not give her any more if you aren't comfortable doing so and not say anything about it. I know that you feel she lied and wasted your money last time but I can understand wanting to save a pet even though it is old etc. To some people they are no different than a human that belongs in the family. It's a tough situation that you are in. I hope it gets settled so it will quit bothering you!

  2. mamasita Says:

    That's tough. Yes, your money was a gift, but it shows a lot about her character how she uses the gift. I am an animal lover. But if I was using other people's money to cover their expenses, I would need to be honest about that. If she asks you directly for money, you can tell her good luck, you aren't donating any money, but you are sure she'll find a way to get what she needs.

  3. ThriftoRama Says:

    Wow. I didn't even know you could get knee surgery for a cat. Time to switch vets!
    I do sympathize. It's a hard position to be in, especially when you give and are disappointed.

    In these situations, I always hedge my bet and drop off a box of food like pasta, sauce, fresh and canned fruit and veggies, bread, peanut butter, and any ingredients I think they can use. That has always been my m.o. for folks who are really scraping.

    If I were you, I might pass this time.

  4. Miz Pat Says:

    I'm sorry, but she lied. I wouldn't give her a cent, and if pressed, I would mention that she lied last time and that you went without to give her money that you thought was for food and she spent it on a cat's health issue.

    Sheesh, now I'm mad at her and I don't even know her.

  5. CB in the City Says:

    I'm with TOR, help her with food rather than money. Or pay a utility bill if you can.

    She sounds like my sister. Her pets are more important to her than the people in her life. Maybe they understand her better! Smile

  6. ThriftoRama Says:

    Ironically, my sister is the same way. She boo-hooed to my mom about not having enough money to pay her cat's vet bill. My RETIRED mother gave it to her, and it turns out she had money in the bank she just "didn't want to spend it on something that wasn't fun."

    I'm still mad about that one.

    And for the record, I wouldn't even do a box of food for her this time around. Clearly, her problems are self-created by bad decision making, and you know, fool me once...

  7. TashaC. Says:

    I'm coming from a biased point, being recently burned- but I think that people who are down to having basic living essential utilities cut off maybe don't have a great head for business and wont be successful running a business. That's a big generalization- but getting to the point where you cant keep electricity on is a path filled with lots of choices and consequences. And she chose poorly and paid the consequences. Being that businesses are way more tricky and difficult to manage than paying basic bills- you might be throwing good money after bad if you invest in her.

  8. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Someone here gave me the advice when I was thinking about giving away some services, but it did not feel quite right. The advice was to ask for something in return. IF you are still sympathetic with the friend, IF you think there is a good chance the business could make it, then you could consider not investing or loaning, but asking for some services in return for cash. Come feed and clean up after your animals when you are out of town or feeling poorly for X dollars? Between the two of them, there might be something they could do to earn money, even if just from you and others of their circle.

  9. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I think it is very kind hearted of you to be even willing to consider giving this person more money, however, I am not sure if it is a good idea. The more times she successfully begs money from people, the more times she is likely to need it again in the future. I'd think *really* hard before giving her any more.

  10. wisewoman Says:

    If she wants to start a small business, she should seek a SBA loan from a bank/credit union, not a friend.

    I wouldn't give her a cent. Friends begging for money not using it wisely rubs me the wrong. I have pets and understand the desire to help them in every way possible but not at the expense of others.

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