Home > Same Old, Same Old

Same Old, Same Old

May 12th, 2013 at 08:32 am

I am really so very tired of this. This being yet another day when the flooring didn't get done out at the house. The excuse a couple of weeks ago? The guy coming down from Seattle to help had something come up. The excuse today? The guy coming down from Seattle to help couldn't make it. do it without the guy from Seattle, okay? Because you claimed that the two of you could do it, why does person number three, who is clearly unreliable as all get out, need to be there? Rolleyes

They claim they will do it tomorrow. Why the heck does anyone ever remodel anything? Or maybe I should say how the heck, because what should have been a six week job that started last summer is still going on. The price is still the same, thank goodness, and the quality is high, but the timeliness is ridiculous.

I just want to get on with things. I want it done. I want it sold. And I want to buy my farm and move. It feels like I am being held hostage to someone else's whims. I am just so over it.

4 Responses to “Same Old, Same Old”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I would definitely call them on this excuse, if you didn't already. Happy Mother's Day!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Sorry you are putting up with such turkeys. I'd complain big time.

    Hope you are having a great Mother's Day.

  3. Jane Says:

    One way around this (for bigger jobs, at least, like a home addition) is to put a clause in the contract that every day past x deadline date that the job is not finished, money is subtracted from the final bill as a penalty. Highly motivational!

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Jane, since they are waiting until the house sells to be paid for everything but supplies, that wouldn't do me a lot of good. I am impatient and annoyed, but there are not a lot of people who would do payment this way, so...I gripe. But I put up with it. And they fit me in around their normal paying jobs.

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