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Meal Planning for the Week

December 17th, 2012 at 04:06 am

Today I am starting to feel a bit better. I've been on antibiotics for 72 hours now and while I'm still draggy, I felt good enough to do a few chores. When Mama goes down not a lot gets done or only gets done minimally. The sink is empty, the table is cleared, the canned goods from the big grocery shop last weekend are put away and the multiple reusable grocery bags are on the back door handle, ready to go out to the car the next time someone goes out. There is laundry going for the first time in a week. And I hope to finish knitting DS's scarf tonight. Then I will start on DD's scarf and after that DH's protective Nook cover.

I feel like I just might be capable of making meals this week or at least directing DH and the kids through the process. So I'm going to be optimistic and do a meal plan. You will likely note a lot of softer foods this week. My temporary crown came off on Friday and while I got it back on and it seems secure, I'm not tempting fate because it still hurts.

Except for the canned pineapple everything is in my 100 mile foodshed. I am still harvesting broccoli from the garden. This has been an extremely bizarre fall.

Beef chuck pot roast (crockpotted for tenderness)
Mashed potatoes and gravy
Green beans
Pears (found a can in the cupboard, last one)


Bacon cheeseburgers (well, no bacon on mine, too chewy) on homemade rolls
Homemade French fries
Pineapple (last can)

Homemade meatballs made from pork and lamb (last package)
Homemade spaghetti sauce (made with home canned tomatoes)

Homemade pizza (leftover spaghetti sauce, mozzarella, ham, bell peppers, onions)
Cole slaw

Scrambled egg sandwiches
Homemade sausage
Home fries
Drop biscuits with homemade apricot jam

Sunday--Early Christmas Dinner
Mashed potatoes and gravy
TJ's canned corn
Green beans
Homemade sugar cookies (the kids will make the day before)

I am trying not to be too overly ambitious, but these are all things that can be easily handled by the others if I overdo it. Even the homemade rolls.

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