Home > Preserving Prunes and Lady the Duck

Preserving Prunes and Lady the Duck

October 5th, 2012 at 12:01 am

So far I have preserved a basket of Italian prunes. About half the basketful fits on one cookie sheet. I washed, pitted and halved them (no need to remove the skin) and arranged them like so:

They take about four hours to freeze solid and then you can bag them up. One cookie sheet filled two quart-sized baggies.

I tasted one to make sure I like them prepared this way. It's like eating a popsicle made out of prunes, so good. Better even than frozen blueberries or grapes. So far I have preserved 4 quarts. I think I may end up with about 8 quarts so I will need to be stingy with these throughout the winter, handing them out only when someone has a very sore throat, or the digestive issues the prunes are known for fixing. We have lots of frozen blueberries and raspberries as well as tons of jam, so I think piecing them out as needed is the best option. I really don't want to buy much in the way of fruit out of season so this will definitely help to extend what we have.

There are a bunch of windfalls on the ground, too, so I might make jam with them if there are enough. They will be well-cleaned and skinned since they are on the ground. I think I would make it a chunky jam with some good-sized pieces in it for the full effect of the fruit in this case.

DS got a hold of one of the ducks today.

This is Henry Inigo Montoya aka Lady Henry Inigo Montoya because she grew up to be a girl instead of a boy. Lady is the gentlest and friendliest of the ducks and best egg layer. She's a real sweetheart.

4 Responses to “Preserving Prunes and Lady the Duck”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    What a good idea to save the plums.

    Looks like the duck was content.

  2. Blessed Says:

    That looks so good I want one. My kids tease me because i love prunes. Love the duck! I raised ducks for about 15 years. They sure are fun pets and sure each have their own personalities.

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    My name is Ingio Montoya ... oops, wrong place. Smile Love your ducks name. Big Grin Did you know that this year is the 25th anniversary of The Princess Bride? (One of my all time faves!)

  4. CB in the City Says:

    Reminds me of the time my son called from his restaurant job and said, "Guess who I'm waiting on .... Inigo Montoya!" Yes, Mandy Patinkin was in his restaurant, but he was only Inigo Montoya to my son.

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