Home > It's Only Day 2 and I'm Tempted

It's Only Day 2 and I'm Tempted

September 2nd, 2012 at 10:30 pm

It's Day 2 of the September No Eating Out Challenge and I spent a grand total of 2 hours arguing with myself (off and on) about ordering a pizza. *sighs* I did not do it, and I have a roast in the crockpot for dinner and had chili for lunch (even though I really wanted pizza). I have decided that pizza is on the agenda for tomorrow. I will go ahead and make the dough tonight though so all I have to do tomorrow is roll it out. Well, I say roll. I really just push it out with my hands.

Anyway...the applesauce I made yesterday turned out well, though I did end up having to add some more sugar because those apples were really tart still with only a half cup. I ended using a total of 1.5 cups altogether. More than I wanted to use, but far less than what goes into jam. And I don't think anyone wants to eat sour applesauce, so it was the best thing to do. Next time I make it I will do it with different apples than the ones from that tree.

I ended up with 8 half pints. I thought I'd get at least 10. You just never know until it goes in the jars though. Everything processed just fine. I have yet to have a jar not seal properly for me. I have now filled one entire shelf with home canned food, stacked three jars deep. I'll probably start another batch of tomatoes cooking down tomorrow, since I am using one of the crocks for tonight's dinner. I want to make up some mustard this week, too, something slightly spicier than the last batch.

I need to sit down and figure out my meal plan for this week. School starts for DD on Tuesday so I have to plan her school lunches as well. All I know for sure is that tomorrow is pizza.

10 Responses to “It's Only Day 2 and I'm Tempted”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Yum on your is frustrating that when you have stuff at your house that a pizza or something else that is "out" is tempting.

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I have a sure fire way to curb the siren call of ordering pizza out ... move somewhere 30+ miles from the nearest pizza delivery store! Big Grin (It's certainly worked for me!) Big Grin

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Laura, I used to be that far away from the pizza stores when I lived out in the country. You know what happened? The gas station/conveince store put in a pizza oven! LOL No, I just need to not buy it is all. And I didn't buy it. Craving has passed anyway.

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    Good for you! I already sort of stumbled by having food brought for me from the State Fair today. But that was already planned before I heard about the challenge; I just forgot they were going to the Fair in September (was thinking it was still going to be August).

    Your resolve is inspiring! I'm going to try very hard for the rest of the month.

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That's good. Smile Our local mom and pop store has a pizza oven ... but it's not delivery. And they're HUGE pizzas. So ... both of those things make it easy to resist. Smile (I have sampled some of their pizza, and it is actually quite good. Almost as good as PH.)

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    Laura--The convenience store pizza was really good, too. That was the problem! It was a lot cheaper though, $7.99 for a large and it tasted better than a similar pizza from LC, but not quite as good as one from RT. It's been years since I've had a PH pizza, but I remember how good they were.

  7. starfishy Says:

    good job riding out the craving and putting homemade pizza on the menu for tomorrow. that's impressive!

  8. LuckyRobin Says:

    Starfishy--Thanks, it was definitely worth the wait. My own pizza always tastes so much better.

  9. starfishy Says:

    please don't share a photo of the homemade pizza - last time you did that i craved pizza for a week - LOL! Smile

  10. LuckyRobin Says:

    Urm...I already did in the one I posted today. LOL

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