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My Fingers are Blue...

August 2nd, 2012 at 06:08 am

...because I picked so many blueberries today that they turned that way. And honestly, but for the 3 gallons of blueberries in the freezer, you would not be able to tell by looking at the bushes. It's like there is a berry multiplying monster out there somewhere. The gardener's soap is getting most of it off, but it won't be fully gone until I wash my hair tomorrow. Of course it will then come back when I pick more tomorrow.

I made chicken broth overnight in the crockpot last night with my stock scraps, a few fresh veggies, and some wings. I now have this in the freezer:

I would have done them all in pint jars but I ran out of wide mouth lids. I need to buy some more lids tomorrow. I have a coupon for $1 off two boxes of any size canning lids. See, I do use coupons, just generally not for food. I want to pick up the twist on BPA-free plastic lids that work on canning jars, too. Because those will work fine in the freezer and won't take unused lids out of service. The only place I can find them, though, is Amazon, so I will have to wait until I can make an order there. I wish I could find them in real life.

The quart jars of stock I will use for actual soup making, but the pint ones I will use for cooking rice in, or for recipes that call for broth. I would have pressure canned them, but it is too hot to heat the house up. But the freezer works, too.

This fall I intend to make several batches of broth and pressure can them. I plan to make some that have only low-carb ingredients in them, garlic, green onions, celery and parsley, as well as some regular ones. Then I can make some low-carb chicken soups, too.

DS and I planted more kohlrabi and lettuce. Tomorrow we will plant cabbage and transplant some more everbearing strawberries.

I really need to sit down and do a budget post. I used to be so good at those and I don't think I've done them in a couple of months now. I mean, yeah, it's great talking about how much I save on planting, eating, and putting up my own food, but this blog has been widely unbalanced lately on the other financial aspects of my life, mostly because they are on autopilot. I need to try and fix that.


We went swimming today (I did 26 laps) and I really did not want to make dinner tonight. I am always so hungry right after swimming. Well, I didn't make dinner, but I didn't eat out either. We all warmed up leftovers and ate fruit and I opened a can of green beans. I didn't stick to my meal plan, but this was still a pretty good option. And the pork chops can wait until tomorrow, the pizza can be bumped to Saturday, and I'll skip the sandwiches originally planned.

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