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I've Got More Tomatoes

July 8th, 2012 at 10:06 pm

It's been so hot these last few days that my tomato plants have really shot up. Well, four of them have. What I'm really excited about though is that the second plant has fruit on it now, little ones about the size of nickel. And the other two big ones are really blossoming like crazy. The two little tomato plants are just not seeming to do well. They are getting just as much sun as they other four. The only difference is that those two are determinate and the other four are indeterminate.

I am thinking about digging up the two small ones and planting them in some large buckets with half compost/ half potting soil and putting them where they will get even more sun and seeing if that doesn't make any difference. You would think ten hours of sun would be enough for those two, but it doesn't appear to be.

The cauliflower is making little heads. I was surprised because the leaves are not as big as I expected them to be when they started making heads. Not seeing that yet on the broccoli, but they are younger than the cauliflower. The kohlrabi are just starting to swell. The green beans are working their way up their poles. The pickling cucumbers are doing good, the English ones are starting to recover from the slug attacks when the weather was bad.

I picked another quart of raspberries today so this afternoon I am making a batch of raspberry jam up.

My nephew and his wife stopped by with the new baby and the toddler. Both are extremely adorable children, but the toddler is super high energy. The baby isn't quite 5 weeks yet. There is nothing like baby snuggles, but I tell you, I am so glad those years are well behind me and I can give the youngsters back when I'm done! Not that having teens is easy, either, but they are preferrable at my stage of life.

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