Home > Little Suzie Homemaker

Little Suzie Homemaker

July 7th, 2012 at 05:18 am

So tomorrow guess what I am going to make and can? Nothing to do with fruit, so if you guessed jam or jelly, nope. Instead I am going to make something relatively quick, fast and easy, but something I have never even thought about making before. My one big problem with buying this storebought is that it uses yellow number five. And also, I don't ever go through it fast enough. And it doesn't come in small enough containers and is really hard to find in a glass jar, without it costing an arm and a leg. It's something that only I eat in my household, although DS says he might try it since it will be homemade.

Have you given up? It's ordinary yellow mustard. I found a recipe online that I liked the look of that will be very easy to make. It will make two cups worth and I want to can it in half pints. I will only end up processing one jar and using the other one straight away, but if it turns out tasting good, I will make a bunch more and probably branch out into deli-style mustard, Dijon, Chinese hot mustard, and honey mustard. Shelf stable homemade mustard with no gunge in it will make me very happy.

I like all of the ingredients in the recipe, but I will leave out the optional 1 tsp of cayenne. I don't want my mustard to be as hot as cayenne makes things. Even when I just use 1/8 tsp of cayenne in my sausage recipe, my eyes still water a bit and my kids prefer it when I just use 1/16th tsp. The paprika and turmeric will be enough spice for me. I will post the recipe if I like how it turns out.


I have to take the van back on Tuesday. There is a small leak in the oil pan. A valve needs to be replaced. It will take them 3 hours, but it is covered by warranty. I will go without the kids. 4 hours (including the travel time) without them will be nice after two weeks with no school. I love them to death, but they are driving me a little crazy.

4 Responses to “Little Suzie Homemaker”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    I'll be interested in hearing how the mustard turns out!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    I'd like to know too. I never thought about making mustard.

  3. snafu Says:

    I too am interested in making mustard if not too difficult and in small batches. Off topic but I read an article this AM that said laying hens respond well to the color red. They are calmer and lay better. Oh well, they get all kinds of grants to study things and it keeps universities in the news.

  4. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Yay! It really bugs me how many foods unnecessarily have added color.

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