Home > New Bedframe/Box Springs Combo Arrived

New Bedframe/Box Springs Combo Arrived

June 4th, 2012 at 11:19 pm

It came just in the nick of time, too. It was quick and easy to set up, only took ten minutes, but DH leaves for the airport in a few hours and will be gone for two weeks.

We won't do business with Wayfair again. When we ordered this bed frame we paid for next day air. It shipped on the 31st and arrived today. The put it in a ground shipment despite us having paid for next day air so it would get here before DH left. When we called them when it didn't arrive next day air they refunded the money for shipping (shipping is totally free now), but of course there was nothing they could do, since it was already on a truck "somewhere."

When we ordered it, it said it would be coming from a warehouse in Bremerton. Instead it came from Sacramento, so there was no chance of it getting here before today even though it arrived in Burlington on Friday. We tried to see if we could pick it up on Saturday when we were in Burlington, but no, because it had been shipped ground we could not. Ground was closed on Saturdays. If it had been shipped air like it was supposed to, we could have. But if it had been shipped air like it was supposed to it would have been here Thursday or Friday and we wouldn't have been wanting to go pick it up at the warehouse.

Still, it's arrived and we've set it up, but we are not 100% sure it's even the one we ordered. The photograph looks different and although the paperwork says the correct name, it does not match the name on the box. Still, it's heavy duty and seems to be working for what we need. DH is going to double check with them when he gets a minute, which may not be for a couple of days.

I am glad they at least refunded the shipping, but I am annoyed that I almost did not get my bed set up before DH had to leave. I guess so far they have handled it well enough, but I don't consider it good customer service if they screw it up so badly in the first place even if they are nice about fixing it. It would have been good value for the money if they'd just done it right in the first place.

At least the product works. I can already feel a huge difference in how the mattress is supported. No more buffalo wallow!

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