Home > Coin Jar Update and Freezer Fund Update

Coin Jar Update and Freezer Fund Update

June 3rd, 2012 at 10:43 pm

I added $1.61 in change to the coin jar today. I also added the leftover beef money to the freezer fund so that is now at $130.56.

And because these sort of posts are boring here are some photos I took yesterday:

Here are some of the chickens at the ranch we went to yesterday.

They have huge penned areas to roam in. And you can't see it, but they aren't just in the dirt section, but they have an opening to go back to that grassy part in the back of the photo, too. This was one of several large enclousures that the chickens rotate through and then they have portable hen houses that they hook to the tractor and pull to the new pasture when the time comes.

Here are the cattle in one of their pastures. I had to really zoom in so that clarity isn't as good as it should be, but you can see how they are in grass that is at least half as tall as they are.

And this is the organic grain mill which was really easy to track down. I thought their sign was very pretty, but it was high up so I didn't get it centered in the shot. This was the better of the two, though.

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