Just a bit more in the financial housekeeping arena. I cleaned out my purse and found $2.35 in change so that went into the coin jar.
I distributed weekly allowances to the kids, $12 and $7, and I put DH's monthly allowance into his envelope, $100. I ordered what I am spending my allowance on this month, Doctor Who stuff. I am being a fangirl nerd again, but I can't help it. I had the opportunity to get the Ninth Doctor's Complete Collected Comics, which are a collector's itme now, so I grabbed it up and I also got the first collection of the Tenth Doctor's Comics, which are not a collector's item, but I wanted everything with Rose in it, so it's been on the list for a while.
Found a penny yesterday in the tae kwon do parking lot. I forgot to mention it.
I spent some time doing research and I found that my county has not one but two dairies that bottle in glass. Dairy #1 has Jersey cows and practices sustainable farming, but is not certified organic. However they don't put the additives in their milk and they don't homogenize. They don't use GMO anything, they don't use growth hormones, and they only use antibiotics on the cows when they get sick. That milk is thrown away and all milk is tested for antibiotics in case some slips through. There milk is available at the store six blocks from my house, but I didn't know anything about it before now.
Dairy #2 is certified organic and sustainable and has Holstein cows. It carries its products in stores that are less convenient to me than Dairy #1, but not terribly hard to get to. One place is near where my son has tae kwon do. The other is near where I pick up my prescriptions and a block from the athletic club. A third is two blocks from my daughter's high school.
Dairy #1's bottles are returnable to the grocery store. I do not know if Dairy #2's bottles or returnable or just recycleable. I will ask. I am going to try both kinds of milk and see which one I have a taste preference for. I know that Dairy #1's milk is cheaper than Organic Valley milk, but more expensive than ordinary milk. I don't know about the price of Dairy #2's milk. But at least this gives me a jumping off place.
And A Couple More Things
May 19th, 2012 at 05:51 am