Home > I am Frustrated

I am Frustrated

May 5th, 2012 at 12:24 am

DH managed to break his tooth because he wouldn't stop eating hard candies. He doesn't suck on them, he chews them which you are really not supposed to do for the sake of your teeth and it's not like he hasn't been warned to knock it off. For years. Not only did he chip the tooth he broke the crown off. So now $1500 worth of work has to be done to fix it and I am very irritated because I was supposed to be next in line to get my teeth fixed and now I have to wait. I have some cracks in two of my six-year molars, just general wear and tear, but they have to be fixed before the cracks get down to the gumline or we'll be talking root canal, etc. And they hurt when I chew anything tougher than chicken, fish, or hamburger. I am trying not to be resentful about this, but I am afraid it is not working. Especially since it means post-poning paying off the last credit card. Which frustrates me even more. Our dental insurance sucks.

3 Responses to “I am Frustrated”

  1. rob62521 Says:


  2. Big saver! Says:

    I would be super ticked off too!

  3. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    Is it time to put yourself ahead of the DH? I am always balancing this one. Arggggh!

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