Home > Pantry Quest Day 6

Pantry Quest Day 6

March 1st, 2012 at 05:31 pm

I forgot to blog about this yesterday as DH came home and we were running around a lot. DS had a doctor's appointment in the middle of the school day and another appointment after school so it was just hectic.

But we had chicken from the freezer, green beans from the pantry, and some fresh corn from Florida that was on a really good sale when I bought produce.

There is leftover chicken so I think lunch is going to be quesadillas today (or after school snack for the kids). I have tortillas in the fridge and plenty of cheese and it's such a fast, go to option.

Dinner tonight I'll have to think about a bit, but I am definitely saving money by doing this. I did finally remember to buy peanut butter and brown sugar when I got milk yesterday so now we should be good for a while.

1 Responses to “Pantry Quest Day 6”

  1. Miz Pat Says:

    I like your pantry quest. During lent, I'm trying to go meatless and also to live off stuff in the freezer and pantry. So far I'm reducing spending and living a bit more simply. I keep trying to stretch stuff and see how long I can make it last.

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