Home > Roof Moss Removal?

Roof Moss Removal?

September 4th, 2011 at 09:53 am

We have a lot of moss on our roof this year from a very wet winter and a cool summer with lots of rain. Does anyone know of a nontoxic or less toxic way of getting rid of it than what the stores generally sell? I seem to remember reading many years ago about some kind of detergent you would scatter on the roof and then a few weeks later spray it off and the moss would be dead, but I don't remember where I saw it or what kind of detergent. It might have even been vinegar.

If I have to use a toxic method does anyone recommend anything? Preferably not too expensive. I really only want to have to do this once.

2 Responses to “Roof Moss Removal?”

  1. Looking Forward Says:

    Can you use a powerwasher?

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Well, we could but sometimes a power washer will loosen shingles and cause damage, especially in the hands of a non-pro. We have a pretty good roof (12 years into a 30 year warranty) on there and I don't want to mess it up.

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