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Figuring Out the Budget, Planning for Back to School

August 16th, 2011 at 10:37 pm

So I sat down and ran the numbers. Out of the next paycheck I will need to set aside $1574.77 for September 1 through September 15th's bills (those are the two weeks of the cycle when no paycheck comes in). I will need $722 to cover water/sewer, groceries, a family trip to the local fair, DH's allowance, DH's birthday presents, and my allowance. That is $2296.77 altogether.

Depending on whether or not they take medical out of this week's paycheck or not that will leave between $1300 and $1700 to send to credit card debt. It might be higher because of the raise, but I'm not sure how much. We will also have the two day paycheck on the 26th. I will set aside $200 of it for groceries and some will go for school clothes and school supplies. $120 will go to the Emergency Fund so I will hit my goal. If there is anything left I will put it into temporary savings and then when we get paid on 9/16 I will then use that amount to send to debt repayment. I will need $35 for DD ASB card and $40 for yearbook ($60 if you wait until June). DS might have an ASB card this year as well since he starts middle school.

I am not sure how much we will spend on school clothes. My son needs all new pants as he has grown so much since we bought pants in September that there is about four inches of ankle showing. So he needs at least three pairs of pants and maybe 2 pairs of sweats. He needs two new sweatshirts. He needs at least two short sleeved shirts and 3 long sleeved ones. He has a few good tops that he has not outgrown because we got some extra long. He is set on underwear and socks, but he needs tennis shoes. Possibly two pairs if they have to have separate ones for PE. His boots still fit but may not by winter. His jacket still fits.

DD needs two pairs of jeans, three shirts, and a couple of sweatshirts. Her boots still fit, but she needs a new pair of tennis shoes and a pair of dress shoes. She would like a skirt, but her taste doesn't run to the little bitty skirts they have in the stores, so we may or may not find one. Her coat still fits fine. She is set for undergarments and socks.

I still need a new pair of casual/dress shoes, but I don't think that will cost more than $20 to $30. I am going to need a new winter coat, preferrably one that goes past my hips, but that can wait until closer to winter and won't come out of this month's pay.

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